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House of Commons
Session 2003-04
Publications on the internet
Work and Pensions Committee Publications

Work and Pensions - Second Report

Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 31 March 2004.


Terms of Reference


Report highlights

1 The Inquiry

2 Our approach

3 Background

4 The definition and measurement of child poverty

5 The impact of poverty upon children

6 Household finances: debts and the Social Fund

7 The Government's anti-poverty strategy

8 The Government's employment strategy

9 Childcare and life chances

10 Future support for children

11 Area-based child poverty

12 Mainstreaming child poverty

13 Conclusion

Conclusions and recommendations

Formal Minutes


Annex 1

Annex 2

Annex 3

Annex 4 Note of Committee Visit to Belfast - 21-22 January 2004


Wednesday 19 November 2003
Wednesday 10 December 2003
Wednesday 17 December 2003
Wednesday 14 January 2004
Wednesday 28 January 2004
Wednesday 4 February 2004
Wednesday 11 February 2004
Wednesday 25 February 2004


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Prepared 23 April 2004