% children living in workless households
| 17.9
| 17.9
| 17.3
| 15.6
| 15.2
| 15.8
| 15.2
% children living in households with income below 60% of the contemporary median before housing costs
| 26
| 25
| 24 (1998/99) | 23
| 21
| 21
| |
% children living in households with income below 60% of the median after housing costs
| 34
| 33
| 33 (1998/99) | 32
| 31
| 30
| |
% children living in households with income below 60% of the 1996/97 median held constant in real terms before housing costs
| 26
| 24
| 22 (1998/99) | 19
| 16
| 12
| |
% children living in households with income below 60% of the 1996/97 median held constant in real terms after housing costs.
| 34
| 32
| 31 (1998/99) | 28
| 24
| 20
| |
% of children experiencing persistent low income - below 60% median household income in at least 3 out of 4 years
| 20
| 16
| 16
| 16
| 17
| |
% children experiencing persistent low income - below 70% median household income - in at least 3 out of 4 years
| 30
| 26
| 26
| 26
| 26
| 25
| |
% of 7-year-old children in Sure Start areas achieving Key Stage 1 Reading/ writing/maths tests
| | | |
| 75/77/85
| 76/78/86
| 76/78/86
% of those aged 11 achieving level 4 or above in Key Stage 2 tests for literacy
| 63
| 65
| 71
| 75
| 75
| 75
| 75
% of those aged 11 achieving level 4 or above in Key Stage 2 tests for numeracy
| 62
| 59
| 69
| 72
| 71
| 73
| 73
% of 16-year-olds with at least one GCSE A*-C
| 44.5
| 45.1
| 46.3
| 47.9
| 49.2
| 50.0
| 51.6
% of 19-year-olds with at least a level 2 qualification or equivalent
| 79.7
| 72.3
| 73.9
| 74.9
| 75.3
| 74.8
| 74.8
% attendances in schools (England)
| 92.4
| 92.8
| 92.7
| 92.9
| 93.2
| 92.7
| 93.0
% of children who live in a home which falls below the set standard of decency
| 43
| | | |
| 30
| |
Admission rates (per 1,000) to hospital as a result of an unintentional injury resulting in a stay of longer than 3 days for children aged under 16
| 1.22 (1996/97) | 1.14
| 1.03
| 1.04
| 0.94
| 0.95
| |
% of 16-18-year-olds in learning
| 76.3
| 74.9
| 74.8
| 75.4
| 75.4
| 75.5
| |
% of young people leaving care with one of more GCSE (grade A*-) or a vocational qualification
| | | | 7.3
| | 7.5
| |
Under 18 conception rates per 1,000 aged 15-17
| 45.9
| 45.8
| 47.0
| 45.3
| 43.8
| 42.3
| 42.6
% of teenage parents who are not in education, employment or training
| 84.2
| 72.9
| 73.6
| 68.9
| 70.3
| 66.5
| 73.3
% re-registered on the child protection register
| | 19
| 15
| 14
| 14
| | |
Ration of infant mortality rates per 1000 live births in England and Wales of routine and manual groups/all
| |
Smoking rates
During pregnancy
Among children 11-15
| 19
Source: DWP (2003)[
| McClements scale before housing costs
| Modified OECD scale |
First adult | 0.61 | 0.67
Second adult | 0.39 | 0.33
Each dependant child aged 0-1 | 0.09
| 0.20 |
Each dependant child aged 2-4 | 0.18
| 0.20 |
Each dependant child aged 5-7 | 0.21
| 0.20 |
Each dependant child aged 8-10 | 0.23
| 0.20 |
Each dependant child aged 11-12 | 0.25
| 0.20 |
Each dependant child aged 13-15 | 0.27
| 0.20 |
Each dependant child aged 14-15 | 0.27
| 0.33 |
Each dependant child aged 16 or over | 0.36
| 0.33 |