Annex 3
Notes of the Visit to France and Denmark
Monday 1 December
Ambassador's briefing
The current economic situation was "flat"
with a gloomy angst-ridden atmosphere leading to doubt about the
future. There was a general unemployment rate of 9 - 11% with
youth unemployment as high as 23%. There was resistance to change,
but reform of pension system was under way with the aim of reducing
The Government was unpopular following a summer heatwave
which had resulted in 15,000 deaths. The socialist Party was
still recovering from electoral defeat and it was thought that
extremist parties might gain in the forthcoming regional elections.
President Chirac, as an international figure, remained aloof
from domestic politics. Ethnic minority people totalled some
On foreign policy the Iraq war had been unpopular
in France. There had been problems with compliance with EU rules.
The Anglo/French relationship had survived well in spite of differences
over the Iraq war. Chirac would probably refuse a referendum
on the new EU constitution.
(Frances Hooper) There had been an increase in social
exclusion. France aimed at a holistic approach to tackle poverty
using measures to help with housing problems, finding work, health,
holidays, a guaranteed minimum wage and improved education. Child
Poverty was tackled via general anti-poverty strategy, but first
steps were being taken in measurement. There was encouragement
to increase the birth rate.
Childcare responsibility is split between National
and local government. Central Government responsibilities were
shared between Ministries for Social Affairs; Social Exclusion;
Family; and Disabled.
Expenditure on Childcare for 0-3 year olds was 1bn
or 800 per child pa on a sliding scale. 50m was being
spent to increase the status of childminders. A Social Inclusion
Act had extended the coverage of healthcare to everyone. Education
policies were aimed at fighting illiteracy and social exclusion.
There was greater emphasis on encouraging return to work, a minimum
hourly wage of 7 and a 35 hour working week. Similar problems
were experienced with the French equivalent of Incapacity Benefit:
few disabled people work.
Representatives from the National Institute of
Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE); Council for Employment,
Income and Social Cohesion (CERC); and Institute for Social and
Economic Research (IRES)
Extracts from Slide Presentation
Median monthly disposable income per equivalent adult
is 1100 euros.
| | Poverty Rate
Poverty Threshold 60% | 2 Million Children
| 15.7% |
Poverty Threshold 50% | 1 Million Children
| 7.8% |
Poverty Threshold 40% | 400 000 Children
| 2.2% |
Year 1999
Poverty risk is higher for children than for the
whole population
| Threshold 50% | Threshold 60%
Children | 7.8 | 15.7
All | 6.5 | 12.6
Excluding > 65 years | 7.1
| 13.1 |
Source: Insee-Enquête revenues fiscaux
Child poverty is higher in lone parent families and
in two parent families with 4 children or more
Threshold 50% |
Lone Parent Families | 1 Child
| 2 Parents 2 Children | Families with 3 Children
| 4 Children or more |
Structure | 23
| 10 | 24 | 16
| 27 |
Poverty Rate | 14,3 |
4,8 | 4,8 | 5,4 |
17,3 |
Threshold 60% | |
| | |
Structure | 24
| 8 | 23 | 19
| 25 |
Poverty Rate | 29,9 |
8,5 | 9,4 | 12,4 |
32,9 |
In two parents families with 1 to3 children the poverty
rate is lower than in the whole population
Poverty rate
Threshold 50%
| all | European Union citizens
| Non E.U citizens |
all | 7,8 | 6,3
| 25,9 |
Number of children less than 18
One child | 6,8 | 5,9
| 25,8 |
Two children | 6,4 | 5,4
| 25,4 |
Three children | 7,8 | 6,2
| 21,3 |
Four or more children | 17,1
| 12,7 | 31,2 |
Family Type and employment
Lone parent with a job | 7,2
| 6,4 | 23,4 |
Unemployed lone parent | 27,8
| 26,7 | 36,5 |
Couple, two jobs | 1,9 |
1,8 | 7,8 |
Couple, one job | 8,3 | 6,7
| 20,3 |
Couple, no job | 44,1 | 41,2
| 50,2 |
Qualification/Diploma |
Without any diploma | 16,7 |
13,8 | 28,6 |
BEPC, CAP, BEP | 5,4 | 5,1
| 17,6 |
Bac (A-level) | 4,9 | 3,8
| 25,0 |
Bac + 2 and more | 2,2 |
1,7 | 17,1 |
In France, child poverty results mainly from the
underemployment in families with children
· Underemployment
is for all households the main source of poverty
· For families
with children there is an additional problem: child care
· For lone parent
families childcare explains the higher risk of poverty
· For families
with 4 or more children, some other factors contribute also to
the high risk of poverty: low qualifications are more frequent,
and/or this type of family is more often immigrants from non European
Union Countries.
Policy Issues
· Unlike
the UK, there is no explicit strategy to reduce child poverty
(see for example the French NAPincl) and there is no special unit
dealing with this problem.
· Measuring child
poverty and studying its consequence on future outcomes is at
the beginning.
· Lack of longitudinal
· When policies
are decentralised to local authorities, little information is
available on implementation.
· Assessing social
policies is less developed in France than in the UK, especially
in this field.
A report on child poverty in France is to be published
in February 2004. As part of their work they are very interested
in the UK fight against child poverty. On European comparisons
it was pointed out that although countries may measure poverty
differently, the UK has the highest child poverty rate in the
EU, whether measured using Eurostat figures or on UK statistics.
One of the points that France and the UK share is that they both
have a higher child poverty rate than the general poverty rate,
whereas countries such as Denmark have lower child poverty rates
than an already low general poverty rate. The poverty measure
of below 60% of median income is useful although when looking
at international comparisons it is important to explore and compare
other measures of poverty.
In France, the child benefit package is based on
universal support with a young child's allowance and a single
parents' allowance payable until the child is 3 years old. Means-tested
elements of the child benefit package tend to be related to low-income
or for large families. 600,000 children are living in families
claiming RMI (the Income Support equivalent) and 270,000 children
are in families claiming lone parent benefits. This is roughly
equivalent to the figure of 1 million children in France living
in poverty (as defined using the below 50% median income measure).
A further 700,000 children live just above the poverty threshold.
When RMI was first introduced it was set at a level designed to
be far enough away from the National Minimum Wage level to encourage
claimants to move into paid work.
France does not have a tradition of measuring poverty
levels as the UK does and there is no public discussion or consensus
on poverty measurement. The first time any attempt was made to
measure poverty was in 1990. France does not have an official
poverty line.
It is not known whether there is a problem in France,
as in the UK, with non take-up of means-tested benefits. Also,
the French Government does not commission evaluation programmes
of specific policies, as often happens in the UK.
Since the 1990s, poverty in France has become more
connected with employment and low wages. It is claimed that social
security provision has narrowed in recent years and benefit levels
have decreased. Currently only half of those who are unemployed
receive unemployment benefits.
Deputy Mayor of Paris
Poverty was a pan-European problem and was difficult
to measure. Some 10-15% of French households were poor; the unemployed
were poorly paid. Poverty was aggravated by housing problems.
Wages were some 30% higher in Paris, but there pockets of poverty,
especially in the NE of the city. For example in the St Denis
area 25% of families lived in poverty. One third of poor children
lived in single-parent households. 75-80% of women in Paris worked
but were typically less well-paid and in insecure jobs. There
were 50,000 to 80,000 who were very poor and homeless in France
of whom some 30,000 were in the Paris region. 100,000 people
were seeking homes in the region while only 3,500 apartments were
being built each year. There were 1,500 evictions per year in
Paris and a Housing Solidarity Fund had been set up, spending
some 20m pa to assist family solvency. Unemployment was
11% with a higher percentage amongst those aged over 50. 50,000
people Parisians benefit from the RMI (minimum income guarantee).
Universal healthcare was now provided, medical healthcare
for foreigners. Lead related illness was prevalent and there
were plans to demolish badly affected buildings in order to protect
young children. Since the Sangatte Centre had closed more asylum
seekers had arrived in the Paris region. Increasing numbers of
children arrive, without parents, from East Europe, Africa, India
and China.
Paris regional and local authorities provided 130m
pa in addition to state benefits. Housing Allowance totalled
20m pa; single parent assistance 5m; childcare 12m
(aimed at creating crèches and daycare centres); support
for meeting public utility costs; assistance for holidays. There
were 340,000 children in Paris of whom 10,000 live in difficult
conditions. The local authority had 64 teams assisting children,
including 290 specialist leaders. There were 29 Social Centres
aimed at increasing literacy skills. 60 Associations who help
were supported financially and some children were funded at boarding
Special Centres including lodging are provided for
homeless 16-25 year olds. The Housing policy was aimed at keeping
young people in Paris. There was assistance with housing costs,
but no system to monitor or control landlords. Attempts were
being made to increase supply of council housing, intermediate
housing. It was thought that there was not much fraud. Universal
housing assistance had been proposed, but not yet implemented.
Housing costs were typically 25-33% of family budgets
OECD researchers are now working on 2000 data to
provide more up-to-date findings on poverty. A key issue being
addressed is poverty in families with working adults. The UK has
a high incidence of non-work which has a detrimental effect on
child poverty rates. The high proportion of lone parent households
also affects the child poverty rate in the UK. When compared to
other countries, the UK does have a high rate of persistent poverty.
International comparisons of child poverty rates
are useful, although the figures might not be as reliable as national
figures of poverty.
Minimum Income Standards (MIS) are set in some countries,
eg, Switzerland, Australia and Canada. Minimum Income Standards
can result in a higher poverty line and reflect society's expectations.
The US is probably the most prominent OECD country using a MIS,
which now is equivalent to 25% of median income. The average income
level which is arrived at using MIS is around 70% of average income.
People living in poverty tend to define the poverty line lower
than the average person on the street.
Countries that spend more on poverty tend to spend
more on employment. In the UK, the additional spending on education
and Sure Start is a positive move. It was claimed that a move
away from what social policy does for people who are out of work
is needed and more needs to be done to help those who are in work.
CNAF were responsible for paying social protection
benefits and were administered by a Board of Directors composed
of Trade Unions and Employers' Associations. Benefits were divided
amongst four categories: Retirement; Healthcare; Accidents; and
Families. 50m pa was paid to families; there was a total
of 2bn tax exemption for children, 65bn for family
provision - some 5% of GDP. France and Ireland were top of the
fertility rates in the EU. Families with 2 children received 110
per month and 150 for each additional child.
RMI was paid to 1m people (2m including dependents)
who were over 25years and without income. Single-parent families
comprised 20% of all families. There was a benefit for isolated
parents of 600 per month which was not means tested. Child
poverty was not considered a social problem until the mid 1990s.
A major conference had been held 2years ago. The trend is towards
means-testing of benefits. There were 1m poor children in families
at 50% of median income; 1.6m at 60%. The poverty rate in France
was 6.5%; child poverty rate was 8%. There is local discretion
of 5% in payment benefits. Larger families receive greater tax
exemption; half of households do not pay income tax.
4bn pa was spent on individual childcare (eg
nannies); 1bn on crèches (covering 10% of children).
50% of children stay at home. It is known that some paid 'nannies'
are grandparents.
The benefits cost 3% to administer by CNAF. Simplification
of benefits was a goal but the trend was to more complexity.
Ministry of Social Affairs
Policy tends not to be focused on child poverty,
but on family poverty. A key focus is on enabling women to move
into paid work. Family policy focuses on the cost of the arrival
of children in the family and on reconciling work and family life.
Some benefits are means-tested but the universality of family
allowances is important, rather than targetting. In 1997/8, the
Government attempted to introduce means-testing of family allowances
but there was strong opposition to this move and the attempt was
Childcare is also central to family policy in France.
A recent innovation is the introduction of a generous allowance
for childcare, partially means-tested, enabling parents to choose
the type of childcare they require. Another development is help
with parenting through a network of organisations which support
parents and children through providing services such as mediation,
helping children with homework and child protection services.
There are 3.7 million poor people in France, with
a poverty rate of 6.7% for adults and 7.8% for children (using
the below 50% median income measure). The families who are most
supported are those with more children or those at the bottom
end of the income scale. The poverty rate increases with children's
age as benefits for older children are not as generous as those
for younger children. Families experience particular difficulties
when children move into higher education or when trying to move
into paid work. 38% of students in higher education receive a
grant and there is a trend towards extending the financial support
period for students. Poverty is also linked to immigration due
to their higher rate of large families. There are marked differences
in access to health services and education for poor children living
in deprived areas.
There is no French equivalent to the Social Fund,
yet the Municipalities can provide grants for things such as food
aid, paying utility bills etc.
Tuesday 2 December
Ministry of Social Affairs
There was a national plan to combat poverty and exclusion
using a holistic global approach based on a 1988 law, which was
being increasingly implemented in order to meet a shared EU target
to eradicate poverty. Family policies were aimed at most vulnerable
children in large and single-parent families.
There were currently 90,000 asylum seekers. The
number had rocketed in recent times (e.g. from 600 applicants
in December 2002 to 6,000 a year later). The 3,000 child unaccompanied
asylum seekers in Paris placed an added burden on child protection
The assisted holidays scheme was provided as part
of the employment benefit and is aimed at maintaining family cohesion.
900,000 children benefit each year. Two additional laws are
being drafted to enhance local authority power, although many
policies (e.g. social exclusion) will remain a responsibility
of central government.
Extracts of handouts from the session
Children in situation of poverty: between one
and two million children in France
Presentation of some statistical results
- From a statistical point of
view, poverty is generally apprehended in its financial dimension:
are poor, the families having income per consumption unit lower
or equal to a fraction of the median income defined as the "poverty
line" in the country. In France, this fraction is equal
to 50%. The European comparisons in general, are made with a
fraction equal to 60%, which determine poverty in a less restrictive
way. In all cases, the "poverty line" is thus a relative
- One can also approach and define poverty in terms
of living conditions. Poverty is then defined by a number of
lacks compared to a material well-being largely expanded in the
population. It is then the accumulation of lacks which is significant
(cf infra the situation on France).
- Other approaches may also be used very efficiently
using Education or Health indicators.
- Data over several years (OECD) suggests that
poverty is, in fact, more common than suggested by point-in-time
A - Children's monetary poverty in France
- In 1999, a million children
aged under 18 lived in poor families. i.e. families having less
than 552 per month (euros of 1999) of resources per consumption
unit. This threshold of 552 corresponds conventionally
to 50% of the median income of French households. The rate of
relative monetary poverty of children was then 8%.
- Half of "poor" children live with parents
who are unemployed (17% of children with a single relative without
employment, and 33% with the two parents without employment).
Unemployment is thus obviously a factor that is very discriminating
for poverty, but it should be announced that 12% of "poor"
children belong to families where two parents have employment!
- The children of single-parent families or large
families are more likely to be poor. The child which cohabits
with only one relative has, practically, a double risk to be poor
than those who live with two parents, whatever the size of the
Rate of poverty of children according to the size
of the family and the family situation (in%)
Nombre de frères et surs de moins de 25 ans
| Couple | Famille monoparentale
Enfant unique | 5,5 | 10,8
1 frère ou sur | 4,8
| 14,0 |
2 frères ou sur | 6,0
| 16,4 |
3 frères ou surs | 12,0
| 20,6 |
4 frère ou surs et plus | 27,3
| 35,0 |
Champ: enfants de moins de 18 ans vivant dans in ménage
ordinaire don't la personne de reference n'est pas étudiante.
- Source: enquêtes revenues fiscaux 1998, Insee-DGI
- In addition, poverty grows
with the number of brothers and sisters; The increase is particularly
high starting from four children; the rate of poverty is then
27% for a couple and 35% for a single-parent family
- In France, the social security benefits strongly
contribute to reduce poverty; especially for the youngest children;
The maternity and family allowances, and the allowance
of assistances to housing are the transfers which reduce the more
the proportion of children whose income is lower that the poverty
line. Owing to the fact that the family allowances are targeted
on the young childrem and that older children more often have
parents who are owners, the services have definitely more marked
effects for the young children.
B - Another approach: living conditions
- On the basis of "lack"
observed in a list of 21 items part of the consumption or equipment
of the household (for example: hot water in the house?, car disposal?;
the household can buy new clothing (and not second hand clothing);
it eats meat every two days; it can leave on holiday for one week
per annum; it does not frequently delay payments, etc.) INSEE
can define, always conventionally, as "the poor in living
conditions", 10% of households which have the highest score
of "lacks". Children belonging to these households
are then 1,4 million, which is 10,5% of all children.
Distribution of the score of deprivations and
average score according to the type of households to which the
children belong (in %)
| Niveau enfants
| Ensemble
| Couples 1 ou 2 enfants
| Couples 3 enfants et plus
| Parents isolés
| 38,4
| 47,8
| 32,0
| 15,8
| 20,6
| 22,4
| 19,8
| 14,7
| 12,5
| 11,5
| 13,9
| 13,1
| 8,1
| 6,2
| 9,9
| 11,3
| 5,4
| 3,7
| 6,5
| 10,2
| 4,3
| 2,6
| 5,5
| 9,7
6 et +
| 10,5
| 5,7
| 12,4
| 26,1
| 1000,0
| 100,0
| 100,0
| 100,0
Score moyen
| 1,9
| 1,3
| 2,2
| 3,7
Champ: enfants de moins de 18 ans vivant dans un ménage
ordinaire dont la personne de reference n'est pas étudiante.
Source: partie fixe « Santé, logement, endettement
des ménages » des enquêtes permanents sur les
conditions de vie des ménages de mai 1999 à mai
2001, Insee.
- The two forms of poverty overlap
only partially. Only because the level of material well-being
does not depend solely on the current standard of living, but
also of the former standard of living. However, a strong correlation
is observed: more than half of poor children (living conditions)
live in households on low standards of living.
Complement to the note "Children in situation
of poverty"
The global cost of the social protection in Europe
(extract from "statistics in focus" no 3/2003 The Social
protection in Europe)
- Since 1993, social protection
expenditure is decreasing in percentage of GDP. In 2000, it dropped
back in real terms and amounted to 27.3% of GDP, down by more
than a percentage point compared with 1993. The drop is fairly
general and is the result partly of renewed growth in GDP but
also of slower growth in social protection in correction with
the reduction in unemployment benefits. The rate is lower in
UK (26.8%) than in France (29.7%) but the fall between 1993 and
2000 is higher in UK (2.2 point) than in France (1.0 point).
- But social protection expenditure per head of
population increased in real terms in eu 15 by about 1.7% per
year over the period 1995-2000 (1995 = 100) =108.7). The increase
is higher in the UK (index 113.8) than in France (index : 107.0).
The Conseil Économique et Social (Economic
and Social Council) advises the French parliament on all social,
economic and cultural issues and has considerable influence. The
CES has 231 Members, consisting of trades unions, employers, non-governmental
organisations and charities and 40 experts appointed by Government.
When referring to poverty, definitions are very important.
For example, the concept of absolute poverty may be suitable for
developing countries but not necessarily for OECD countries. When
referring to relative poverty, France tends to use the households
below 50% median income, rather than the below 60% median used
by the EU. Consequently caution needs to be exercised when making
comparisons. French academics often refer to consumption units
rather than households to take account of the incidence of large
families. Instead of focusing on a purely monetary approach it
is better to focus on living standards.
Using the below 50% median income poverty measure,
there are 1 million poor children in France and using the below
60% there are 1.7 million. The poverty line is also defined as
consumption units living on less than 552 per month. Half
of all poor children live in workless families and 12% live in
dual earner households. Child poverty in one parent families is
twice as high as in two parent families. The impact of social
transfer policies is quite high with an average 8% poverty rate
after social transfers compared with 25% pre-transfer. Measuring
poverty using a consensual measure, with a list of 21 items necessary
to maintain a decent standard of living, 21% of families with
children lack at least one item (see Annex 2).
A brief summary of a research project entitled, 'Valuing
Parents, Valuing Children' was given.
Enfants du Monde
Enfants du Monde is a voluntary project which has
been running for three years, working with street children. The
existing centre opened in 2002 and has beds for 8 children and
a daytime capacity to care for up to 30 children. Most of the
children using the centre have been trafficked from other countries,
or their parents in their home country have paid substantial amounts
to have them smuggled into France. The children aim to get French
citizenship and they want to work so that they are able to send
money back to their families. If the children are not granted
citizenship, most of them remain in the country as illegal immigrants.
From 2004, the immigration rules are being tightened so that children
will have to have been in France for more than five years before
they can be granted citizenship. As well as working with children
in Paris, Enfants du Monde also works within the countries from
which the children come, to provide support for them to remain
in their own country rather than illegally entering France.
Wednesday 3 December
Ambassador's briefing
Denmark was a proud nation, who had conquered large
parts of the world (including UK where the Vikings had landed
on Lindisfarne Island in 783AD). It was a small country with
a population of some 5m, which had a tradition of commonality
and of coalition politics involving a great deal of pre-legislative
Denmark was a constitutional monarchy. Queen Margarethe
was well regarded and received formal respect, but had no real
political power. The Parliament had 160 Members, elected by proportional
representation for a 4 year term. The Government was by a coalition
of centre-right, social democratic parties with the newly emerged
Peoples party. Prime Minister Rasmussen was a popular and effective
leader, if a little vain. The political scene was relatively
quiet. Denmark was a member of NATO and close to UK on most foreign
policy issues. It supported the EU but was suspicious of Brussels.
Major issues required a referendum and Denmark is expected to
be more involved in the EU after the 2005 election. Troops and
ships had been sent to Iraq war and were still supporting US and
UK troops there.
There is a strong work ethic and Denmark is a firm
ally of the UK. The main ethnic minorities are Turkish, Kurds
and Somalis. There had been recent legislation against arranged
marriages. Poverty in Denmark is relative: some 30,000 live
in poverty. Direct taxation is about 35%, VAT is 25% and local
tax is 20%
National Institute of Social Research
Mohammad Azhar Hussain
Researchers at NISR have recently completed a poverty
research project on behalf of Save the Children Denmark. There
are three poverty measures used in Denmark:
- social assistance poverty
- where poverty is defined as families receiving social assistance
- with a current child poverty rate of 11.5%;
- implicit poverty -
poverty defined as those with a disposable income less than the
amount a family on social assistance would be entitled to - with
a current child poverty rate of 5-8%; and
- relative poverty -
the below 50% median income measure - a current child poverty
rate of 3.5%
The Scandinavian countries are often referred to
as the "5% club" as they all have a child poverty rate
of less than 5%. If using the below 60% median income measure,
the child poverty rate is 7.6% (85,000 children).
The risk of child poverty is higher for younger children
than older children. The risk of poverty for children aged under
3 years is around double that of older children - but this is
before childcare is factored in. In Denmark the child allowance
is quite low therefore it does not counter the poverty rate for
young children, although more is paid to younger children.
Immigrant children have six times the poverty rate
of those born in Denmark (a child poverty rate of 18.5% for immigrant
children compared with 2.6% for Danish children). In Denmark,
asylum seekers do not receive social assistance but do receive
a basic allowance plus food and shelter. Social assistance is
for legal immigrants only.
7.8% of the Danish population are from an ethnic
Area-based (relative) child poverty in Denmark varies
between 5.6% and - 9.6% Copenhagen has a rate of 5.8%. Using the
social assistance measure, Copenhagen has the third highest child
poverty rate (24.4%) due to the immigrant population. Poverty
also tends to be worse in rural areas. Other explanatory factors
for high child poverty rates are inequality in incomes and the
closure of large employers.
Hans Hansen
Three-quarters of children aged 3-6 years go into
childcare facilities, compared with half of children in the UK.
Childcare is heavily subsidised by the state with higher subsidies
for young children and babies. Parents pay a share of the costs.
If parents have a very low income, then no contribution to childcare
costs is made. There have been experiments at enabling mothers
to stay at home to look after their own children rather than go
to work and put children in childcare. There are basic inspections
for those who wish to stay at home and become childminders, although
this is not a very popular choice for mothers. In Denmark, it
is believed that childcare is essential to enable both parents
to work.
Net replacement rates are quite generous.
Tax rates in Denmark can vary between 41.7% to 53.3%
of income. People in Denmark pay tax when income is low and all
replacement incomes are taxable. The higher tax band falls relatively
early in the income distribution. There is virtually no in-work
poverty in Denmark.
Benefit take-up is not an issue which is discussed
or researched in Denmark, yet it is likely that there are substantial
numbers of eligible people who do not, for example, claim Housing
Benefit due to the complexity of the rules. Benefits offices are
not always helpful in informing people of their entitlement, but
this issue is not discussed.
Ministry of Social Affairs
Mr Kristensen
Extract of slides
Mr Kristensen, Ministry of Social Affairs
Child and family policies in Denmark
- The children are primarily
the responsibility of the parents
- The public sector creates the social framework
and provides guidance and support for the families on the principle
that anyone in need should have the right to assistance
- High employment rate and progressive income tax
- Free school and health care and reduced prices
(reasonable) for child care
- Income transfers to low income families - especially
single parents
- The municipalities implement the various schemes
- This leads to relatively few poor children in
Denmark - 3-8% with the most commonly used definitions.
Measurement of poverty
- Distinction between absolute
and relative poverty
- Risk from having and official absolute poverty
- Three definitions of poverty from the National
Institute of Social Research
- Receiving
social assistance in a spell during a year
- Implicit poverty line defined by
the legislation
- Disposable income below 50% of medium
- Overrepresentation of single
parents and immigrants
Child allowances to single parents
Private child maintenance at least annually
11,640 DKK
Special child allowance to children who have lost
one parent annually 11,640 DKK
For each child annually
4,040 DKK
One for each family annually
4,108 DKK
Housing allowances
- Family with children below
23 years
- Rent subsidy = 60% rent - 18% income exceeding
111,900 DKK
- The income limit 111,900 DKK is increased by
29,400 for the second, third and fourth child
- Minimum own payment at least 18,800 DKK
- Maximum subsidy 41,295 DKK if at least 4 children
Negative intergenerational
- Definition
- Increased
risk that the children will "take over" the parents
social problems
- Problems to be addressed
besides low income
- violence
against children
- stimulation
- mentally ill parent or drug or alcohol
- education etc.
- The Government's Strategy
- "A good start for all children"
- Strengthening the responsibility
of the family
- Help
and support for families to take responsibilities themselves
- Competence development
- The
basis of enter into an education should be present professional
abilities and social competence
- Early action for the vulnerable
children and families
The Ministry is concerned about promoting a debate
on the introduction of a poverty line because of any possible
impact on the principle of universality. They also point out that
a poverty line based on social assistance is problematic because
the state does not set benefits at a level which would eradicate
poverty. A particular issue is the intergenerational transfer
of poverty, which is more problematic for those on a low income.
Early intervention takes the form of childcare places
which are available for children from the age of six months and
maternity leave of one year. There are 14 days of paid paternity
leave and parents can split their parental leave between them.
Denmark has a guaranteed child maintenance system.
The non-resident parent should pay the parent-with-care direct.
If they do not, the parent-with-care can claim the payment from
the Municipality who then reclaim it from the non-resident-parent.
150,000 children get their child support payment from the Municipality
(15% of child support cases).
Christina Barfoed-Høj
The Daycare system
Extract of slides
Number of children admitted per full-time staff
member, April 1999
| Family daycare
| Crèche/Nursery
| Kindergarten
| After-school centre
| Age-integrated
| Clubs
Trained Staff
| | 5.7
| 9.9
| 14.4
| 9.4
| 26.2
Temps and non-trained staff
| | 7.5
| 17.9
| 26.2
| 14.9
| 62.4
Staff minding children
| 3.5
| 3.2
| 6.4
| 9.3
| 5.8
| 18.4
Developments in degrees
of coverage for children aged ½-9
| 1989
| 1994
| 2000
½-2 years
| 56%
| 60%
| 66%
3-5 years
| 75%
| 85%
| 93%
6-9 years
| 49%
| 64%
| 81%
Source: The social resource counting
The aims were to provide good quality, affordable
accessible childcare. Daycare should stimulate language, imagination,
social skills democracy and culture. A new Bill was to be introduced
setting out curriculum requirements and requiring centres to provide
information on the effectiveness of stimuli which would be evaluated
by the Parent Board and Local Board.
The minimum age for Daycare was 6 months. Training
for childcare lasts 3 ½ years and can lead to a Master's
degree and career. The cost of childcare is paid for by parents
(30%) and municipality (70%). Families on low income are subsidised
on a sliding scale and is free for those with income less than
£12,000 pa. There is a reduction after the first child.
Frode Svensen
There are special daycare facilities for disabled
children although the funding system is the same as other children.
There are additional payments for the costs of disability - similar
to Disability Living Allowance. Parents get compensation for loss
of income if they have to take short periods off work to look
after a disabled child. Disability payments for children are based
on the child's needs, rather than being flat rate, and are not
Jens Hørby Jørgensen
Extract of Slides
Objectives of "More people at work"
Vitally important to ensure more people joining the
labour market - if not, current welfare is jeopardised. Employment
to be increased by 87,000 persons by 2010
How can we get more people into employment?
- Persons outside the labour
market to join the labour force - Integration of 60.000
- Persons already in employment to work more or
stay longer on the labour market - 40.000 per year
- Unemployed persons to be brought back faster
into employment - 15.000 - 30.000
Unemployment and Activation
- Unemployment day one: Registration
- Within 30 days: CV
- At least every third month: Personal contact
- After 1 year (6 months for people below 30 years):
Job plan and activation:
- Guidance
and upgrading of skills and qualifications
- Practical work training in enterprises
- Wage subsidies
- If unemployed again: new activation
after 6 months for all groups
There was no problem attracting people to childcare.
Considerable help is given to disabled people in order to encourage
them to work: 100% of costs are paid. There were 75,000 long-stay
unemployed (with personal or physical problems) of whom 20,000
were considered permanent (50% socially inadequate, 50% addicts).
270,000 were in receipt of disability benefits but a major reform
meant that employers received a wage subsidy for marginal applicants.
Finn Kenneth Hansen
Child poverty is just hitting the agenda in Denmark,
with recent events such as the recent publishing of the Save the
Children report on child poverty. CASA works on issues such as
budget standards, devising an adequate but modest family budget
based on a basket of goods. The basic living level for a single
person is 7,000DK and for a couple with one child is 15,300DK.
This does not include allowances for leisure or for long-term
expenditure such as new shoes or replacing broken goods such as
refrigerators. The benefit of budget standards is that it allows
a more reasonable poverty line which is more understandable to
the general public than a below 50/60% median income measure.
Peter Abrahamson
The post-war period saw the establishing of the welfare
system. By the 1960s, Denmark convinced itself that poverty had
disappeared. The commonly held thought was that the only people
who were in poverty were beggars and some of those with mental
illness. By the 1980s, the Government admitted that there was
a minimal poverty level of around 2% of the population. During
the 1990s, influenced by the EU, social exclusion came onto the
agenda. Problems began to be seen not as a lack of resources but
people being subject to discrimination in areas such as the labour
market and housing.
Peter Abrahamson has been working on a study of low-income
families in five cities within the EU. In Denmark, it was found
that as long as people were in the labour market, their situation
was broadly ok. It was found that the importance of informal networks
were particularly high. Distinctions could be made between those
who had family and friends close by who could provide support
and those who did not.
In Denmark it was also found that the parental leave
scheme was not an option for those on low-incomes due to the low
level of subsidy and was therefore predominantly used by the middle
The importance of childcare in securing a low level
of poverty cannot be underestimated. In Denmark, 15% of the total
social expenditure budget goes on childcare. Childcare facilities
provide quality of care, but also have a 'monitoring' function
looking out for signs of poverty and neglect and referring families
to appropriate support.
Half of Danish mothers work part-time (which is actually
defined as 32 hours or less). Lone parents tend to work full-time
or not at all. Research suggests that Danish women are divided
when it comes to views on whether mothers should work or not.
When interviewed, Danish women say they want a career because
they want financial independence yet they also want to spend more
time with their children when they are young.
When asked how best the UK could tackle child poverty,
the researchers commented that many more childcare places are
urgently needed and that childcare needs to made more affordable.
Decent wages are important and the National Minimum Wage needs
to be increased. In addition, reference was made to the Danish
nurse-care programme, similar to health visitors in the UK, who
can help to identify social problems within families with very
young children. It was also felt that anti-poverty schemes should
not be targetted as universalism reduces stigma.
Thursday 4 December
The Municipality of Herlev is 10 kilometres from
Copenhagen and is the third smallest municipality in Denmark,
with 27,000 residents. Herlev has lots of social rented housing,
a high proportion of immigrants and a high proportion of lone
parent households. The unemployment rate and receipt of social
security benefits is around the national average. Herlev is the
type of community that people leave when they go to college but
come back to when they want to start a family. It is recognised
that Herlev does have a degree of poverty and there is a distinct
cycle of deprivation of generations.
Every school and childcare facility in Herlev has
a social worker, a health nurse and a psychologist. They meet
four times a year to check if teachers are worried about particular
children and can intervene with the parents' consent. Currently,
there are particular problems with children from Afghanistan and
the middle east and also from immigrant children who are from
lone parent families. There are currently 420 children in care
in Herlev.
There is currently concern about benefit cuts which
will be implemented from January 1st 2004. These will
reduce family income by around 500DK per month.
There is a social institution at the heart of the
community which helps children and families with social problems,
including teenage mothers. Currently 20 children aged 7-14 years
are staying in the unit because of family problems. The unit's
job is to provide the children with emotional support and to support
them in school. They also need to be prepared for leaving the
unit when they are ready. The children are therefore encouraged
to contact their extended family. Once the children leave they
get ongoing support from social workers and are placed in small
rented flats.
Danish Parliament Social Affairs Committee
There was no absolute poverty in Denmark. There
was a duty to inform the municipality if a child was neglected
or in danger. Benefits were paid quarterly. Pre-legislative
scrutiny was highly developed: sometimes negotiations lasted for
6 months before formal introduction of the Bill. Ministers frequently
meet the relevant Committee before important sessions in Brussels.
Committees can also travel and have a budget which can be carried-over.
The Social Affairs Committee took regular evidence from individuals
and undertakes pre-legislative scrutiny with companies and organisations
Save the Children Denmark
Save the Children in Denmark is running a campaign
called 'Beat Poverty'. The platform for the campaign is the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Child poverty is a controversial
subject to bring to the public attention therefore there has been
a horrified reaction to the publication of Save the Children's
report into child poverty in Denmark (results outlined in earlier
section by Mohammed Azhar Hussain). There has been much debate
about how a rich country can afford to have poor children living
on the margins of society. Even Save the Children were themselves
surprised at the results of the research. Child poverty was debated
in Parliament for two hours as a consequence of the report. The
Minister for Social Affairs disagreed with the report but it was
agreed that more research into child poverty is needed. Save the
Children believe that there is a need to do further research on
issues such as children's perceptions of living in poverty and
to track longitudinal change.
De-Brief session
There was anecdotal evidence of a brain drain because
of high taxation although most Danes accepted it and didn't check
their tax assessments. Tax evasion was considered not to be socially
responsible. There was some difficulty with recruitment for senior
posts. There was a 3 year tax moratorium for certain industries
(e.g. R&D; biotech). Denmark was a net recipient of EU funding.