Sessional Returns 2002-03 - Contents


Information and statistics relating to applications of Standing Order No. 36 (Closure of debate) in the House, in Committee of the whole House and in Standing Committees; applications of Standing Order No. 29 (Powers of Chair to propose question) in the House, Committee of the whole House and Standing Committees; and Bills in respect of which allocation of time orders were made under Standing Order No. 83 (Allocation of time to bills) or to which Programme Motions or Business of the House Orders applied.

A. Closure of Debate

In the House

The Closure was claimed on 31 occasions. Assent of the Chair was withheld on 1 of these occasions. On no occasion was the Question negatived; on every occasion at least 100 Members voted in the majority in support of the motion, so the Question was in every case decided. The Closure was agreed to on 30 occasions, of which 5 were on division.

Wednesday 20th November 2002 Queen's speech (Motion for an Address); That an Humble address be presented to Her Majesty
Monday 25th November 2002 Motion (UN Security Council Resolution 1441).
Monday 16th December 2002 Hunting Bill (2nd Reading); That the Amendment be made
Agreed on division
Ayes 371 , Noes 155
Wednesday 8th January 2003 Opposition Day (1st); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Monday 13th January 2003 Opposition Day (2nd); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Tuesday 14th January 2003 Opposition Day; That the original words stand part of the Question.
Monday 20th January 2003 Opposition Day (3rd); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Tuesday 22nd January 2003 Motion (Defence in the World); That this House do now adjourn
Thursday 30th January 2003 Opposition Day (4th: 1st part); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Wednesday 12th February 2003  Opposition Day (4th: 2nd part); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Friday 7th March 2003Retirement Income Reform Bill; That the Bill be read a second time
Agreed on division
Ayes 127 , Noes 29
Thursday 29th April 2003 Opposition Day (5th); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Thursday 15th May 2003Opposition Day (6th); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Wednesday 4th June 2003 Opposition Day (7th); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Tuesday 10th June 2003Mersey Tunnels Bill; That the Amendment be made
Agreed on division
Ayes 172 , Noes 70
Wednesday 11th June 2003 Opposition Day (8th); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Monday 16th June 2003Motion (Leave of Absence); That the Speaker have leave of absence
Agreed on division
Ayes 324 , Noes 105
Tuesday 17th June 2003Opposition Day (9th); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Tuesday 17th June 2003Opposition Day (9th); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Monday 23rd June 2003Opposition Day (10th); That the original words stand part of the Question
Wednesday 25th June 2003 Opposition Day (11th); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Wednesday 25th June 2003 Opposition Day (11th); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Wednesday 2nd July 2003 Opposition Day (12th); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Monday 7th July 2003Opposition Day (13th); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Monday 7th July 2003Opposition Day (13th); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Wednesday 16th July 2003 Opposition Day (14th); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Assent Withheld
Wednesday 10th September 2003 Opposition Day (16th); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Wednesday 15th October 2003 Opposition Day (18th); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Wednesday 5th November 2003 Opposition Day (6th:second part); That the original words stand part of the Question.
Thursday 20th November 2003 Motion (Sittings of the House); That the Question be now put.
Agreed on division
Ayes 331, Noes 175

In Committee of the whole House

On no occasion was the Closure claimed.

In Standing Committee

On no occasion was the Closure claimed.

B. Power of Chair to propose Question

In the House


In Committee of the whole House


In Standing Committee

DateCommittee, subject and Question Result

C1. Allocation of Time

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

BillDate of OrderStage Period allottedPeriod taken (excluding proceedings on the Order; including time taken on divisions)
--- --

In Standing Committee

BillDate of OrderPeriod allotted and/or date for report from Standing Committee Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order) and/or date of report from Standing Committee
--- -

C2. Allocation of Time (Programme Motions)

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

BillDate of Order
Date of Reports of Programming Committee or Business Committee as appropriate (if applicable)
Period allotted on the floor of the House
Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order)
Regional Assemblies (Preparations) Bill 26 Nov (to CwH & Stg Co)
Committee of the whole HouseTo be completed in 1 day
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced    
  18 Dec
Committee of the whole HouseTo be brought to a conclusion 6 hours after commencement of proceedings 5 hours and 40 minutes
  23 Jan
19 Dec
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 2 hours before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 2 hours and 47 minutes
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 36 minutes
  30 Apr
Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 4 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day 4 hours and 1 minute
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
Health (Wales)27 Nov
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 1 hour and 51 minutes
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day 23 minutes
Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc.) 28 Nov
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 3 hours and 45 minutes
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day 57 minutes
  19 Mar
Lords AmendmentsMoment of interruption on same day 6 hours and 6 minutes
Subsequent stages 1 hour after commencement of proceedings 55 minutes
Communications3 Dec
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day   
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day   
  10 Feb
6 Feb
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the second day 5 hours and 41 minutes
(1st day)
5 hours and 33 minutes
(2nd day)
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the second day 46 minutes
  14 July
Lords AmendmentsMoment of interruption on the same day 5 hours and 14 minutes
Subsequent stages 1 hour after commencement of proceedings   
Criminal Justice4 Dec
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day   
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day   
  6 Feb
4 Feb
  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
  5 Mar
4 Mar
Consideration and Third ReadingTo be brought to a conclusion by Moment of interruption on the third day   
  2 Apr
1 Apr
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 6½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the first day 6 hours and 57 minutes
(1st day)
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 6½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the second day 6 hours and 16 minutes
(2nd day)
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 6½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the third day
1 hour and 7 minutes
(Third Reading)
  19 May
14 May
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 5½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the third day 5 hours and 32 minutes
(3rd day)
  18 Nov
Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 6 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day 6 hours and 16 minutes
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day 1 hour and 45 minutes
44 minutes
Extradition9 Dec
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day   
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day   
  25 Mar
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 4½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Order 4 hours and 53 minutes
Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 6½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Order 1 hour and 21 minutes
  13 Nov
Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion at 6 o'clock on the same day 1 hour and 25 minutes
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
European Parliament (Representation)10 Dec
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 4 hours and 23 minutes
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day 39 minutes
  28 Apr
Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day 2 hours and 28 minutes
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
Hunting16 Dec
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day   
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day   
  12 Feb
11 Feb
  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
  30 June
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 5½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Order 4 hours and 48 minutes
  1 July
Consideration following re-committalTo be brought to a conclusion 2 hours after commencement of proceedings 2 hours and 16 minutes
1 hour and 15 minutes
(Third Reading)
Planning and Compulsory Purchase17 Dec
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day   
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day   
  8 Sept
  [Amended out date of Standing Committee for re-committed Bill]   
Local Government7 Jan
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day   
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day   
  28 Jan
21 Jan
  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
  25 Feb
13 Feb
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the first day 6 hours and 40 minutes
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the second day 5 hours and 39 minutes
(Third Reading also taken)
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the second day   
  15 Sept
Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 6 hours and 5 minutes
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day 1 hour and 2 minutes
Electricity (Miscellaneous Provisions) 27 Jan (to CwH)
Committee of the whole House and consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 3 hours and 6 minutes
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day 58 minutes
  30 Apr
Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day 18 minutes
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
Railways and Transport Safety28 Jan
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 5 hours and 54 minutes
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day 24 minutes
  8 July
Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day 49 minutes
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
Police (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords] 10 Feb
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day   
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day   
  4 Mar
  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
  5 Mar
  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
  26 Mar
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 6½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the first day 6 hours and 28 minutes
(1st day)
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion by 6 pm on the second day 4 hours and 49 minutes
(2nd day)
Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 7 pm on the second day 1 hour and 9 minutes
  7 Apr
Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 2 hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day 1 hour and 17 minutes
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
Northern Ireland Assembly (Elections and Periods of Suspension) 12 May
Committee of the whole House, Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at 10 o'clock on the same day 24 minutes
34 minutes
11 minutes
(Third Reading)
Lords Amendments To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day 1 hour
Northern Ireland Assembly Elections17 Mar
Committee of the whole House, Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at 10 o'clock on the same day 20 minutes
2 minutes
(Third Reading)
Lords Amendments To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
Waste and Emissions Trading [Lords] 20 Mar
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 4 hours and 28 minutes
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day 1 hour
Licensing [Lords]24 Mar
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day   
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day   
  16 June
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 5½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Order 5 hours and 29 minutes
Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 6½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Order 1 hour and 2 minutes
  24 June
Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day 1 hour and 13 minutes
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day 1 hour and 1 minute
Crime (International Co-operation) [Lords] 1 Apr
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 3 hours and 11 minutes
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day 15 minutes
  7 May
  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
Anti-social Behaviour 8 Apr
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day   
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day   
  24 June
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 5 hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Order 4 hours and 25 minutes
Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 6 hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Order 35 minutes
  17 Nov
Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day 3 hours and 1 minute
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
Finance6 May (to CwH & Stg Co)
Committee of the whole House To be completed in 2 days  
  8 May
  [amended split committal]   
  13 May
12 May
Committee of the whole HouseTo be brought to a conclusion 6½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Order on the first day 6 hours and 38 minutes
(1st day)
   To be brought to a conclusion 6½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the second day 6 hours and 37 minutes
(2nd day)
  4 June
  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
  1 July
30 June
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 8 hours after commencement of proceedings on the first Ways and Means Motion relating to the Bill 9 hours and 3 minutes
(Third reading also taken)
Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 9½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the first Ways and Means Motion relating to the Bill   
Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) 7 May
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day   
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day   
  8 July
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 7 hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Order 6 hours and 24 minutes
Third ReadingTo be brought to a conclusion 8 hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Order 1 hour and 12 minutes
  19 Nov
Lords AmendmentsProceedings on a motion to disagree with Lords Amendment No. 1 to be brought to a conclusion 2 hours after their commencement; remaining proceedings on consideration to be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of those proceedings. 2 hours and 18 minutes
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day 56 minutes
1 hour and 18 minutes
Fire Services8 May (to CwH)
Committee of the whole House and consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day   
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day   
  3 June
Committee of the whole House and consideration To be brought to a conclusion 5½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Order 6 hours and 6 minutes
(Third Reading also taken)
Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 6½ hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Order   
  12 Nov
Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day 1 hour and 11 minutes
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
European Union (Accessions)21 May (to CwH)
Committee of the whole House and consideration To be brought to a conclusion by 6 pm on the same day 3 hours and 7 minutes
(Third Reading also taken)
Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 7 pm on the same day   
  11 Nov
Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
Courts [Lords]9 June
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 5½ hours after commencement of proceedings 5 hours and 5 minutes
Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 6½ hours after commencement of proceedings on consideration 28 minutes
  17 Nov
Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day 12 minutes
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
Sexual Offences [Lords]15 July
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 5 hours and 8 minutes
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day 44 minutes
  18 Nov
Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day 1 hour and 8 minutes
Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
Water [Lords]8 Sept
Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 5 hours and 56 minutes
Third ReadingMoment of interruption on the same day 35 minutes
  15 Sept
  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
  5 Nov
  [set out internal knives for consideration stage]   
Northern Ireland (Monitoring commission etc.) [Lords] 17 Sept
Committee of the whole House, Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 9 hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Order 1 hour and 57 minutes
 23 minutes
(Third Reading)
Lords Amendments To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) 21 Oct
ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day   
Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day   
  29 Oct
  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   

In Standing Committee

Date of Order
Date for report from Standing Committee
Dates of reports from Programming Sub-committee
Date of report from Standing Committee
Regional Assemblies (Preparations) Bill 26th November 2002 (to CwH & Stg Co)19th December 2002 3rd December 2002;
19th December 2002
19th December 2002
Health (Wales) Bill27th November 2002 12th December 200210th December 2002 12th December 2002
Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc.) Bill 28th November 200212th December 2002 10th December 200212th December 2002
Communications Bill3rd December 2002 6th February 200310th December 2002;
12 December 2002
6th February 2003
Criminal Justice Bill4th December 2002 27th February 200317th December 2002; 9th January 2003; 23rd January 2003; 4th February 2003; 27th February 2003; 4th March 2003 4th March 2003
Extradition Bill9th December 2002 21 January 20037th January 2003; 21st January 2003 21st January 2003
European Parliament (Representation) Bill 10th December 200216th January 2003 7th January 200316th January 2003
Hunting Bill
16th December 2002
1st July
13th February 2003
7th July 2003
7th January 2003; 11th February 2003
3rd July
28th February 2003
3rd July 2003
Planning and Compulsory Purchase Bill
17th December 2002
8th September 2003
28th January 2003

23rd October 2003
9th January 2003; 14th January 2003
14th October 2003

27th October 2003
Local Government Bill7th January 2003 6th February 200321st January 2003; 30th January 2003; 13 February 2003 13th February 2003
Railways and Transport Safety Bill28th January 2003 11th March 20034th February 2003 11th March 2003
Police (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords] 10th February 20034th March 2003 25th February 2003; 4th March 2003; 6th March 2003 11th March 2003
Waste and Emissions Trading Bill [Lords] 20th March 200329th April 2003 3rd April 2003; 10th April 200329th April 2003
Licensing Bill [Lords]24th March 2003 20th May 20031st April 2003; 3rd April 2003 20th May 2003
Crime (International Co-operation) Bill [Lords] 1st April 200322nd May 2003 10th June 200319th June 2003
Anti-social Behaviour Bill8th April 2003 22nd May 20036th May 2003 22nd May 2003
Finance Bill6th May (to CwH & Stg Co) 12th June 20035th May 2003; 5th June 2003; 10th June 2003; 12th June 2003 17th June 2003
Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill 7th May 200319th June 2003 13th May 2003; 22nd May 200319th June 2003
Courts Bill [Lords]9th June 2003 10th July 200326th June 2003 10th July 2003
Sexual Offences Bill [Lords]15th July 2003 14th October 20039th September 2003 14th October 2003
Water Bill [Lords]8th September 2003 21st October 200316th September 2003; 21st October 2003 23rd October 2003
European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) Bill 21st October 2003
29th November 2003
30th October 200330th October 2003 4th November 2003

C3. Allocation of Time (Business of the House Motions)

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

Date of Order
Period allotted
Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order)

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Prepared 10 February 2004