Information and statistics relating to Private Bills,
Private Business and Special Procedure Orders.
A. Private Bills, Private
Business and Special Procedure Orders: General
Number of Private Bills:
| |
introduced into the House of Commons (including suspended and revived Bills)
| 3 |
brought from the House of Lords (including suspended and revived Bills)
| 4 |
Number of Bills: | |
confirming Provisional Orders introduced into the House of Commons
| 0 |
confirming Provisional Orders brought from the House of Lords
| 0 |
for the confirmation of Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936
| |
introduced into the House of Commons
| 0 |
for the confirmation of Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure
| |
(Scotland) Act 1936 brought from the House of Lords
| 0 |
Number of Hybrid Bills: | |
introduced into the House of Commons (including suspended Bills)
| 0 |
brought from the House of Lords (including suspended Bills)
| 0 |
Number of Special Procedure Orders |
| 1 |
| 0 |
| 0 |
against which Petitions or copies of Petitions were deposited
| 0 |
| Private Bills
| Hybrid Bills | Bills for the Confirmation of Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936
| Total |
Number of Bills which received the Royal Assent
| 5 | 0
| 0 | 5
Number of Bills passed in the House of Commons but not in the House of Lords
| 1 | 0
| 0 | 1
Number of Bills rejected in the House of Commons
| 0 | 0
| 0 | 0
Number of Bills rejected in Committee in the House of Commons
| 0 | 0
| 0 | 0
Number of Bills withdrawn or not proceeded with by parties in the House of Commons
| 0 | 0
| 0 | 0
Number of Bills suspended in the House of Commons
| 1 | 0
| 0 | 1
Number of Bills not passed by the Standing Orders Committee
| 0 | 0
| 0 | 0
TOTAL | 7 |
0 | 0
| 7 |
| | | |
| Private Bills
| Hybrid Bills | Bills for the Confirmation of Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936
| Total |
Number of Bills reported by Committees on Opposed Bills
| 2 | 0
| 0 | 2
Number of Bills reported by other Committees
| 0 | 0
| 0 | 0
Number of Bills reported by Committees on Unopposed Bills
| 4 | 0
| 0 | 4
TOTAL | 6 |
0 | 0
| 6 |
B. Dates of the House's consideration
of the several stages of Private Bills
1. Bills presented on or before 27th November 2002
Name of Bill | Bill read first time
| Bill read second time |
Bill committed | Committee to which Bill is referred
| Bill reported | Bill, as amended, considered
| Bill read third time | Royal Assent
London Development Agency (Revived Bill)
| 20 Nov 2002 |
20 Nov 2002 |
| | | | 20 Nov 2002
| 6 Mar 2003 |
London Local Authorities [Lords](Revived Bill)
| 8 Apr 2003 | 15 May 2003
| 15 May 2003 |
Opposed | 4 Nov 2003
| | | |
London Local Authorities and Transport for London [Lords](Revived Bill)
| 24 Mar 2003 |
10 Apr | 10 Apr
| Opposed | 24 June 2003
| 16 Sept 2003 |
15 Oct 2003 | 30 Oct 2003
Mersey Tunnels (Revived Bill) | 20 Nov 2002
| 20 Nov | 20 Nov
| Unopposed | 12 Mar 2003
| 29 Oct 2003 |
29 Oct 2003 |
| | | |
| | | |
2. Bills presented after 27th November 2002
Name of Bill | Bill read first time
| Bill read second time |
Bill committed | Committee to which Bill is referred
| Bill reported | Bill, as amended, considered
| Bill read third time | Royal Assent
Hereford Markets [Lords] | 2 July 2003
| 15 July 2003 |
15 July 2003 | Unopposed
| 22 Oct 2003 |
- | 22 Oct 2003
| 30 Oct 2003 |
Nottingham City Council [Lords] | 7 May 2003
| 4 June 2003 |
4 June 2003 | Unopposed
| 10 July 2003 |
- | 10 July 2003
| 10 July 2003 |
Transas Group | 22 Jan 2003
| 18 June 2003 |
26 June 2003 | Unopposed
| 21 Oct 2003 |
15 Oct 2003 | 21 Oct 2003
| 20 Nov 2003 |
C. Opposed Bill Committees
Title of Bill | Members of Committee
| Days on which Committee sat | Days on which each Member served
| First and last sitting | Preamble proved or not proved (where applicable)
London Local Authorities and Transport for London Bill [Lords]
| David Hamilton
Mr John Baron
Mr Humphrey Malins Mr Robert N.Wareing
| 24 June 2003 | 24 June 2003
| 24 June 2003 | proved
London Local Authorities Bill [Lords] | Mr Richard Page
Mr Crispin Blunt
John Robertson
Jim Sheridan
| 9 & 10 September 2003 | 9 & 10 September 2003
| 9 & 10 September 2003 | proved
D. Committee on Unopposed Bills
Number of Meetings: Four
1. The Members serving on the Committee on Unopposed
Bills while it considered each Bill were as follows:
Mersey Tunnels Bill
| Nottingham City Council Bill [Lords]
Second Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means
| First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means
John Austin | Mr John Butterfill
Mr Nigel Beard |
Mr Brian Jenkins |
Peter Bottomley | Helen Jones
Sir Robert Smith
| Mr Robert Walter
Transas Group Bill
| Hereford Markets Bill [Lords]
Second Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means
| Second Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means
John Austin | Mr Adrian Bailey
Peter Bottomley | Mr John Butterfill
Helen Jones | Helen Jones
Sir Robert Smith
| Sir Robert Smith
2. Total Attendances of Members of Unopposed Bill Committees
Names of Members | Total number of days on
which each member attended a
meeting of an Unopposed Bill
The First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means
(Sylvia Heal)
| 1 |
The Second Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means
(Sir Michael Lord)
| 4 |
John Austin | 3
Mr Adrian Bailey | 1
Mr Nigel Beard | 1
Peter Bottomley | 3
Mr John Butterfill | 2
Mr Colin Challen | 0
Mr Parmjit Dhanda | 0
Mr Paul Farelly | 0
Mr Brian Jenkins | 1
Helen Jones | 3
John Mann | 0
Siobhain McDonagh | 0
Sir Robert Smith | 3
Sir Peter Tapsell | 0
Jon Trickett | 0
Mr Robert Walter | 1
Ann Winterton | 0
E. Bills to confirm Orders under the
Private Legislation Procedure
(Scotland) Act 1936
F. Court of Referees
Number of Meetings: 0
Names of Members | Total number of days on which
each Member attended a meeting
of the Court of Referees
Sir Alan Haselhurst (Chairman of Ways and Means)
| 0 |
Sylvia Heal (First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)
| 0 |
Sir Michael Lord (Second Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)
| 0 |
Mr Peter Atkinson | 0
Mr John Butterfill | 0
Sir Archy Kirkwood | 0
Linda Perham | 0
Bridget Prentice | 0
Mr Ernie Ross | 0
Mr Dennis Turner | 0
Mr John Vaux [Speaker's Counsel] | 0
Clerk: Mr Frank Cranmer.
G. Standing Orders Committee
Number of meetings: None.
Names of Members | Total number of days on which each Member attended a meeting of the Standing Orders Committee
The Chairman of Ways and Means
(Sir Alan Haselhurst)
| 0 |
The First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means
(Sylvia Heal)
| 0 |
The Second Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means
(Sir Michael Lord)
| 0 |
Sir Patrick Cormack | 0
Mr Brian Jenkins | 0
Helen Jones | 0
Ann McKechin | 0
Mr Bill O'Brien | 0
Mr Ernie Ross | 0
Sir Robert Smith | 0
Sir Nicholas Winterton | 0
Clerk: Mr Michael Hennessy (to 31.10.03), Mr John Whatley (from
The Committee has the assistance of Speaker's Counsel
H. Special Procedure Orders
Number of Special Procedure Orders: |
| 1 |
| 0 |
| 0 |
against which Petitions or copies of Petitions were deposited
| 0 |
reported with Amendments by a Joint Committee
| 0 |
| |
Number of Petitions: | |
considered by the Chairmen
| 0 |
certified by the Chairmen as proper to be received
| 0 |
certified by the Chairmen as being Petitions of General Objection
| 0 |
certified by the Chairmen as being Petitions for Amendment
| 0 |
referred to a Joint Committee of both Houses
| 0 |
| |
Number of reports by a Joint Committee: |
that the Order be not approved
| 0 |
that the Order be amended
| 0 |
| |
Number of Bills introduced for the confirmation of Special Procedure Orders
| 0 |
I. Joint Committees