Sessional Returns 2002-03 - Contents


Information and statistics about the membership, work, and staff of select committees


This Return follows the pattern of its predecessors since the creation of the current select committee system by the House in 1979. Section A lists, in alphabetical order, the Members who served on select committees during the Session. Section B gives details of each committee's work, staff, publications and other statistics. Section C analyses the staffing of select committees.


1. Alphabetical List of Members

Names of Members Committees to which nominated
Adams, Mrs Irene
Ainger, Mr Nick
Ainsworth, Mr Bob
Ainsworth, Mr Peter
Allan, Mr Richard

Amess, Mr David
Anderson, Donald
Anderson, Janet

Arbuthnot, Mr James
Atherton, Ms Candy
Atkinson, Mr Peter
Austin, John

Bacon, Mr Richard
Bailey, Mr Adrian

Baird, Vera

Baker, Norman
Baldry, Tony
Banks, Mr Tony
Barker, Gregory
Barnes, Mr Harry
Baron, Mr John
Barrett, John
Battle, Mr John
Bayley, Hugh
Beard, Mr Nigel
Begg, Miss Anne
Beggs, Mr Roy
Beith, Mr A. J.
Bell, Mr Stuart
Bellingham, Mr Henry
Bennett, Andrew

Benton, Mr Joe
Bercow, Mr John

Beresford, Sir Paul

Berry, Mr Roger
Best, Mr Harold
Betts, Mr Clive

Blunt, Mr Crispin
Borrow, Mr David
Bottomley, Peter
Bradley, Mr Keith
Brake, Tom
Breed, Mr Colin
Brennan, Kevin
Brooke, Annette
Browning, Mrs Angela
Brown, Mr Russell

Bryant, Mr Chris
Buck, Ms Karen
Burden, Richard
Burnett, Mr John
Burnham, Andy
Burns, Mr Simon
Burnside, David
Burstow, Mr Paul
Burt, Alistair

Butterfill, Mr John

Cairns, David

Calton, Mrs Patsy
Cameron, Mr David
Campbell, Mr Gregory
Campbell, Mr Ronnie
Carmichael, Mr Alistair
Casale, Roger
Cash, Mr William
Caton, Mr Martin
Challen, Mr Colin
Chapman, Sir Sydney
Chaytor, Mr David
Chidgey, Mr David
Clapham, Mr Michael
Clappison, Mr James

Clark, Mrs Helen
Clarke, Mr Kenneth

Clarke, Mr Tony
Clelland, Mr David

Clwyd, Ann
Coffey, Ann
Colman, Mr Tony
Connarty, Mr Michael
Conway, Derek

Cook, Frank
Cook, Mr Robin
Cormack, Sir Patrick
Corston, Jean
Cotter, Brian
Cousins, Mr Jim
Cran, Mr James
Cranston, Ross
Crausby, Mr David
Cruddas, Jon
Cryer, Mrs Ann
Cummings, Mr John

Cunningham, Dr Jack
Cunningham, Mr Jim
Cunningham, Tony
Curry, Mr David
Curtis-Thomas, Mrs Claire

Davey, Valerie
David, Mr Wayne
Davidson, Mr Ian
Davies, Geraint
Davies, Mr Quentin
Davis, Mr Terry
Dawson, Mr Hilton
Dean, Mrs Janet
Denham, Mr John
Dhanda, Mr Parmjit
Dismore, Mr Andrew
Djanogly, Mr Jonathan
Dobbin, Jim
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M
Donohoe, Mr Brian H
Doran, Mr Frank
Doughty, Sue
Dowd, Jim
Drew, Mr David
Drown, Julia
Duncan, Mr Peter
Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth

Eagle, Angela
Edwards, Mr Hew
Efford, Clive
Ellman, Mrs Louise
Ennis, Jeff
Evans, Mr Nigel

Fabricant, Michael
Fallon, Mr Michael
Farrelly, Paul
Field, Mr Frank
Field, Mr Mark
Fitzpatrick, Jim
Fitzsimons, Mrs Lorna
Flint, Caroline
Flook, Mr Adrian
Flynn, Paul
Follett, Barbara
Foster, Mr Derek
Foster, Mr Michael Jabez
Francis, Dr Hywel
Francois, Mr Mark

Gale, Mr Roger
Gapes, Mike
Gardiner, Mr Barry
Garnier, Mr Edward
George, Mr Bruce
Gerrard, Mr Neil
Gibb, Mr Nick
Gibson, Dr Ian
Gidley, Sandra
Goodman, Mr Paul
Gray, Mr James
Grayling, Chris
Greenway, Mr John
Griffiths, Mr Win

Hague, Mr William
Hain, Mr Peter
Hall, Patrick
Hamilton, David
Hamilton, Mr Fabian
Hammond, Mr Philip
Hancock, Mr Mike
Harris, Dr Evan
Harris, Mr Tom
Haselhurst, Sir Alan
Havard, Mr Dai
Hayes, Mr John
Heal, Sylvia
Heath, Mr David
Heathcoat-Amory, Mr David
Henderson, Mr Ivan
Hendrick, Mr Mark
Hepburn, Mr Stephen
Heppell, Mr John
Hesford, Stephen
Heyes, Mr David
Hill, Keith
Hinchliffe, Mr David
Hoban, Mr Mark
Holmes, Paul
Hood, Mr Jimmy
Hope, Phil
Hopkins, Mr Kelvin
Horam, Mr John
Howarth, Mr George
Howarth, Mr Gerald
Hoyle, Mr Lindsay
Humble, Mrs Joan
Hurst, Mr Alan

Iddon, Dr Brian
Illsley, Mr Eric
Irranca-Davies, Huw

Jack, Mr Michael

Jackson, Helen
Jackson, Mr Robert
Jenkins, Mr Brian
Jones, Helen
Jones, Mr Kevan
Jones, Mr Martyn
Jones, Mr Nigel
Jones, Mr Jon Owen
Joyce, Eric

Kaufman, Mr Gerald
Keen, Alan
Kelly, Ruth
Key, Mr Robert
Khabra, Mr Piara S
Kidney, Mr David
King, Andy
Kirkbride, Miss Julie
Kirkwood, Sir Archy
Knight, Mr Greg
Knight, Jim
Kumar, Dr Ashok

Lamb, Norman
Lansley, Mr Andrew
Lawrence, Mrs Jackie
Laws, Mr David
Lazarowicz, Mr Mark
Leigh, Mr Edward
Lepper, Mr David

Levitt, Tom
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian
Linton, Martin
Llwyd, Mr Elfyn
Lord, Sir Michael
Love, Mr Andrew
Lucas, Ian
Luff, Mr Peter
Luke, Mr Iain
Lyons, Mr John

McAvoy, Mr Thomas
McCabe, Mr Stephen
McCafferty, Chris
McDonagh, Siobhain
MacDougall, Mr John

McFall, Mr John
McGrady, Mr Eddie
McIntosh, Miss Anne
Mackay, Mr Andrew
McKechin, Ann
McKenna, Rosemary
Mackinlay, Andrew
McLoughlin, Mr Patrick
McNamara, Mr Kevin
McWalter, Mr Tony
McWilliam, Mr John
Mahmood, Mr Khalid
Malins, Mr Humfrey
Mallaber, Judy
Mann, John
Maples, Mr John
Marris, Rob
Marsden, Mr Paul
Marshall, Mr Jim
Martlew, Mr Eric
Mates, Mr Michael
Meacher, Mr Michael
Meale, Mr Alan
Mercer, Patrick
Mitchell, Mr Andrew
Mitchell, Mr Austin
Moffatt, Laura
Mole, Chris

Moonie, Dr Lewis
Moran, Margaret
Morgan, Julie
Morley, Mr Elliot
Mountford, Kali
Mudie, Mr George
Mullin, Mr Chris
Munn, Ms Meg
Murphy, Mr Denis
Murrison, Dr Andrew

Naysmith, Dr Doug

Oaten, Mr Mark
O'Brien, Mr Bill

O'Hara, Mr Edward
Olner, Mr Bill
O'Neill, Mr Martin
Organ, Diana
Osborne, Mr George
Ottaway, Richard
Owen, Albert

Page, Mr Richard
Palmer, Dr Nick
Perham, Linda
Picking, Anne
Pike, Mr Peter

Plaskitt, Mr James
Pollard, Mr Kerry
Pond, Mr Chris
Pope, Mr Greg
Pound, Mr Stephen
Prentice, Bridget
Prentice, Mr Gordon
Price, Adam
Primarolo, Dawn
Prisk, Mr Mark
Prosser, Mr Gwyn
Pugh, Dr John

Purnell, James

Quin, Joyce
Quinn, Lawrie

Randall, Mr John
Rapson, Syd
Reid, Dr John
Reid, Mr Alan
Rendel, Mr David
Robathan, Mr Andrew
Robertson, Angus
Robertson, John
Robinson, Mr Peter
Roe, Mrs Marion
Rooney, Mr Terry
Rosindell, Andrew
Ross, Mr Ernie
Roy, Mr Frank
Ruane, Mr Chris
Ruddock, Joan

Ruffley, Mr David
Russell, Bob
Russell, Christine

Ryan, Joan

Salter, Mr Martin
Sanders, Mr Adrian

Sarwar, Mr Mohammad
Savidge, Mr Malcolm
Sawford, Phil
Sayeed, Mr Jonathan
Selous, Andrew
Shaw, Jonathan
Sheerman, Mr Barry
Shephard, Mrs Gillian
Shepherd, Mr Richard

Sheridan, Jim
Shipley, Ms Debra
Simmonds, Mr Mark
Simon, Mr Siôn
Simpson, Alan
Simpson, Mr Keith
Singh, Mr Marsha
Smith, Geraldine
Smith, Sir Robert
Smyth, The Reverend Martin
Soames, Mr Nicholas
Soley, Mr Clive
Spink, Bob
Squire, Rachel
Stanley, Sir John
Steen, Mr Anthony

Steinberg, Mr Gerry
Stevenson, Mr George
Stewart, Mr David
Stinchcombe, Mr Paul

Streeter, Mr Gary

Stringer, Mr Graham
Stuart, Ms Gisela
Stunell, Mr Andrew
Sutcliffe, Mr. Gerry
Swayne, Mr Desmond
Swire, Mr Hugo
Syms, Mr Robert

Tami, Mark
Taylor, David
Taylor, Mr John
Taylor, Dr Richard
Thomas, Mr Simon
Thurso, John
Tipping, Paddy
Todd, Mr Mark
Treddinick, Mr David
Trend, Mr Michael
Trickett, Jon
Turner, Mr Andrew
Turner, Mr Dennis
Turner, Dr Desmond
Tyler, Mr Paul

Tynan, Mr Bill
Tyrie, Mr Andrew

Vaz, Keith
Viggers, Mr Peter

Walley, Joan
Walter, Mr Robert
Waterson, Mr Nigel
Watkinson, Angela
Watson, Mr Tom
Weir, Mr Michael
White, Brian
Whitehead, Dr Alan
Widdecombe, Miss Ann
Wiggin, Mr Bill
Williams, Mr Alan
Williams, Mrs Betty
Williams, Mr Roger
Winnick, David
Winterton, Sir Nicholas

Woodward, Mr Shaun
Worthington, Tony
Wright, Mr Anthony D.

Wright, David

Wright, Tony
Wyatt, Derek

Young, Sir George
Chairmen's Panel; Finance and Services; Liaison; Scottish Affairs
Accommodation and Works; Finance and Services; Selection
Environmental Audit; Liaison
Draft Civil Contingencies Bill (Joint Committee); Information; Liaison;
Public Accounts
Chairmen's Panel; Health
Foreign Affairs; Liaison
Catering; Chairmen's Panel; Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee);
Home Affairs; House of Lords Reform (Joint Committee)
House of Lords Reform (Joint Committee)
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Catering; Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Procedure; Scottish Affairs
Health; Unopposed Bills (Panel)

European Scrutiny; Public Accounts
Draft Civil Contingencies Bill (Joint Committee); Northern Ireland
Affairs; Unopposed Bills (Panel
Draft Corruption Bill (Joint Committee); Human Rights (Joint
Committee); Work and Pensions
Human Rights (Joint Committee)
International Development; Liaison
Accommodation and Works; Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee)
Broadcasting; Environmental Audit
Northern Ireland Affairs
Education and Skills
International Development
International Development
International Development
Chairmen's Panel; Treasury
Chairmen's Panel; Work and Pensions
Northern Ireland Affairs
Constitutional Affairs; Liaison
Finance and Services; Liaison
Northern Ireland Affairs; Trade and Industry
Liaison; Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local
Government and the Regions; Statutory Instruments
Chairmen's Panel
Draft Mental Incapacity Bill (Joint Committee); Home Affairs; Office of
the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local
Government and the Regions
Trade and Industry
Accommodation and Works; Environmental Audit; Statutory Instruments
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local
Government and the Regions
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Constitutional Affairs
Accommodation and Works; Transport
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; European Scrutiny
Public Administration
Public Administration
Draft Mental Incapacity Bill (Joint Committee)
Consolidation & C., Bills, (Joint Committee); Regulatory Reform;
Standards and Privileges
Culture, Media and Sport; House of Lords Reform (Joint Committee)
Work and Pensions
Trade and Industry
Consolidation & c., Bills, (Joint Committee); Procedure
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Draft Mental Incapacity Bill (Joint Committee); Health
International Development; Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing,
Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees

Consolidati[on & c., Bills, (Joint Committee); Draft Civil Contingencies
Bill (Joint Committee)
Home Affairs; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Scottish Affairs
European Scrutiny
European Scrutiny
Consolidation & c., Bills, (Joint Committee); Welsh Affairs
Consolidation & c., Bills, (Joint Committee); Environmental Audit
Public Administration
Education and Skills; Environmental Audit
Chairmen's Panel; Foreign Affairs; Human Rights (Joint Committee)
Trade and Industry
Constitutional Affairs; Draft Civil Contingencies Bill (Joint Committee);
Home Affairs
Broadcasting; Environmental Audit
House of Lords Reform (Joint Committee); Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint
Northern Ireland Affairs
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local
Government and the Regions
International Development
Modernisation of the House of Commons
International Development
European Scrutiny
Accommodation and Works; Chairmen's Panel; Finance and Services;
Chairmen's Panel
Modernisation of the House of Commons
Consolidation & c., Bills, (Joint Committee); Foreign Affairs
Human Rights (Joint Committee); Liaison
Regulatory Reform
Chairmen's Panel; Defence; Standards and Privileges
Constitutional Affairs; Standards and Privileges
Public Accounts
Constitutional Affairs
Chairmen's Panel; Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing,
Planning, Local Government and the Regions
House of Lords Reform (Joint Committee)
Constitutional Affairs
Catering; European Scrutiny
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Liaison
Home Affairs; Regulatory Reform

Education and Skills
European Scrutiny
Public Accounts
Public Accounts
International Development
European Scrutiny
Constitutional Affairs
Catering; Home Affairs
Home Affairs; Liaison
Science and Technology; Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Standards and Privileges; Trade and Industry; Work and Pensions
Statutory Instruments; Trade and Industry
Consolidation & c., Bills, (Joint Committee); European Scrutiny
Regulatory Reform; Statutory Instruments
Culture, Media and Sport
Environmental Audit
Draft Mental Incapacity Bill (Joint Committee); Health
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Scottish Affairs
Liaison; Transport

Public Accounts; Treasury
Welsh Affairs
Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee); Education and Skills
Welsh Affairs

Culture, Media and Sport; Finance and Services; Information; Liaison
Consolidation & c., Bills, (Joint Committee)
Public Accounts
Constitutional Affairs
Modernisation of the House of Commons
Administration; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Culture, Media and Sport
Environmental Audit
Modernisation of the House of Commons
Standards and Privileges
Standards and Privileges
Welsh Affairs
Environmental Audit

Chairman's Panel; Broadcasting
Consolidation & c., Bills, (Joint Committee)
Draft Corruption Bill (Joint Committee)
Defence; Liaison
Environmental Audit; Information
Public Accounts
Liaison; Science and Technology
Regulatory Reform; Work and Pensions
Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee)
Chairmen's Panel

House of Lords Reform (Joint Committee)
Modernisation of the House of Commons
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Broadcasting; Procedure; Scottish Affairs; Work and Pensions
Foreign Affairs
Trade and Industry
Chairmen's Panel; Defence
Science and Technology
Science and Technology
Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees
Defence; Regulatory Reform
Administration; Selection
Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees
Science and Technology; Standards and Privileges
European Scrutiny
Statutory Instruments
European Scrutiny
Accommodation and Works
Draft Mental Incapacity Bill (Joint Committee)
Public Administration
Accommodation and Works; Finance and Services; Selection
Health; Liaison
Science and Technology
Education and Skills
Chairmen's Panel; European Scrutiny; Liaison
Public Administration
Environmental Audit; Liaison
Public Accounts
Catering; Trade and Industry
Draft Mental Incapacity Bill (Joint Committee); Work and Pensions
Chairmen's Panel

Science and Technology
Chairmen's Panel; Foreign Affairs; Procedure
Draft Mental Incapacity Bill (Joint Committee); Procedure; Statutory

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Information; Liaison; Tax Law
Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Education and Skills
Broadcasting; Public Accounts
Education and Skills
Defence; Draft Civil Contingencies Bill (Joint Committee)
Liaison; Welsh Affairs
Public Accounts
Environmental Audit; Health
Procedure; Scottish Affairs

Culture, Media and Sport; Liaison
Culture, Media and Sport
Public Accounts
Science and Technology
International Development
Modernisation of the House of Commons
Regulatory Reform
Catering; Culture, Media and Sport
Court of Referees; Liaison; Work and Pensions
Modernisation of the House of Commons
Trade and Industry

Trade and Industry
Trade and Industry
Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee); Treasury
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Regulatory Reform; Scottish Affairs
Liaison; Public Accounts
Broadcasting; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Finance and Services;
Standards and Privileges
Public Administration; Scottish Affairs
Administration; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Draft Civil Contingencies Bill (Joint Committee)
Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees
Regulatory Reform
Environmental Audit; Transport
Administration; Information; Selection
Administration; Broadcasting; Northern Ireland Affairs; Procedure
Broadcasting; Public Administration; Scottish Affairs

Finance and Services
House of Lords Reform (Joint Committee); Northern Ireland Affairs
International Development
Administration; Consolidation & c., Bills, (Joint Committee); Draft
Corruption Bill (Joint Committee); Regulatory Reform; Scottish Affairs
Liaison; Treasury
Northern Ireland Affairs
European Scrutiny
Standards and Privileges
Information; Scottish Affairs
Culture, Media and Sport; Procedure
Foreign Affairs
Accommodation and Works; Finance and Services
Human Rights (Joint Committee); Standards and Privileges
Procedure; Science and Technology
Chairmen's Panel; Liaison; Selection
Home Affairs
Trade and Industry
Information; Treasury
Foreign Affairs
Work and Pensions
European Scrutiny
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Liaison; Northern Ireland Affairs
Environmental Audit
Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee)
Defence; Draft Civil Contingencies Bill (Joint Committee)
Modernisation of the House of Commons; Work and Pensions
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Draft Mental Incapacity Bill (Joint Committee)
Draft Civil Contingencies Bill (Joint Committee); Office of the Deputy
Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions;
Regulatory Reform; Statutory Instruments
Draft Civil Contingencies Bill (Joint Committee)
Administration; Welsh Affairs
Environmental Audit
Draft Civil Contingencies Bill (Joint Committee); Treasury
Home Affairs; Liaison
Education and Skills; Procedure
Regulatory Reform
Science and Technology

Health; Regulatory Reform

Draft Corruption Bill (Joint Committee)
Chairmen's Panel; Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing,
Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Chairmen's Panel
Chairmen's Panel; Foreign Affairs
Liaison; Trade and Industry
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Public Accounts; Transport
Foreign Affairs; Standards and Privileges
Accommodation and Works; Welsh Affairs

Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee)
Court of Referees; Trade and Industry
Accommodation and Works; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Chairmen's Panel; Liaison; Modernisation of the House of Commons;
Regulatory Reform
Education and Skills
Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Foreign Affairs
Northern Ireland Affairs; Standards and Privileges
Court of Referees; Home Affairs
Public Administration
Welsh Affairs
Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Welsh Affairs
Home Affairs; Information
Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee); Office of the Deputy Prime
Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Work and Pensions

House of Lords Reform (Joint Committee)

Accommodation and Works; Defence
Modernisation of the House of Commons
Public Accounts
International Development
European Scrutiny
European Scrutiny; Scottish Affairs
Northern Ireland Affairs
Administration; Chairmen's Panel; Finance and Services; Liaison
House of Lords Reform (Joint Committee)
Regulatory Reform; Statutory Instruments
Court of Referees
Welsh Affairs
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Modernisation of the House of
Home Affairs
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local
Government and the Regions

Modernisation of the House of Commons
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local
Government and the Regions
Scottish Affairs
Environmental Audit
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Chairmen's Panel
Work and Pensions
Education and Skills
Education and Skills; Liaison
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Draft Corruption Bill (Joint Committee); Human Rights (Joint
Committee); Modernisation of the House of Commons
Broadcasting, Information; Public Accounts
Culture, Media and Sport
Education and Skills; Environmental Audit
Public Accounts
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Home Affairs
Science and Technology
Accommodation and Works; Procedure; Trade and Industry
Northern Ireland Affairs
Consolidation & c., Bills, (Joint Committee)
Constitutional Affairs; House of Lords Reform (Joint Committee)
Science and Technology
Foreign Affairs
Consolidation & c., Bills, (Joint Committee); European Scrutiny;
Regulatory Reform
Public Accounts
Chairmen's Panel; Transport
Work and Pensions
Draft Corruption Bill (Joint Committee); House of Lords Reform (Joint
Committee); Human Rights (Joint Committee)
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and
the Regions
Foreign Affairs
Finance and Services; Modernisation of the House of Commons; Selection
Northern Ireland Affairs

Northern Ireland Affairs
Chairmen's Panel; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Home Affairs; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Catering; Environmental Audit
Culture, Media and Sport
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Liaison; Statutory Instruments
Public Administration
Public Accounts
Education and Skills
Catering; Court of Referees; Finance and Services; Liaison
Draft Corruption Bill (Joint Committee); Science and Technology
House of Lords Reform (Joint Committee); Modernisation of the House of
European Scrutiny; Northern Ireland Affairs

Constitutional Affairs

Education and Skills; Environmental Audit
International Development
Work and Pensions
European Scrutiny; Home Affairs
Home Affairs
Scottish Affairs
Public Administration; Regulatory Reform; Statutory Instruments
Constitutional Affairs
Chairmen's Panel; Home Affairs
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Welsh Affairs
Liaison; Public Accounts; Standards and Privileges
Welsh Affairs
Welsh Affairs
Home Affairs
Chairmen's Panel; Liaison; Modernisation of the House of Commons;
Human Rights (Joint Committee)
International Development
Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee); Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint
Draft Civil Contingencies Bill (Joint Committee); Environmental Audit;
Liaison; Public Administration
Culture, Media and Sport

Liaison; Selection; Standards and Privileges

2. Number of Members Serving on Select Committees

The total number of Members who served on Select Committees, other than Business Committees, was 394.

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Prepared 10 February 2004