30. Public Accounts
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 16 Members and held 54 Meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
Leigh, Mr Edward (Chairman) | 52
Allan, Mr Richard (added 17.11.03) | 1
Bacon, Mr Richard | 38
Cruddas, Jon (added 10.9.03) | 7
Davidson, Mr Ian | 25
Davies, Geraint (discharged 10.9.03) | 29
Eagle, Angela (discharged 3.3.03) | 9
Field, Mr Frank | 21
Gibb, Mr Nick | 20
Howarth, Mr George (discharged 10.9.03) |
23 |
Jenkins, Mr Brian | 39
Jones, Mr Nigel | 0
Kelly, Ruth | 0
Osborne, Mr George | 16
Rendel, Mr David (discharged 17.11.03) |
51 |
Sheridan, Jim (added 10.9.03) | 7
Simon, Mr Siôn (added 3.3.03) | 6
Steinberg, Mr Gerry | 40
Trickett, Jon | 34
Williams, Mr Alan | 45
Overall Attendance: | 53.5 %
Number of Members added: | 4
Number of Members discharged: | 4
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
25.0 % |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Nick Wright, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Assistants: Mr Richard Poureshagh (until 9.3.03), Chief
Office Clerk (Band C) (until 25.2.03), (from 26.2.03), Higher
Executive Officer (Band B2); (from 7.7.03) Christine Randall,
Higher Executive Officer (Band B2); (from 10.3.03) Leslie Young,
Chief Office Clerk (Band C)
Secretary: Miss Ronnie Jefferson, Secretary Grade 3 (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Witnesses | |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by: |
Members of the House of Lords | 2
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Department for Agriculture and Rural Development, Northern Ireland
| 3 |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
| 3 |
Ministry of Defence | 5
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
| 1 |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
| 8 |
Department of Health | 15
Home Office | 5 |
Department for International Development
| 3 |
Lord Chancellor's Department | 2
Northern Ireland Office | 5
Department for Social Development, Northern Ireland
| 2 |
Department of Trade and Industry |
4 |
Department for Transport | 4
HM Treasury | 53 |
Department for Work and Pensions |
14 |
Executive agencies | 12
comprising: Arts Council England |
1 |
Court Service Agency | 1
Defence Procurement Agency | 1
Food Standards Agency | 2
Health and Safety Executive | 2
Highways Agency | 1
Medicines Control Agency | 1
Veterans Agency | 2
Warship Support Agency | 1
Public bodies and non-Ministerial departments
| 123 |
comprising: British Film Institute |
1 |
Community Fund | 1 |
Construction Industry Council | 2
HM Customs and Excise | 3
HM Prison Service | 3
Driving Standards Agency | 1
England Grants Committee | 1
Environment Agency | 3
Film Council | 1 |
Forensic Science Service | 5
Housing Corporation | 1
Inland Revenue | 3 |
Legal Services Commission | 1
National Audit Office | 64
National Weights and Measures Laboratory
| 2 |
Northern Ireland Audit Office | 6
Northern Ireland Housing Executive |
2 |
Northern Ireland Treasury | 1
Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority
| 2 |
Office of Fair Trading | 3
Office of the e-Envoy | 1
Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
| 3 |
Office of Government Commerce | 4
Office of Telecommunications | 3
Passport and Records Agency | 1
Partnerships UK | 1
Social Services Inspectorate | 1
Sport England | 1 |
University College London Hospitals NHS Trust
| 2 |
Appearance by other witnesses | 17
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination | Members
| Staff | Purpose
| Cost |
20-21.5.03 | Paris | 9
| 2 | Visit to the Cour de Comptes
| £8,575.80 |
3-5.11.03 | Berlin | 6
| 2 | Visit to the Bundesrechnungshof and the Audit Committee of the Bundestag
| £7,678.01 |
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination | Members
| Staff | Purpose
| Cost |
6.1.03 | UCLH - Heart Hospital
| 10 | 2
| Innovation in the NHS - the acquisition of the Heart Hospital
| £244.40 |
10.3.03 | Apache Helicopter |
10 | 1
| Ministry of Defence: Building an air manoeuvre capability: the introduction of the Apache Helicopter
| £263.20 |
25.6.03 | Liverpool | 3
| 2 | Visit to Altcourse Prison: The operational performance of PFI prisons
| £1,536.00 |
9.9.03 | Birmingham | 3
| 2 | Visit to the Forensic Science Services Headquarters: Improving Service Quality: The Forensic Science Service
| £800.00 |
25.11.03 | Ravenscourt Park Hospital - London
| 3 | 2
| Inquiry: Hip replacements | £122.20
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (2002-03)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Collecting the television licence fee
| 118 | 18.12.02
| 38 | £10.00
| Cm 5770, published 6.3.03 |
Second Report: Dealing with pollution from ships
| 119 | 9.1.03
| 38 | £9.00
| Cm 5770, published 6.3.03 |
Third Report: Tobacco smuggling | 143
| 10.1.03 | 77
| £9.00 | Cm 5770, published 6.3.03
Fourth Report: Private Finance Initiative: Redevelopment of MOD main building
| 298 | 30.1.03
| 41 | £10.00
| Cm 5789, published 10.4.03 |
Fifth Report: The 2001 outbreak of foot and mouth disease
| 487 | 14.3.03
| 71 | £12.00
| Cm 5801, published 22.5.03 |
Sixth Report: Ministry of Defence: Exercise Saif Sareea II
| 502 | 12.3.03
| 43 | £10.00
| Cm 5801, published 22.5.03 |
Seventh Report: Excess Votes 2001-02 | 503
| 19.3.03 | 18
| £6.00 | Not applicable
Eighth Report: Excess Votes (Northern Ireland) 2001-02
| 504 | 19.3.03
| 8 | £3.50
| Not applicable |
Ninth Report: The Office for National Statistics: Outsourcing the 2001 census
| 543 | 26.3.03
| 31 | £7.50
| Cm 5801, published 22.5.03 |
Tenth Report: Individual Learning Accounts |
544 | 4.4.03
| 51 | £11.00
| Cm 5802, published 11.6.03 |
Eleventh Report: Facing the Challenge: NHS emergency planning in England
| 545 | 16.4.03
| 34 | £9.00
| Cm 5802, published 11.6.03 |
Twelfth Report: Tackling pensioner poverty: encouraging take-up of entitlements
| 565 | 9.4.03
| 40 | £9.00
| Cm 5802, published 11.6.03 |
Thirteenth Report: Ministry of Defence: Progress in reducing stocks
| 566 | 11.4.03
| 28 | £7.50
| Cm 5849, published 26.6.03 |
Fourteenth Report: Royal Mint Trading Fund 2001-02 Accounts
| 588 | 17.4.03
| 39 | £9.00
| Cm 5802, published 11.6.03 |
Fifteenth Report: OPRA: Tackling the risks to pension scheme members
| 589 | 2.5.03
| 29 | £7.50
| Cm 5802, published 11.6.03 |
Sixteenth Report: Improving public services through innovation: The Invest to Save Budget
| 170 | 8.5.03
| 34 | £9.50
| Cm 5823, published 10.7.03 |
Seventeenth Report: Helping victims and witnesses: the work of Victim Support
| 635 | 9.5.03
| 36 | £9.50
| Cm 5823, published 10.7.03 |
Eighteenth Report: Reaping the rewards of agricultural research
| 414 | 16.5.03
| 28 | £7.50
| Cm 5823, published 10.7.03 |
Nineteenth Report: The PFI contract for the redevelopment of West Middlesex University Hospital
| 155 | 6.6.03
| 48 | £11.00
| Cm 5961, published 17.9.03 |
Twentieth Report: Better public services through call centres
| 373 | 5.6.03
| 46 | £10.00
| Cm 5961, published 17.9.03 |
Twenty-First Report: The Operations of HM Customs and Excise in 2001-02
| 398 | 12.6.03
| 39 | £10.00
| Cm 5961, published 17.9.03 |
Twenty-Second Report: PFI refinancing update
| 203 | 13.6.03
| 34 | £10.00
| Cm 5984, published 16.10.03 |
Twenty-Third Report: Innovation in the NHSthe acquisition of the Heart Hospital
| 299 | 18.6.03
| 38 | £10.00
| Cm 5961, published 17.9.03 |
Twenty-Fourth Report: Community Legal Service: the introduction of contracting
| 185 | 20.6.03
| 53 | £11.00
| Cm 5961, published 17.9.03 |
Twenty-Fifth Report: Protecting the public from waste
| 352 | 25.6.03
| 38 | £9.00
| Cm 5961, published 17.9.03 |
Twenty-Sixth Report: Safety, quality, efficacy: the regulation of medicines in the UK
| 505 | 26.6.03
| 34 | £9.00
| Cm 5962, published 24.9.03 |
Twenty-Seventh Report: The management of substitution cover for teachers
| 473 | 27.6.03
| 34 | £9.00
| Cm 5953, published 26.8.03 |
Twenty-Eighth Report: Delivering better value for money from the Private Finance Initiative
| 764 | 19.6.03
| 33 | £9.00
| Cm 5984, published 16.10.03 |
Twenty-Ninth Report: Inland Revenue: Tax Credits and tax debt management
| 332 | 2.7.03
| 31 | £9.00
| Cm 5962, published 24.9.03 |
Thirtieth Report: Department for International Development: Maximising impact in the water sector
| 446 | 3.7.03
| 37 | £9.00
| Cm 5962, published 24.9.03 |
Thirty-First Report: Tackling Benefit Fraud
| 488 | 4.7.03
| 61 | £12.00
| Cm 5962, published 24.9.03 |
Thirty-Second Report: The Highways Agency: Maintaining England's motorways and trunk roads
| 556 | 11.7.03
| 35 | £9.00
| Cm 5962, published 24.9.03 |
Thirty-Third Report: Ensuring the effective discharge of older patients from NHS acute hospitals
| 459 | 17.9.03
| 39 | £10.00
| Cm 6016, published 13.11.03 |
Thirty-Fourth Report: The Office of Fair Trading: progress in protecting consumers' interests
| 546 | 9.7.03
| 32 | £9.00
| Cm 5962, published 24.9.03 |
Thirty-Fifth Report: PFI Construction performance
| 567 | 16.7.03
| 47 | £11.00
| Cm 5984, published 16.10.03 |
Thirty-Sixth Report: Improving service quality: Action in response to the Inherited SERPS problem
| 616 | 17.7.03
| 43 | £10.00
| Cm 5963, published 1.10.03 |
Thirty-Seventh Report: Ministry of Defence: the construction of nuclear submarine facilities at Devonport
| 636 | 10.9.03
| 43 | £10.00
| Cm 6016, published 13.11.03 |
Thirty-Eighth Report: Department of Trade and Industry: Regulation of Weights and Measures
| 581 | 10.7.03
| 34 | £9.00
| Cm 5963, published 1.10.03 |
Thirty-Ninth Report: A safer place to work: Protecting NHS hospital and ambulance staff from violence and aggression
| 641 | 23.7.03
| 32 | £9.00
| Cm 5963, published 1.10.03 |
Fortieth Report: Improving social housing through transfer
| 590 | 24.7.03
| 44 | £10.00
| Cm 5963, published 1.10.03 |
Forty-First Report: Modernising procurement in the Prison Service
| 676 | 18.9.03
| 33 | £9.00
| Cm 6016, published 13.11.03 |
Forty-Second Report: A safer place to work: Improving the management of health and safety risks to staff in NHS trusts
| 704 | 15.10.03
| 45 | £10.00
| Awaited |
Forty-Third Report: Fisheries enforcement in England
| 752 | 13.11.03
| 36 | £9.00
| Awaited |
Forty-Fourth Report: New IT systems for Magistrates' Courts: the Libra project
| 434 | 11.11.03
| 70 | £13.00
| Awaited |
Forty-Fifth Report: Protecting public health and consumer interests in relation to food: the Food Standards Agency
| 708 | 27.11.03
| 62 | £12.00
| Awaited |
Forty-Sixth Report: Ministry of Defence: Building an air manoeuvre capability: the introduction of the Apache Helicopter
| 533 | 18.11.03
| 39 | £10.00
| Awaited |
Forty-Seventh Report: Film Council: Improving access to, and education about, the moving image through the British Film Institute
| 685 | 4.12.03
| 32 | £9.00
| Awaited |
Forty-Eighth Report: The Public Private Partnership for National Air Traffic Services Ltd
| 80 | 9.12.03
| 60 | £13.50
| Awaited |
Forty-Ninth Report: The operational performance of PFI prisons
| 904 | 2.12.03
| 49 | £11.00
| Awaited |
Minutes of Evidence: National Audit Office Supply Estimate 2003-04
| 460 | 7.4.03
| 12 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Northern Ireland Audit Office Supply Estimate 2003-04
| 461 | 7.4.03
| 4 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2001-02
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Third Report: The use of funding
competitions in PFI projects: the Treasury building, published
as Cm 5676 (28.11.02).
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Fifth Report: Inpatient and outpatient
waiting in the NHS, published as Cm 5676 (28.11.02).
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Sixth Report: Inappropriate adjustments
to NHS waiting lists, published as Cm 5676 (28.11.02).
Reply to the Committee's Fifty-Third Report: Reducing prisoner
reoffending, published as Cm 5676 (28.11.02).
Reply to the Committee's Fifty-Fifth Report: Fraud and error in
income support, published as Cm 5676 (28.11.02).
Reply to the Committee's Fifty-Eighth Report: Improving student
achievement and widening participation in higher education in
England, published as Cm 5676 (28.11.02).
Reply to the Committee's Sixtieth Report: Royal travel by air
and rail, published as Cm 5676 (28.11.02).
Reply to the Committee's Sixty-First Report: The management of
surplus property by Trusts in the NHS in England, published as
Cm 5676 (28.11.02).
Reply to the Committee's Sixty-Second Report: The New Deal for
Young People, published as Cm 5676 (28.11.02).
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2001-02
were published on 5.2.03 as HC 1331, Session 2001-02. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2002-03 will be published
as HC 1315, Session 2002-03.
The following Reports were the subject of a debate in the House:
First Report, Session 2001-02, Managing Risk in Government Departments,
Second Report, Session 2001-02, Improving Construction Performance,
Third Report, Session 2001-02, The Cancellation of the Benefits
Payment Card Project, Fourth Report, Session 2001-02, The Renegotiation
of the PFI-Type Deal for the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds,
Fifth Report, Session 2001-02, Ministry of Defence: Major Projects
Report 2000, Sixth Report, Session 2001-02, Ministry of Defence:
Major Projects Report 2000 - The Role of the Equipment Capability
Customer, Seventh Report, Session 2001-02, Sale of Part of the
UK Gold Reserves, Eighth Report, Session 2001-02, Office of Water
Services (OFWAT): Leakage and Water Efficiency, Ninth Report,
Session 2001-02, Tackling Obesity in England, Tenth Report, Session
2001-02, The Acquisition of German Parcel, Eleventh Report, Session
2001-02, Office of Gas and Electricity Markets: Giving Domestic
Customers a Choice of Electricity Supplier, Twelfth Report, Session
2001-02, The Radiocommunications Agency's Joint Venture with CMG,
Thirteenth Report, Session 2001-02, Regulating Housing Associations'
Management of Financial Risk, Fourteenth Report, Session 2001-02,
The Millennium Dome, Fifteenth Report, Session 2001-02, How English
Further Education Colleges can Improve Student Performance, Sixteenth
Report, Session 2001-02, Access to the Victoria and Albert Museum,
Seventeenth Report, Session 2001-02, Ministry of Defence: Maximising
the Benefits of Defence Equipment Co-operation, Eighteenth Report,
Session 2001-02, Inland Flood Defence, Nineteenth Report, Session
2001-02, Ship Surveys and Inspections, Twentieth Report, Session
2001-02, Educating and Training the Future Health Professional
Workforce for England, Twenty-First Report, Session 2001-02, Better
Value for Money from Professional Services, Twenty-Second Report,
Session 2001-02, The Channel Tunnel Rail Link, Twenty-Third Report,
Session 2001-02, Report on Inland Revenue Appropriation Account
1999-2000, Twenty-Fourth Report, Session 2001-02, Ministry of
Defence: The Risk of Fraud in Property Management, Twenty-Fifth
Report, Session 2001-02, Excess Votes 2000-2001, Twenty-Sixth
Report, Session 2001-02, Better Regulation: Making Good Use of
Regulatory Impact Assessments, Twenty-Seventh Report, Session
2001-02, The Medical Assessment of Incapacity and Disability Benefits,
Twenty-Eighth Report, Session 2001-02, Better Public Services
through Joint Working, Twenty-Ninth Report, Session 2001-02, Non-competitive
Procurement in the Ministry of Defence, Thirtieth Report, Session
2001-02, The Auction of Radio Spectrum for the Third Generation
of Mobile Telephones, Thirty-First Report, Session 2001-02, Postcomm:
Opening the Post, Thirty-Second Report, Session 2001-02, The Implementation
of the National Probation Service Information Systems Strategy,
Thirty-Third Report, Session 2001-02, Income Tax Self Assessment,
Thirty-Fourth Report, Session 2001-02, Policy Development: Improving
Air Quality, Thirty-Fifth Report, Session 2001-02, Losses to the
Revenue from Frauds on Alcohol Duty, Thirty-Sixth Report, Session
2001-02, Progress on Resource Accounting, Thirty-Seventh Report,
Session 2001-02, Handling Clinical Negligence Claims in England,
Thirty-Eighth Report, Session 2001-02, NIRS 2: Contract extension,
Thirty-Ninth Report, Session 2001-02, Giving Confidently: The
role of the Charity Commission in Regulating Charities, Fortieth
Report, Session 2001-02, NHS Direct in England, Forty-First Report,
Session 2001-02, Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 2001,
Forty-Second Report, Session 2001-02, Managing the relationship
to secure a successful partnership in PFI Projects, Forty-Third
Report, Session 2001-02, The use of funding competitions in PFI
projects: the Treasury building, Forty-Fourth Report, Session
2001-02, The misuse and smuggling of hydrocarbon oils, Forty-Fifth
Report, Session 2001-02, Inpatient and outpatient waiting in the
NHS, Forty-Sixth Report, Session 2001-02, Inappropriate adjustments
to NHS waiting lists, Forty-Seventh Report, Session 2001-02, The
Landfill Tax Credit Scheme, Forty-Eighth Report, Session 2001-02,
Department for International Development: Performance Management
- Helping to reduce world poverty, Forty-Ninth Report, Session
2001-02, Ensuring that policies deliver value for money, Fiftieth
Report, Session 2001-02, Pipes and wires, Fifty-First Report,
Session 2001-02, Agricultural fraud: the case of Joseph Bowden,
Fifty-Second Report, Session 2001-02, e-Revenue, Fifty-Third Report,
Session 2001-02, Reducing prisoner reoffending, Fifty-Fourth Report,
Session 2001-02, Improving public services through e-Government,
Fifty-Fifth Report, Session 2001-02, Fraud and error in income
support, Fifty-Sixth Report, Session 2001-02, Ministry of Defence:
Combat Identification, Fifty-Seventh Report, Session 2001-02,
The operation and wind-up of Teesside Development Corporation,
Fifty-Eighth Report, Session 2001-02, Improving student achievement
and widening participation in higher education in England, Fifty-Ninth
Report, Session 2001-02, Delivering the commercialisation of public
sector science, Sixtieth Report, Session 2001-02, Royal travel
by air and rail, Sixty-First Report, Session 2001-02, The management
of surplus property by Trusts in the NHS in England, Sixty-Second
Report, Session 2001-02, The New Deal for Young People and Sixty-Third
Report, Session 2001-02, Construction of Portcullis House, the
new Parliamentary building, and of the Treasury Minutes on these
Reports (Cm 5393, 5450, 5470, 5477, 5481, 5487, 5512, 5524, 5549,
5600, 5612, 5636, 5676; and HC 1261): Motion to take note, 29.1.03.
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 54 of the Committee's 54 Meetings.
On 2 occasions evidence was taken partly or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
A safer place to work: Protecting NHS hospital and ambulance staff from violence and aggression
| 1 |
Better public services through call centres
| 1 |
Building an air manoeuvre capability: the introduction of the Apache Helicopter
| 1 |
Community Fund: Review of grants made to the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns
| 1 |
Community Legal Service: the introduction of contracting
| 1 |
Department for International Development: Maximising impact in the water sector
| 1 |
Department for Work and Pensions: Tackling benefit fraud
| 1 |
Ensuring the effective discharge of older patients from NHS acute hospitals
| 1 |
Facing the challenge: NHS emergency planning in England
| 1 |
Fisheries enforcement in England | 1
Getting it right, putting it right: Improving decision-making and appeals in social security benefits
| 1 |
Highways Agency: Maintaining England's motorways and trunk roads
| 1 |
HM Customs and Excise: Standard Report 2001-02
| 1 |
Housing the Homeless | 1
Improving access to, and education about, the moving image through the British Film Institute
| 1 |
Improving service delivery: Action in response to the inherited SERPS problem
| 1 |
Improving service delivery: The Food Standards Agency
| 1 |
Improving service delivery: The Forensic Science Service
| 1 |
Improving service delivery: The Veterans Agency
| 1 |
Improving social housing through transfer |
1 |
Improving the management of health and safety risks to staff in NHS Trusts
| 1 |
Inland Revenue Standard Report 2001-02 |
1 |
Innovation in the National Health Service - the acquisition of the Heart Hospital
| 1 |
Invest to Save Budget | 1
Ministry of Defence: Progress in reducing stocks
| 1 |
Ministry of Defence: The construction of nuclear submarine facilities at Devonport
| 1 |
Modernising procurement in the Prison Service
| 1 |
National Audit Office Supply Estimate 2002-03
| 1 |
New IT systems for Magistrates' Courts: the Libra project
| 1 |
Northern Ireland Audit Office Supply Estimate 2003-04
| 1 |
Opra: Tackling the risks to pension scheme members
| 1 |
PFI refinancing update | 1
PFI: Construction Performance | 1
PFI: The New Headquarters for the Home Office
| 1 |
Procurement of vaccines by the Department of Health
| 1 |
Progress in protecting consumers' interests
| 1 |
Progress on 15 major capital projects funded by Arts Council England
| 1 |
Protecting the public from waste | 1
Purchasing and Managing Software Licences |
1 |
Reaping the rewards of agricultural research
| 1 |
Regulation of weights and measures | 1
Safety, quality, efficacy: regulating medicines in the UK
| 1 |
Tackling fraud against the Inland Revenue |
1 |
Tackling pensioner poverty: encouraging take-up of entitlements
| 1 |
The Department of Trade and Industry: Regional Grants in England
| 1 |
The English national stadium project at Wembley
| 1 |
The management of substitution cover for teachers (NIAO Report)
| 1 |
The New Electricity Trading Arrangements in England and Wales
| 1 |
The Office of Telecommunications: Helping consumers benefit from competition in the telecommunications market
| 1 |
The operational performance of PFI prisons |
1 |
The PFI contract for the redevelopment of the West Middlesex Hospital
| 1 |
The Public Private Partnership for National Air Traffic Services Ltd
| 1 |
The Sheep Annual Premium Scheme (NIAO Report)
| 1 |
Warm Front: Helping to combat fuel poverty |
1 |
Total | 54
31. Public Administration
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 32 Meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
Wright, Tony (Chairman) | 32
Brennan, Kevin | 28
Brooke, Annette | 22
Chapman, Sydney | 24
Heyes, Mr David | 21
Hopkins, Mr Kelvin | 30
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian | 29
Lyons, Mr John | 17
Prentice, Mr Gordon | 28
Trend, Mr Michael | 13
White, Brian | 20
Overall Attendance: | 75.0 %
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
0.0 % |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Philip Aylett, Deputy Principal Clerk
(SCS Band 1)
Second Clerk: Mr Clive Porro (from 3.6.03), Senior Clerk (Band
Committee Specialist: Mr Chris Carrington, (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Miss Jackie Recardo, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2)
Secretary: Jennifer Pickard, Secretary Grade 3 (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Rodney Brazier, Sir Christopher Jenkins KCB QC, Sir
Nick Monck KCB, Professor Richard Rose, Professor Colin Talbot,
Mr Tony Travers and Professor Stuart Weir.
Witnesses | |
Number of appearances by: |
Cabinet Ministers | 2
Members of Parliament | 4
Members of the House of Lords (1 of whom was a Minister)
| 7 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Cabinet Office | 4 |
Department for Constitutional Affairs
| 1 |
HM Treasury | 2 |
Department of Health | 2
Department for International Development
| 1 |
Public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
Audit Commission | 2
HM Prison Service | 1
Office of the Civil Service Commissioners
| 1 |
Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments
| 1 |
The following officials also attended meetings of the Committee:
| |
Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and Health Service Commissioner
| 1 |
Appearances by other witnesses: | 48
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination | Members
| Staff | Purpose
| Cost |
8-14.6.03 | Canada | 7
| 2 | On Target? Government by Measurement
| £28,329.72 |
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination | Members
| Staff | Purpose
| Cost |
9-10.12.02 | Bristol | 10
| 3A | Inquiries into Government By Appointment: Opening Up The Patronage State and On Target? Government By Measurement
| £4,571.73 |
A Includes 1 facilitator
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (2002-03)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Ministerial Accountability and Parliamentary Questions: The Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report of Session 2001-02
| 136 | 5.12.02
| 14 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Second Report: The Work of the Committee in 2002
| 447 | 26.2.03
| 12 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Third Report: Ombudsman Issues | 448
| 26.2.03 | 24
| £6.00 | Cabinet Office Response, Cm 5890, published 22.7.03
Fourth Report: Government By Appointment: Opening Up The Patronage State
| 165-I | 10.7.03
| 77 | £13.00
| Awaited |
Fifth Report: On Target? Government By Measurement
| 62-I | 22.7.03
| 53 | £11.00
| HM Treasury Response, received 18.9.03: published as Sixth Report, Session 2002-03
Sixth Report: On Target? Government By Measurement: The Government's Response to the Committee's Fifth Report
| 1264 | 11.11.03
| 11 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
First Special Report: The Government's Response from the Cabinet Office to the Seventh Report from the Committee, Session 2001-02: The Public Service Ethos
| 61 | 20.11.02
| 15 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: On Target? Government By Measurement
| 62-i | 5.12.02
| 12 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: On Target? Government By Measurement
| 62-ii | 15.1.03
| 21 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: On Target? Government By Measurement
| 62-iii | 15.1.03
| 25 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: On Target? Government By Measurement
| 62-iv | 17.1.03
| 21 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: On Target? Government By Measurement
| 62-v | 17.1.03
| 14 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: On Target? Government By Measurement
| 62-vi | 12.2.03
| 24 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: On Target? Government By Measurement
| 62-vii | 27.2.03
| 14 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: On Target? Government By Measurement
| 62-viii | 27.2.03
| 38 | £10.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: On Target? Government By Measurement
| 62-ix | 27.2.03
| 27 | £7.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: On Target? Government By Measurement
| 62-x | 6.5.03
| 29 | £7.50
| Not applicable |
Memoranda: On Target? Government By Measurement
| 62-II | 16.7.03
| 70 | £13.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Government by Appointment: Opening up the Patronage State
| 165-i | 20.1.03
| 11 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Government by Appointment: Opening up the Patronage State
| 165-ii | 28.1.03
| 21 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Government by Appointment: Opening up the Patronage State
| 165-iii | 28.3.03
| 16 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Government by Appointment: Opening up the Patronage State
| 165-iv | 28.3.03
| 14 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Memoranda: Government By Appointment: Opening Up the Patronage State
| 165-II | 8.7.03
| 90 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The New Centre | 482-i
| 28.3.03 | 15
| £5.50 | Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: The Work of the Ombudsman
| 506-i | 8.4.03
| 15 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Cabinet Office Annual Report
| 536-i | 11.4.03
| 15 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Ministerial Powers and the Prerogative
| 642-i | 15.5.03
| 15 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Ministerial Powers and the Prerogative
| 642-ii | 25.6.03
| 13 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Ministerial Powers and the Prerogative
| 642-iii | 8.7.03
| 14 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Ministerial Powers and the Prerogative
| 642-iv | 10.7.03
| 9 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Ministerial Powers and the Prerogative
| 642-v | 22.7.03
| 15 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: A Civil Service Act |
837-i | 22.7.03
| 18 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Interim Report of the Review of Government Communications
| 1223-i | 29.10.03
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: A Civil Service Act
| 837-ii | 11.11.03
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: A Civil Service Act
| 837-iii | 18.11.03
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: A Civil Service Act
| 837-iv | 25.11.03
| |
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2001-02
Cabinet Office Response to the Committee's Seventh Report: The
Public Service Ethos, received 8.11.02 and published as First
Special Report, Session 2002-03.
Cabinet Office Response to the Committee's Ninth Report: Ministerial
Accountability and Parliamentary Questions, received 14.11.02
and published as First Report, Session 2002-03.
Cabinet Office Response to the Committee's Eighth Report: "These
Unfortunate Events": Lessons of Recent Events at the former
DTLR , published as Cm 5756 (10.2.03).
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2001-02
were published on 31.3.03 as HC 1332, Session 2001-02. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2002-03 will be published
as HC 1316, Session 2002-03.
Date | Subject |
13.2.03 | One, on an Amendment proposed to the Chairman's draft Report on The Work of the Committee in 2002.
The following Report was debated in Westminster Hall:
Eighth Report, Session 2001-02, "These Unfortunate Events":
Lessons of Recent Events at the former DTLR, 8.5.03
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 27 of the Committee's 32 Meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
A Civil Service ActB | 4
Cabinet Office Annual Report | 1
Government by Appointment: Opening up the Patronage StateA
| 4 |
Interim Report of the Review of Government Communications
| 1 |
Ministerial Powers and the PrerogativeB |
5 |
On Target? Government By MeasurementA | 10
The New CentreAB | 1
The Work of the Ombudsman | 1
Total | 27
A The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session
2001-02; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2001-02))
B The Committee did not complete this inquiry in Session 2002-03
32. Regulatory Reform
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 16 Members and held 18 Meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
Pike, Mr Peter (Chairman) | 16
Brown, Mr Russell | 9
Cotter, Brian | 10
Curtis-Thomas, Mrs Claire (discharged 9.1.03)
| 1 |
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M. | 1
Goodman, Mr Paul | 0
Havard, Mr Dai | 15
King, Andy | 1
Lazarowicz, Mr Mark | 8
Love, Mr Andrew | 5
MacDougall, Mr John (added 9.1.03) | 10
Mole, Chris | 7
Murphy, Mr Denis | 11
Naysmith, Dr Doug | 14
Rosindell, Mr Andrew | 7
Steen, Mr Anthony | 0
White, Brian | 12
Overall Attendance: | 44.1 %
Number of Members added: | 1
Number of Members discharged: | 1
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
6.3 % |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Huw Yardley (until 29.1.03), Senior
Clerk (Band A2); Mr Martyn Atkins (from 30.1.03), Senior Clerk
(Band A2)
Committee Specialist: Ms Fiona McLean (until 1.10.03), Assistant
Legal Adviser/Policy Analyst (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Mr Brian Dye, Chief Office Clerk (Band C)
Secretary: Liz Booth, Secretary Grade 3 (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Witnesses | |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers
| 3 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Government departments, comprising:
| |
Cabinet Office | 2
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
| 1 |
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
| 2 |
Non-departmental public bodies comprising:
| |
British Waterways Board | 1
English Nature | 1
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (2002-03)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Credit Unions) Order 2002; Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Special Occasions Licensing) Order 2002
| 82 | 25.11.02
| 58 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
Second Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Business Tenancies) (England and Wales) Order 2003
| 182 | 19.12.02
| 72 | £12.00
| Not applicable |
Third Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Assured Periodic Tenancies) (Rent Increases) Order 2003
| 183 | 17.12.02
| 36 | £7.50
| Not applicable |
Fourth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Special Occasions Licensing) Order 2002
| 193 | 18.12.02
| 16 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Fifth Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Housing Management Agreements) Order 2003
| 328 | 24.1.03
| 64 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
Sixth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Credit Unions) Order 2003; draft Regulatory Reform (Assured Periodic Tenancies) (Rent Increases) Order 2003
| 329 | 22.1.03
| 20 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Seventh Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Schemes under Section 129 of the Housing Act 1988) (England) Order 2003
| 436 | 13.2.03
| 28 | £6.00
| Not applicable |
Eighth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Housing Management Agreements) Order 2003
| 520 | 12.3.03
| 16 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Ninth Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (British Waterways Board) Order 2003
| 521 | 20.3.03
| 36 | £7.50
| Not applicable |
Tenth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Schemes under Section 129 of the Housing Act 1988) (England) Order 2003
| 549 | 19.3.03
| 16 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Eleventh Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Sugar Beet Research and Education) Order 2003
| 591 | 2.4.03
| 20 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Twelfth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (British Waterways Board) Order 2003
| 682 | 13.5.03
| 8 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Thirteenth Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Gaming Machines) Order 2003
| 715 | 28.5.03
| 68 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
Fourteenth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Business Tenancies) (England and Wales) Order 2003; draft Regulatory Reform (Gaming Machines) Order 2003
| 1210 | 24.10.03
| 28 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
First Special Report: The operation of the Regulatory Reform Act 2001: a progress report
| 908 | 5.11.03
| 56 | £10.50
| Response awaited |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2001-02
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2001-02
were published on 15.4.03 as HC 1333, Session
2001-02. The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session
2002-03 will be published as HC 1317, Session 2002-03.
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 3 of the Committee's 18 Meetings. On
none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly in
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Housing Management Agreements) Order 2003
| 1 |
Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (British Waterways Board) Order 2003
| 1 |
The operation of the Regulatory Reform Act 2001
| 1 |
Total | 3 |
33. Science and Technology
The Committee was nominated on 12 November 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 31 Meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
Gibson, Dr Ian (Chairman) | 31
Dhanda, Mr Parmjit | 13
Harris, Dr Evan (added 10.11.03) | 0
Harris, Mr Tom | 12
Heath, Mr David (discharged 10.11.03) | 11
Hoban, Mr Mark (discharged 27.1.03) | 4
Iddon, Dr Brian | 27
Key, Mr Robert (added 27.1.03) | 23
McWalter, Mr Tony | 30
Murrison, Dr Andrew | 19
Smith, Geraldine | 19
Spink, Dr Robert | 17
Turner, Dr Desmond | 25
Overall Attendance: | 67.7 %
Number of Members added: | 2
Number of Members discharged: | 2
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
18.2 % |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Chris Shaw, Deputy Principal Clerk
(SCS Band 1)
Second Clerk: Nerys Welfoot (until 31.10.03), Assistant Clerk
(Band A3); Emily Commander (from 1.10.03), Assistant Clerk (Band
Committee Specialist: Dr Alun Roberts, (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Mrs Leonie Nugent (until 13.6.03), Higher
Executive Officer (Band B2); Mrs Pam Fisher, Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2); Ana Ferreira (from 16.6.03), Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2)
Secretary: Mara Bulf (from 6.1.03 until 7.2.03), Secretary Grade
3 (Band D1); Catherine Masterman (from 3.2.03 until 13.2.03),
Secretary Grade 3 (Band D1); Jo Curl (from 24.2.03 until 4.4.03),
Secretary Grade 3 (Band D1); Ms Simali Shah (from 7.4.03), Secretary
Grade 3 (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Dennis Anderson, Professor Roy Anderson FRS, Dr Paul
Atherton, Mr Andrew Barnett, Professor Derek Burke CBE FRS, Professor
Michael Elves, Professor John Enderby CBE FRS, Professor Alistair
Hay, Professor William Keevil, Professor Anne Mills, Dr Nick Otter,
Professor Ken Pounds and Professor John Ryan.
Witnesses | |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by: |
Cabinet Ministers | 2
Other Ministers | 6
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of
| |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
| 1 |
Department of Health | 8
Department for Trade and Industry |
6 |
Home Office | 3 |
Ministry of Defence | 1
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
| 3 |
Office of Science and Technology |
5 |
Public bodies and non-Ministerial departments
| 26 |
comprising: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
| 2 |
Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
| 1 |
Economic and Social Research Council
| 1 |
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
| 6 |
Health and Safety Executive | 2
Highways Agency | 1
Medical Research Council | 6
Natural Environment Research Council
| 4 |
Royal Society | 1 |
Partical Physics and Astronomy Research Council
| 2 |
Non-departmental public bodies | 3
Appearances by other witnesses | 74
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination | Members
| Staff | Purpose
| Cost |
4-10.5.03 | USA | 10
| 2 | Scientific Response to Terrorism
| £56,814.22 |
23-24.6.03 | CopenhagenA |
2 | 1
| EUREKA conference | £1,817.70
16-18.11.03 | Germany | 7
| 3B | Nanotechnology
| £8,956.89
(estimated outturn)
A Travel in a representative capacity
B Includes 1 specialist adviser
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination | Members
| Staff | Purpose
| Cost |
10.2.03 | Brussels | 8
| 2 | UK Science and Europe
| £5,387.97 |
UK Visits
Date | Destination | Members
| Staff | Purpose
| Cost |
26.2.03 | Porton Down | 6
| 3 | Scientific Response to Terrorism
| £717.89 |
1.4.03 | Swindon | 3
| 2 | Visit to the Research Councils
| £208.90 |
4.6.03 | Greenwich | 9
| 2A | Light Pollution and Astronomy
| £714.89 |
1.8.03 | St Andrews UniversityB
| 1 | 0
| Light Pollution and Astronomy | £100.00
21.10.03 | Bristol | 3
| 4C | Government Support for Nanotechnology
| £1,119.67 |
A Includes 1 specialist adviser
B Travel in a representative capacity
C Includes 2 specialist advisers
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (2002-03)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: The Work of the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
| 161 | 17.12.02
| 52 | £11.00
| Department of Trade and Industry Response, received 3.3.03: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 2002-03
Second Report: Annual Report 2002 | 260
| 21.1.03 | 25
| £7.50 | Not applicable
Third Report: The Work of the Medical Research Council
| 132 | 25.3.03
| 106 | £14.50
| Department of Trade and Industry Response, Cm 5834, published 2.6.03
Fourth Report: Towards a Non-Carbon Fuel Economy: Research, Development and Demonstration
| 55-I | 3.4.03
| 89 | £13.00
| Department of Trade and Industry Response, received 6.6.03: published as Sixth Special Report, Session 2002-03
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: Towards a Non-Carbon Fuel Economy: Research, Development and Demonstration
| 55-II | 11.4.03
| 167 | £22.50
| Not applicable |
Fifth Report: The Work of the Natural Environment Research Council
| 674 | 16.7.03
| 112 | £14.50
| Department of Trade and Industry Response, received 17.9.03: published as Seventh Special Report, Session 2002-03
Sixth Report: UK Science and Europe: Value for Money?
| 386-I | 24.7.03
| 72 | £13.00
| Department of Trade and Industry Response, received 8.10.03: published as Eighth Special Report, Session 2002-03
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: UK Science and Europe: Value for Money?
| 386-II | 24.7.03
| 177 | £18.50
| Not applicable |
Seventh Report: Light Pollution and Astronomy
| 747-I | 6.10.03
| 69 | £12.00
| Awaiting Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Response; Awaiting Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Response
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: Light Pollution and Astronomy
| 747-II | 6.10.03
| 234 | £21.50
| Not applicable |
Eighth Report: The Scientific Response to Terrorism
| 415-I | 6.11.03
| 91 | £13.00
| Awaiting Home Office Response |
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: The Scientific Response to Terrorism
| 415-II | 6.11.03
| 261 | £22.50
| Not applicable |
Ninth Report: The Work of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
| 936 | 3.11.03
| 132 | £16.50
| Awaiting Department of Trade and Industry Response
First Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2001-02, Government Funding of the Scientific Learned Societies
| 53 | 16.12.02
| 24 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2001-02, National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts: A Follow-Up
| 276 | 21.1.03
| 14 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Third Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2001-02, The Office of Science and Technology: Scrutiny Report 2002
| 293 | 21.1.03
| 10 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Fourth Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2001-02, Short-Term Research Contracts in Science and Engineering
| 442 | 3.3.03
| 13 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Fifth Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2002-03, The Work of the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
| 507 | 14.3.03
| 8 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
Sixth Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2002-03, Towards a Non-Carbon Fuel Economy: Research, Development and Demonstration
| 745 | 12.6.03
| 12 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Seventh Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2002-03, The Work of the Natural Environment Research Council
| 1161 | 29.10.03
| 13 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Eighth Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2002-03, UK Science and Europe: Value for Money?
| 1162 | 31.10.03
| 12 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence, Session 2001-02: Science and Technology from 14 to 19: The Government's Response
| 1273-i | 22.1.03
| 16 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Science Budget Allocations
| 160-i | 7.2.03
| 16 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: ESRC Introductory Session
| 277-i | 10.3.03
| 10 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: DTI Introductory Session
| 278-i | 10.3.03
| 12 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Implications for Science of the Higher Education White Paper
| 416-i | 12.11.03
| 15 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2001-02
Reply to the Committee's Fifth Report: Government Funding of the
Scientific Learned Societies, received 12.11.02 and published
as First Special Report, Session 2002-03.
Department of Health's Response to the Committee's Fourth Report:
Developments in Human Genetics and Embryology, published as Cm
5693 (25.11.02).
Reply to the Committee's Sixth Report: National Endowment for
Science, Technology and the Arts: A Follow-Up, received 18.12.02
and published as Second Special Report, Session 2002-03.
Reply to the Committee's Seventh Report: The Office of Science
and Technology: Scrutiny Report 2002, received 15.1.03 and published
as Third Special Report, Session 2002-03.
Reply to the Committee's Eighth Report: Short-Term Research Contracts
in Science and Engineering, received 7.2.03 and published as Fourth
Special Report, Session 2002-03.
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2001-02
were published on 16.1.03 as HC 1334, Session 2001-02. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2002-03 will be published
as HC 1318, Session 2002-03.
The following Reports and Special Reports were debated in Westminster
Third Report, Session 2001-02, Science Education from 14 to 19
and Sixth Special Report, Session 2001-02, Government Response
to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2001-02, Science Education
from 14 to 19, 3.4.03
Fourth Report, Session 2002-03, Towards a Non-Carbon Fuel Economy:
Research, Development and Demonstration, Volume One and Sixth
Special Report, Session 2002-03, Government Response to the Committee's
Fourth Report of Session 2002-03, Towards a Non-Carbon Fuel Economy:
Research, Development and Demonstration, debate on the reports
from the Environmental Audit Committee, the Science and Technology
Committee and the Trade and Industry Committee on Energy Issues,
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 25 of the Committee's 31 Meetings.
On 3 occasions evidence was taken partly or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
| 1 |
ESRC | 1 |
Government Support for Nanotechnology | 3
Higher Education White Paper | 1
Innovation | 1
Light Pollution and Astronomy | 2
Medical Research Council | 1
Natural Environment Research Council | 1
Office of Science and Technology Scrutiny Session 2003
| 1 |
Science Budget Allocations | 1
Scientific Response to Terrorism | 6
Towards a Non-Carbon Fuel EconomyA | 3
UK Science and Europe: Value for Money? |
3 |
Total | 25
A The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session
2001-02; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2001-02))
34. Scottish Affairs
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 21 Meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
Adams, Mrs Irene (Chairman) | 18
Atkinson, Mr Peter (discharged 2.12.02) |
0 |
Carmichael, Mr Alistair | 12
Duncan, Mr Peter | 16
Hamilton, David (added 10.2.03) | 9
Joyce, Mr Eric (discharged 20.10.03) | 18
Lazarowicz, Mr Mark (discharged 10.2.03) |
5 |
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian (added 2.12.02) |
8 |
Lyons, Mr John | 15
MacDougall, Mr John (added 20.10.03) | 3
McKechin, Ann | 19
Robertson, John | 17
Sarwar, Mr Mohammad | 13
Weir, Mr Michael | 16
Overall Attendance: | 73.2 %
Number of Members added: | 3
Number of Members discharged: | 3
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
27.3% |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr John Whatley, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Assistant: Mrs Diane Nelson, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2); Mrs Pam Fisher (from 6.11.03), Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2)
Secretary: Miss Julie Storey (until 28.1.03), Secretary Grade
3 (Band D1); Cynthia Benjamin (from 29.1.03), Secretary Grade
3 (Band D1); Miss Joanne Larcombe (from 6.10.03), Secretary Grade
3 (Band D1)
Specialist Adviser during the Session
Witnesses | |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by: |
Cabinet Ministers | 1
Other Ministers | 2
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Scotland Office | 2
Other departments comprising: |
Department of Trade and Industry
| 3 |
HM Customs and Excise | 3
Inland Revenue | 3
Public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
British Waterways Group | 1
British Waterways Scotland |
2 |
Child Support Agency | 2
Disability Rights Commission Scotland
| 4 |
Glasgow City Council | 1
Scottish Enterprise | 8
Scottish Low Pay Unit | 2
Scottish Drug Enforcement Agency
| 1 |
Regulatory body comprising: |
Citizens Advice Scotland | 6
Appearances by other witnesses | 18
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination | Members
| Staff | Purpose
| Cost |
5.12.02 | Edinburgh | 6
| 2 | Inquiry into the Work of the Citizens Advice Scotland
| £3,001.50 |
10.2.03 | Kilbride and Glasgow
| 6 | 2
| Inquiry into Homeworkers in Scotland and the Minimum Wage
| £1,331.46 |
17.3.03 | Falkirk | 9
| 3 | Inquiry into the Work of the Child Support Agency Centre in Falkirk
| £2,432.71 |
16.6.03 | Rosyth | 6
| 2 | Inquiry into Custom Services in Scotland
| £1,403.95 |
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (2002-03)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: The Work of the Scottish Affairs Committee in 2002
| 197 | 19.12.02
| 8 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Second Report: Homeworkers in Scotland and the Minimum Wage
| 335 | 3.4.03
| 62 | £13.00
| Received 4.6.03: published as Third Special Report, Session 2002-03
First Special Report: Scotland Office Expenditure
| 198 | 19.12.02
| 13 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Employment in Shipbuilding on the Clyde: Response by the Government to the Fifth Report of the Committee of Session 2001-02
| 199 | 19.12.02
| 7 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Third Special Report: Response by the Government to the Committee's Report on Homeworkers in Scotland and the Minimum Wage
| 816 | 19.6.03
| 7 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Futureskills Scotland |
101-i | 12.12.02
| 15 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Work of Citizens Advice Scotland
| 158-i | 14.1.03
| 26 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Work of the Disability Rights Commission in Scotland
| 608-i | 29.5.03
| 31 | £9.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Work of the Child Support Agency Centre in Falkirk
| 693-i | 27.6.03
| 21 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Job Creation Potential of the Modernised Forth, Clyde and Scottish Union Canal
| 717-i | 16.7.03
| 44 | £0.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Customs Services in Scotland
| 911-i | 28.8.03
| 22 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2001-02
Reply to the Committee's Fifth Report: Employment in Shipbuilding
on the Clyde, received 16.12.02 and published as Second Special
Report, Session 2002-03.
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2001-02
were published on 13.11.02 as HC 1335, Session 2001-02. The Minutes
of Proceedings for Session 2002-03 will be published as HC 1319,
Session 2002-03.
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 14 of the Committee's 21 Meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Coincidence of Parliamentary Boundaries in Scotland and the Consequences of Change
| 3 |
Customs Services in Scotland | 1
Futureskills Scotland | 1
Homeworkers in Scotland and the Minimum Wage
| 4 |
Job Creation Potential of the Modernised Forth, Clyde and Union Canal
| 1 |
Scotland Office Report 2003 | 1
The Work of Citizens Advice Scotland | 1
The Work of the Child Support Agency in Scotland
| 1 |
The Work of the Disability Rights Commission in Scotland
| 1 |
Total | 14
35. Selection
The Committee was nominated on 25 July 2001.
It had 9 Members and held 37 Meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
McWilliam, Mr John (Chairman) | 25
Ainsworth, Mr Bob (added 18.6.03) | 11
Fitzpatrick, Jim (added 18.6.03) | 10
Hayes, Mr John (discharged 21.11.02) | 0
Heppell, Mr John | 27
Hill, Keith (discharged 18.6.03) | 19
Hope, Phil (discharged 7.7.03) | 17
Luff, Mr Peter (added 21.11.02) | 28
Quinn, Lawrie (added 7.7.03) | 8
Ryan, Joan | 30
Stunell, Mr Andrew | 32
Sutcliffe, Mr Gerry (discharged 18.6.03) |
15 |
Young, Sir George | 30
Overall Attendance: | 75.7 %
Number of Members added: | 4
Number of Members discharged: | 4
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
44.4 % |
Clerk of the Committee: Dr Mark Egan (until 27.4.03), Senior Clerk
(Band A2); Miss Sîan Jones (from 28.4.03), Assistant Clerk
(Band A3)
Committee Assistant: Mr Rob Bartram, Chief Office Clerk (Band
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Overseas Visits
Not applicable.
Visits to European Institutions
Not applicable.
UK Visits
Not applicable.
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Oral Evidence
36. Standards and Privileges
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 20 Meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
Young, Sir George (Chairman) | 20
Brown, Mr Russell (discharged 17.11.03) |
11 |
Cranston, Ross | 15
Dismore, Mr Andrew | 13
Foster, Mr Derek (added 15.5.03) | 8
Foster, Mr Michael Jabez | 18
Heath, Mr David | 10
Levitt, Mr Tom (discharged 8.9.03) | 14
Mackay, Mr Andrew | 14
McNamara, Mr Kevin | 13
Ottaway, Richard | 15
Pound, Mr Stephen (added 17.11.03) | 1
Williams, Mr Alan (discharged 7.4.03) | 7
Overall Attendance: | 74.3 %
Number of Members added: | 2
Number of Members discharged: | 3
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
27.3 % |
Clerk of the Committee: Dr Christopher Ward, Deputy Principal
Clerk (SCS Band 1)
Second Clerk: Mr Mike Clark, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Secretary: Ms Lisa Hasell, Secretary Grade 3 (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Witnesses | |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following category of witness:
| |
Number of appearances by: |
Members of Parliament | 1
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (2002-03)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Complaint against Mr Nigel Griffiths
| 195 | 18.12.02
| 40 | £9.00
| Not required |
Second Report: Eighth Report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life: "Standards of Conduct in the House of Commons"
| 403 | 11.2.03
| 32 | £7.50
| Not required |
Third Report: Complaints against Mr Michael Trend
| 435 | 13.2.03
| 32 | £7.50
| Not required |
Fourth Report: Complaints against Mr Henry McLeish
| 946 | 10.7.03
| 24 | £6.00
| Not required |
Fifth Report: Complaints against Mr Clive Betts
| 947 | 17.7.03
| 48 | £10.00
| Not required |
Sixth Report: Pay for Select Committee Chairmen
| 1150 | 15.10.03
| 12 | £4.00
| Not required |
Seventh Report: Guidance for Chairmen and Members of Select Committees
| 1292 | 20.11.03
| 12 | £4.00
| Not required |
First Special Report: Standards of Conduct: Letters from the Committee on Standards in Public Life
| 516 | 12.3.03
| 12 | £4.00
| Not required |
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2001-02
were published on 31.1.03 as HC 1336, Session 2001-02. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2002-03 will be published
as HC 1320, Session 2002-03.
The following Reports were debated in the House:
Second Report, Session 2002-03, Eighth Report of the Committee
on Standards in Public Life: "Standards of Conduct in the
House of Commons", 26.6.03
Third Report, Session 2002-03, Complaints against Mr Michael Trend,
Fifth Report, Session 2002-03, Complaints against Mr Clive Betts,
Sixth Report, Session 2002-03, Pay for Select Committee Chairmen,
The following Special Report was tagged on the Order Paper:
First Special Report, Session 2002-03, Standards of Conduct: Letters
from the Committee on Standards in Public Life, 26.6.03
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 1 of the Committee's 20 Meetings. On
this occasion evidence was taken wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Complaints against Mr Michael Trend | 1
Total | 1 |