Written Ministerial Statements to be made today |
1 | Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer: HM Customs and Excise: Advance from the Contingencies Fund. |
2 | Parliamentary Under Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs: Government Response to the Constitutional Affairs Select Committee Report on Family Justice: the operation of the family courts. |
3 | Deputy Prime Minister: Consultation on Draft Regulations to Amend Planning Regulations relating to the Control of Hazardous Substances. |
4 | Deputy Prime Minister: Planning, Policy Guidance Note 25. |
5 | Secretary of State for Defence: Future Rotorcraft Policy. |
6 | Secretary of State for Defence: Defence Geographic and Imagery Intelligence Agency and Defence Intelligence and Security Centreremoval of agency status. |
7 | Secretary of State for Defence: MoD Medal Office. |
8 | Secretary of State for Defence: Lump sum award under the new Armed Forces Compensation Scheme. |
9 | Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Making space for water, a new Government strategy for managing flood and coastal erosion risks. |
10 | Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Energy and Environment Ministerial Roundtable. |
11 | Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Review of British Waterways. |
12 | Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Outcomes from the G8 Environment and Development Ministerial. |
13 | Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs: Palestine: security. |
14 | Secretary of State for Health: Pharmaceutical price regulation scheme: eighth report to Parliament. |
15 | Secretary of State for the Home Department: United Kingdom Passport Service Corporate Business Plans 2005 to 2010. |
16 | Secretary of State for the Home Department: Prison Service Business Plan 2005-06. |
17 | Secretary of State for the Home Department: Police pensions finance reform. |
18 | Secretary of State for Northern Ireland: Prison Service Pay Review Body. |
19 | Secretary of State for Northern Ireland: Rosemary Nelson Inquiry: Terms of Reference. |
20 | Secretary of State for Trade and Industry: Insolvency Service: Performance Targets 2005-06. |
21 | Secretary of State for Trade and Industry: Companies House: Performance Targets 2005-06. |
22 | Secretary of State for Transport: Highways Agency Business Plan 2005-06. |
23 | Secretary of State for Transport: Dartford-Thurrock Crossing Road User Charging Scheme Accounts 2003-04. |
24 | Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: Agency business plans. |
25 | Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: Social Fund allocations 2005-06. |
26 | Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: New child support scheme: progress report. |