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Session 2004 - 05
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Order of Business 24 March 2005

Here you can browse the House of Commons Order of Business for 24 March 2005.

* indicates a question for oral answer.
[R] indicates that the Member has declared a relevant interest.
Questions for oral answer not reached receive a written answer.
Supplementary questions will also be asked. Other Ministers may also answer.

+ indicates Government business.
Timings are indicative only.

At 11.30 a.m.      Prayers
Oral Questions to the Secretary of State for Education and Skills
*1 Mr John Grogan (Selby):    If she will make a statement on the future of adult education in further education colleges.
( 223597 )
*2 Mr Jim Cunningham (Coventry South):    How much (a) primary schools and (b) secondary schools in Coventry have received from the Government in each year since the introduction of direct payments.
( 223599 )
*3 Michael Fabricant (Lichfield):    How many special schools have closed since 1997; and if she will make a statement.
( 223600 )
*4 Mr Ben Chapman (Wirral South):    What assessment she has made of her Department's private finance initiative projects in Wirral South.
( 223601 )
*5 Mr Henry Bellingham (North West Norfolk):    Whether she plans to give greater weight to the views of head teachers on exclusions.
( 223602 )
*6 Mr Nick Gibb (Bognor Regis & Littlehampton):    If she will make a statement on the teaching of mathematics in primary and secondary schools.
( 223603 )
*7 Mr John McWilliam (Blaydon):    What plans she has to increase the take-up of vocational training in schools and colleges.
( 223604 )
*8 Mr Colin Challen (Morley & Rothwell):    What recent representations she has received about the annual review mechanism of the Repayment of Teachers' Loans Scheme.
( 223605 )
*9 Hugh Bayley (York, City of):    What the change in the number of (a) teachers and (b) classroom assistants in schools in York has been since 1997.
( 223606 )
*10 Mr Peter Luff (Mid Worcestershire):    What assessment she has made of the relative needs of English shire counties for educational funding.
( 223607 )
*11 David Taylor (North West Leicestershire):    What recent assessment she has made of the relationship between educational achievement and diet.
( 223608 )
*12 John Mann (Bassetlaw):    Whether private finance initiative deals for new schools agreed by her Department but as yet unsigned could be cancelled by an incoming Government.
( 223609 )
*13 Mr Tim Boswell (Daventry):    How many special schools have closed since 1997; and if she will make a statement.
( 223610 )
*14 Bob Spink (Castle Point):    When she next expects to visit Essex to discuss vocational skills training.
( 223611 )
*15 Gregory Barker (Bexhill & Battle):    How much East Sussex will receive in Building Schools for the Future funding in the next four years; and how many schools will benefit.
( 223612 )
*16 Mrs Anne Campbell (Cambridge):    What plans she has for charging for 16 to 19 further education courses.
( 223613 )
*17 Jane Griffiths (Reading East):    What steps she is taking to improve the skills base of employees.
( 223614 )
*18 Miss Anne McIntosh (Vale of York):    If she will make a statement on Government policy on children with special educational needs.
( 223616 )

At 12.20 p.m.
Oral Questions to the Solicitor General
*19 Mr Gordon Prentice (Pendle):    How many times since 2001 the Attorney General has decided to bring cases involving military personnel through the civilian courts.
( 223617 )
*20 Miss Anne McIntosh (Vale of York):    What recent discussions she has had with the Crown Prosecution Service on the breaching of anti-social behaviour orders in North Yorkshire.
( 223618 )
*21 Hugh Bayley (York, City of):    What action the Law Officers' Departments are taking to implement the recommendations of the Commission for Africa on combating financial crimes including bribery and corruption.
( 223619 )
*22 Bob Spink (Castle Point):    What recent representations she has received on publishing the Attorney General's advice on the Iraq war.
( 223621 )
*23 Mr Henry Bellingham (North West Norfolk):    When she next expects to meet representatives of small business organisations to discuss Government measures to tackle fraudulent schemes aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises.
( 223622 )

At 12.30 p.m.Urgent Questions (if any)
Ministerial Statements (if any)

Preliminary Business

Notice of Presentation of Bill



[No debate]

      Mr Frank Field
        Bill to make provision in connection with anti-social behaviour.

Formal first reading: no debate or decision.

Main Business

+  2  


[Until 6.00 p.m.]

      The Prime Minister
        That this House do now adjourn.

        Proposed subject for debate: Matters to be considered before the forthcoming adjournment.

Debate may continue until 6.00 p.m.

At the end of the sitting:



        Proposed subject: Extradition of Mr Giles Carlyle-Clarke (Mr Robert Walter).

        Debate may continue until 6.30 p.m., or for half an hour, whichever is later (Standing Order No. 9 and Order of 29th October 2002).



1Standing Committee B9.25 a.m.
2.30 p.m.
Room 11 (public)
Further to consider the Inquiries Bill [Lords].
2Fifth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation9.55 a.m.Room 12 (public)
To consider the Town and Country Planning (Temporary Stop Notice) (England) Regulations 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 206).


3Treasury9.15 a.m.

9.30 a.m.
The Wilson Room, Portcullis House (private)
Subject: February 2005 Inflation Report.
Witnesses: Mr Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, and Members of the Monetary Policy Committee.


4Draft Children (Contact) and Adoption Bill10.00 a.m.Room 5 (private)

[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice.]

Written Ministerial Statements to be made today

1    Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer:      HM Customs and Excise: Advance from the Contingencies Fund.
2    Parliamentary Under Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs:      Government Response to the Constitutional Affairs Select Committee Report on Family Justice: the operation of the family courts.
3    Deputy Prime Minister:      Consultation on Draft Regulations to Amend Planning Regulations relating to the Control of Hazardous Substances.
4    Deputy Prime Minister:      Planning, Policy Guidance Note 25.
5    Secretary of State for Defence:      Future Rotorcraft Policy.
6    Secretary of State for Defence:      Defence Geographic and Imagery Intelligence Agency and Defence Intelligence and Security Centre—removal of agency status.
7    Secretary of State for Defence:      MoD Medal Office.
8    Secretary of State for Defence:      Lump sum award under the new Armed Forces Compensation Scheme.
9    Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:      Making space for water, a new Government strategy for managing flood and coastal erosion risks.
10    Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:      Energy and Environment Ministerial Roundtable.
11    Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:      Review of British Waterways.
12    Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:      Outcomes from the G8 Environment and Development Ministerial.
13    Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs:      Palestine: security.
14    Secretary of State for Health:      Pharmaceutical price regulation scheme: eighth report to Parliament.
15    Secretary of State for the Home Department:      United Kingdom Passport Service Corporate Business Plans 2005 to 2010.
16    Secretary of State for the Home Department:      Prison Service Business Plan 2005-06.
17    Secretary of State for the Home Department:      Police pensions finance reform.
18    Secretary of State for Northern Ireland:      Prison Service Pay Review Body.
19    Secretary of State for Northern Ireland:      Rosemary Nelson Inquiry: Terms of Reference.
20    Secretary of State for Trade and Industry:      Insolvency Service: Performance Targets 2005-06.
21    Secretary of State for Trade and Industry:      Companies House: Performance Targets 2005-06.
22    Secretary of State for Transport:      Highways Agency Business Plan 2005-06.
23    Secretary of State for Transport:      Dartford-Thurrock Crossing Road User Charging Scheme Accounts 2003-04.
24    Secretary of State for Work and Pensions:      Agency business plans.
25    Secretary of State for Work and Pensions:      Social Fund allocations 2005-06.
26    Secretary of State for Work and Pensions:      New child support scheme: progress report.

Written Question tabled on Wednesday 23rd March for answer today‡

1 Bob Russell (Colchester): To ask the honourable Member for Gosport, representing the Speaker's Committee on the Electoral Commission, if, pursuant to his Oral Answer of 21st March to the honourable Member for Colchester, he will make a further statement about registration levels for postal votes in Newcastle, Cardiff and Stevenage.
( 224240 )

Standing Committee Notices

     Standing Committee C will meet on Tuesday 5th April at 9.30 a.m. further to consider the Criminal Law (Amendment) (Householder Protection) Bill.

     The First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Tuesday 5th April at 6.00 p.m. to consider the Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 2) Rules 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 656).


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Prepared 24 March 2005