Amendments proposed to the Gambling Bill - continued House of Commons

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Mr Don Foster
Bob Russell


Clause     157,     page     70,     line     35,     leave out 'casino' and insert 'gambling'.


Mr Don Foster
Bob Russell


Clause     157,     page     70,     line     39,     leave out 'casino' and insert 'gambling'.


Mr Don Foster
Bob Russell


Clause     157,     page     71,     line     3,     leave out 'casino' and insert 'gambling'.


Mr Don Foster
Bob Russell


Clause     157,     page     71,     line     4,     leave out 'casino' and insert 'gambling'.


Mr Don Foster
Bob Russell


Clause     157,     page     71,     line     7,     leave out 'casino' and insert 'gambling'.


Mr Don Foster
Bob Russell


Clause     157,     page     71,     line     9,     leave out 'casino' and insert 'gambling'.


Mr Don Foster
Bob Russell


Clause     157,     page     71,     line     11,     leave out 'casino' and insert 'gambling'.


Mr Don Foster
Bob Russell


Clause     157,     page     71,     line     13,     leave out 'casino' and insert 'gambling'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Nick Hawkins
Mr John Whittingdale


Clause     157,     page     71,     line     16,     at end add 'and consulted upon in accordance with section 327.'.


Miss Julie Kirkbride


Clause     158,     page     71,     line     21,     at end insert—

    '(1A)   Regulations under this section shall include a prohibition on any authority which issues a premises licence from holding an interest directly or indirectly in a business of the licensee.'.


Mr Don Foster
Bob Russell


Clause     158,     page     71,     line     29,     at end add—

    '(4)   Each casino premises licence shall by virtue of this subsection be subject to the mandatory conditions that the licensee—

(a) shall not operate gaming tables or gaming machines of Categories A or B outside a designated gaming area prescribed in relation to the relevant casino premises under section 143(1)(i),

(b) shall not permit any person other than the licensee or a person employed by the licensee to perform any function within the casino to enter a designated gaming area whilst the same is being used in reliance of the casino premises licence without the production at the entrance thereto of satisfactory evidence of identity, and

(c) shall maintain a condition of door supervision in respect of the designated gaming area at all times whilst the same is being used in reliance of the casino premises licence.

    (5)   Regulations under this section may, in particular, add or exclude gaming machines of a particular category or categories from gaming machines which are the subject of subsection (4) provided always that such regulations shall not permit gaming machines of Category A to be so excluded.

    (6)   In subsection (4) "satisfactory evidence of identity" means evidence which is reasonably capable of establishing (and does in fact establish to the satisfaction of the person who obtains it) the name, address and a photographic likeness of the person producing the evidence, and that such person is over the age of 18 years on each occasion that satisfactory evidence of identity is required to be produced under this Act (including the proffering on a second or subsequent occasion of entry of a card or token issued to them by the licensee of the casino premises) for the purpose of verifying the identity of such person by reference to a photographic image stored visually or electronically upon the card or token, or upon a system maintained by the licensee of the casino premises for such purpose.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Nick Hawkins
Mr John Whittingdale


Clause     161,     page     72,     line     12,     at beginning insert 'Subject to section 165(6),'.


Mr Don Foster
Bob Russell


Clause     163,     page     73,     line     1,     leave out 'regional' and insert 'leisure destination'.


Miss Julie Kirkbride


Clause     163,     page     73,     line     8,     at end insert 'and

(c) not more than 10 per cent. of the number of actual machines sited, or not more than 1,250 machines, shall be Category A machines.'.


Mr Don Foster
Bob Russell


Clause     163,     page     73,     line     10,     leave out 'regional' and insert 'leisure destination'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Nick Hawkins
Mr John Whittingdale


Clause     163,     page     73,     line     13,     after 'Category', insert 'A,'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Nick Hawkins
Mr John Whittingdale


Clause     163,     page     73,     line     21,     after 'Category', insert 'A,'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Nick Hawkins
Mr John Whittingdale


Clause     163,     page     74,     line     7,     at end insert—

    '(10)   The provisions of this section are subject to section 220(2)(c).'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr John Whittingdale
Mr Nick Hawkins


Clause     164,     page     74,     line     20,     at end add—

    '(3)   A bingo premises licence shall by virtue of this section authorise the holder to make facilities available for playing games of bingo played on more than one set of premises where the persons playing the games are participating by the use of remote communication.'.


Mr Don Foster
Bob Russell


Clause     165,     page     74,     line     23,     leave out paragraph (a).


Mr Don Foster
Bob Russell


Clause     165,     page     74,     line     23,     leave out 'regional' and insert 'leisure destination'.


Mr Richard Caborn


Clause     165,     page     74,     line     37,     at end insert—

    '(6)   Regulations under section 158 or 159 may, in particular, make provision in relation to casino premises licences, or in relation to a class of casino premises licence, for a condition requiring the provision of recreational or other facilities of a specified kind.

    (7)   Subsection (6) is without prejudice to the generality of sections 158, 159 and 160.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Nick Hawkins
Mr John Whittingdale


Clause     165,     page     74,     line     37,     at end insert—

    '(6)   A casino premises licence shall be subject to a condition that a person may not participate in any casino game or other game of chance made available at the casino unless that person is a member of that casino.

    (7)   A person may only be admitted to membership of a casino by a licence holder if he—

(a) has applied in writing to join the casino, and

(b) has provided satisfactory evidence of his identity and age.

    (8)   For the purposes of subsection (7) satisfactory evidence of identity is evidence which is reasonably capable of establishing (and does establish to the satisfaction of the licence holder) that the applicant is the person he claims to be and is aged 18 or over.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr John Whittingdale
Mr Nick Hawkins


Clause     166,     page     75,     line     13,     at end add—

    '(5)   This section shall not apply in relation to a bingo club premises licence.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Nick Hawkins
Mr John Whittingdale


Clause     170,     page     76,     line     24,     leave out from 'by' to end of line 28 and insert 'by the relevant licensing authority in accordance with guidance issued by the Secretary of State.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Nick Hawkins
Mr John Whittingdale


Clause     170,     page     76,     line     29,     leave out subsections (3) to (6).


Miss Julie Kirkbride


Clause     170,     page     76,     line     32,     at end insert—

 'but in no circumstances shall local authorities benefit directly or indirectly from such fees other than to cover their actual cost of administering such premises licences in accordance with guidance set forth under section 24.'.


Mr Richard Caborn


Clause     176,     page     80,     line     36,     at end add—

    '( )   In subsection (2), "prescribed" means—

(a) in relation to applications to authorities in England and Wales, prescribed by regulations made by the Secretary of State, and

(b) in relation to applications to authorities in Scotland, prescribed by regulations made by the Scottish Ministers.'.


Mr Richard Caborn


Clause     183,     page     84,     line     6,     at end add—

    '( )   In relation to applications to authorities in Scotland, subsections (3) and (4) shall have effect as if the references to the Secretary of State were references to the Scottish Ministers.'.


Mr Richard Caborn


Clause     186,     page     85,     line     19,     at end add—

    '( )   In relation to notice given by a licensing authority in Scotland, subsection (4) shall have effect as if the reference to the Secretary of State were a reference to the Scottish Ministers.'.

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