Amendments proposed to the Prevention of Terrorism Bill - continued House of Commons

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David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Page     4,     line     35,     leave out Clause 3.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     4,     page     5,     line     15,     leave out 'of' and insert 'specified in the order and not exceeding'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     4,     page     5,     line     19,     after 'the', insert 'court on the application of the'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     4,     page     5,     line     21,     leave out 'make' and insert 'apply to the court for'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     4,     page     5,     line     22,     leave out '6 month period' and insert 'period specified in the order and not exceeding 6 months'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     4,     page     5,     line     30,     after 'the', insert 'court on the application of the'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     4,     page     5,     line     31,     leave out 'impose' and insert 'apply for'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     4,     page     5,     line     33,     after 'the', insert 'court on the application of the'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     4,     page     5,     line     35,     after 'the', insert 'court on the application of the'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     4,     page     5,     line     38,     leave out subsections (6) to (8).


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     4,     page     5,     line     41,     leave out subsection (7).


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     4,     page     6,     line     4,     after 'the', insert 'court on the application of the'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     4,     page     6,     line     4,     leave out 'of his'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     4,     page     6,     leave out lines 8 and 9.


Mr John Denham
Vera Baird
Mr David Kidney
Lynne Jones


Clause     4,     page     6,     line     12,     at end add—

    '(10)   Before making a new control order pursuant to subsection (2)(a) the Secretary of State must—

      (a) seek the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions on whether there is sufficient evidence on which to bring a criminal prosecution against the controlled person; and

      (b) publish on the face of the new control order a statement as to whether or not such advice has been obtained.'.


Mr Mark Oaten
Mr David Heath
Mr Alistair Carmichael
David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer

David MacleanLynne Jones John Austin


Page     5,     line     13,     leave out Clause 4.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     5,     page     6,     line     15,     leave out 'make' and insert 'apply for'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Mr Mark Oaten
Mr David Heath
Mr Alistair Carmichael
Mr Clive Betts

Richard BurdenVera BairdMr Simon Thomas
Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus RobertsonDavid Davis
Mr Dominic GrievePatrick MercerDavid Maclean


Clause     5,     page     6,     line     16,     leave out 'Secretary of State' and insert 'court'.


Mr Mark Oaten
Mr David Heath
Mr Alistair Carmichael
David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer

David Maclean


Clause     5,     page     6,     leave out line 19.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Mr Clive Betts
Richard Burden
David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve

Patrick MercerDavid MacleanVera Baird
Mr Simon ThomasMr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn Llwyd
Mr Michael WeirHywel WilliamsAnnabelle Ewing
Adam PricePete WishartAngus Robertson
David DavisMr Dominic GrievePatrick Mercer
David Maclean


Clause     5,     page     6,     line     19,     leave out 'Secretary of State' and insert 'court'.


Mr Mark Oaten
Mr David Heath
Mr Alistair Carmichael


Clause     5,     page     6,     line     20,     leave out subsections (2) and (3) and insert—

    '(2)   The Secretary of State may make an application to the court at any time to—

      (a) revoke a control order;

      (b) relax or remove an obligation imposed by such an order;

      (c) modify the obligations imposed by such an order.'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     5,     page     6,     line     20,     after 'The', insert 'court on the application of the'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     5,     page     6,     line     20,     leave out from 'The' to end of line 21 and insert 'court may on application by the Secretary of State'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     5,     page     6,     line     20,     after 'State', insert 'or the court'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     5,     page     6,     line     27,     leave out 'he' and insert 'it'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     5,     page     6,     line     30,     leave out subsection (3).


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     5,     page     6,     line     30,     after 'The', insert 'court on the application of the'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     5,     page     6,     line     30,     after 'State', insert 'or the court'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas
Mr Alex Salmond

Mr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael WeirHywel Williams
Annabelle EwingAdam PricePete Wishart
Angus RobertsonMr Clive Betts


Clause     5,     page     6,     line     33,     leave out 'Secretary of State' and insert 'court'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     5,     page     6,     line     34,     leave out 'of his'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     5,     page     6,     line     38,     leave out subsection (4).

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