Amendments proposed to the Prevention of Terrorism Bill - continued House of Commons

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David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


Clause     7,     page     9,     line     41,     at end insert—

      '(d) power to award to the controlled person their costs of the proceedings.'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     7,     page     9,     line     42,     at end add—

    '(10)   An appeal under this section shall be made—

      (a) in England and Wales or in Northern Ireland to the Court of Appeal, or

      (b) in Scotland to the Inner House of the Court of Session.'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Page     8,     line     31,     leave out Clause 7.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     8,     page     10,     line     1,     leave out 'Secretary of State' and insert 'court of first instance'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     8,     page     10,     line     5,     leave out 'by the Secretary of State' and insert 'of the court of first instance'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     8,     page     10,     line     8,     leave out 'Secretary of State' and insert 'court of first instance'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     8,     page     10,     line     13,     leave out 'Secretary of State's decision' and insert 'decision of the court of first instance'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     8,     page     10,     line     16,     leave out 'Secretary of State' and insert 'court of first instance'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     8,     page     10,     line     17,     at end add—

    '(5)   An appeal under this section shall be made—

      (c) in England and Wales or in Northern Ireland to the Court of Appeal, or

      (d) in Scotland to the Inner House of the Court of Session.'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


Page     9,     line     43,     leave out Clause 8.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     9,     page     10,     line     19,     leave out subsection (1).


Mr Mark Oaten
Mr David Heath
Mr Alistair Carmichael
David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer

David Maclean


Clause     9,     page     10,     line     19,     leave out 'and derogation matters'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     9,     page     10,     line     23,     leave out 'court' and insert 'the Court of Appeal in England and Wales or in Northern Ireland or the Inner House of the Court of Session in Scotland'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


Clause     9,     page     10,     line     25,     leave out 'or derogation matter'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


Clause     9,     page     10,     line     25,     at end insert—

    '(2A)   The burden of proof in control order proceedings shall be on the Secretary of State and proof shall be required to the criminal standard.'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


Clause     9,     page     10,     line     25,     at end insert—

    '(2A)   The burden of proof in control order proceedings shall be on the Secretary of State and proof shall be required on the balance of probabilities.'.


Mr Michael Weir
Mr Alex Salmond
Mr Elfyn Llwyd
Mr Simon Thomas
Annabelle Ewing
Hywel Williams

Pete WishartAdam PriceAngus Robertson


*Clause     9,     page     10,     line     26,     leave out subsection (3) and insert—

    '( )   In any appeal in respect of control order proceedings the court may consider any aspect of fact or law.'.


Mr Mark Oaten
Mr David Heath
Mr Alistair Carmichael
David Davis
Patrick Mercer
Mr Dominic Grieve

David Maclean


Clause     9,     page     10,     line     26,     leave out subsection (3).


Mr Mark Oaten
Mr David Heath
Mr Alistair Carmichael
David Davis
Patrick Mercer
Mr Dominic Grieve

David Maclean


Clause     9,     page     10,     line     28,     leave out subsection (4).


Mr Mark Oaten
Mr David Heath
Mr Alistair Carmichael


Clause     9,     page     10,     line     34,     leave out from beginning to end of line 42 and insert 'any proceedings in court for the making, renewing, modification, revocation or questioning of a control order'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


Clause     9,     page     10,     leave out lines 34 and 35.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     9,     page     10,     leave out lines 34 to 36.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


Clause     9,     page     10,     line     36,     leave out 'or 8'.


Mr Win Griffiths
Mrs Jackie Lawrence
Richard Burden
Mr Clive Betts
Vera Baird
Mr Simon Thomas

Mr Alex SalmondMr Elfyn LlwydMr Michael Weir
Hywel WilliamsAnnabelle EwingAdam Price
Pete WishartAngus Robertson


Clause     9,     page     11,     line     1,     after 'the', insert 'court on the application of the'.


Mr Mark Oaten
Mr David Heath
Mr Alistair Carmichael


Clause     9,     page     11,     line     1,     leave out 'Secretary of State' and insert 'court'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     9,     page     11,     line     4,     leave out paragraphs (b) and (c).


Mr Mark Oaten
Mr David Heath
Mr Alistair Carmichael
David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer

David Maclean


Clause     9,     page     11,     line     10,     leave out subsection (8).


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Page     10,     line     18,     leave out Clause 9.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     11,     page     12,     line     41,     leave out 'his exercise of the control order powers' and insert 'the use of control orders'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     11,     page     12,     line     44,     leave out 'sections 1 to 6' and insert 'this Act'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     11,     page     13,     line     3,     leave out 'those sections' and insert 'this Act'.


David Davis
Mr Dominic Grieve
Patrick Mercer
David Maclean


*Clause     11,     page     13,     leave out lines 12 to 17.


Mr Mark Oaten
Mr David Heath
Mr Alistair Carmichael


Clause     11,     page     13,     line     13,     leave out 'make, renew, modify and revoke' and insert 'make application to the court for the making, renewing, modification and revoking of'.


Mr Win Griffiths


*Clause     12,     page     13,     leave out lines 37 to 46.

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