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House of Commons
Session 2004 - 05
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament



House of Commons


Wednesday 6th April 2005


Committee of the Whole House




disability Discrimination Bill [Lords]


Maria Eagle


To move, That the Bill be considered in the following order, namely, Clause 18,


Clauses 1 to 17, New Clauses, New Schedules, Clause 19, Schedules 1 and 2, Clause 20


and remaining proceedings on the Bill.


Agreed to


Maria Eagle


Agreed to on division  1


Clause  18,  page  46,  line  1,  leave out subsection (3).


Clause, as amended, Agreed to.


Clauses 1 to 17 and 19 Agreed to.


Schedules 1 and 2 Agreed to.



Maria Eagle


Agreed to  2


Clause  20,  page  47,  line  23,  leave out subsection (12).


Clause, as amended, Agreed to.


Bill read the third time and passed, with Amendments.


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Revised 7 April 2005