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30 Nov 2004 : Column 67W—continued


Charles Hendry: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions if he will make it his policy to continue carer's allowance payments to those entitled upon their take-up of state pension; and if he will make a statement. [200328]

Maria Eagle: No. It is a basic principle of the social security system that only one benefit at a time can be paid for the same purpose. Even though the circumstances which give rise to entitlement to carer's allowance and state pension are different, they are both designed to provide a degree of replacement for lost or foregone income. Carer's allowance replaces income where the carer is over working age or has to give up the chance of working to look after a severely disabled person, while state pension replaces income in retirement.

Carer's allowance is therefore not payable, or not payable in full, in addition to state pension. As the contributory benefit, the payment of state pension takes precedence, either extinguishing or reducing the payment of carer's allowance. Nevertheless, the income of a person in these circumstances will be at least as high as the rate of carer's allowance, and is usually higher. In addition, where the benefit cannot be paid, the person will keep underlying entitlement to carer's allowance, which gives them access to the carer premium in housing benefit and council tax benefit and the additional amount for carers in state pension credit.

We have no immediate plans to change these arrangements.
30 Nov 2004 : Column 68W

Departmental Web Content

Paul Holmes: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions whether his Department's websites comply with the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines adopted by the Government in 2001; and if he will make a statement. [199686]

Jane Kennedy: We test all of our departmental websites against the minimum level of the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines as outlined in the Government Guidelines for UK Websites. Several of our sites already meet or exceed these. These are:

The first three of these have also achieved the RNIB "See It Right" accreditation.

Where we have identified websites that do not yet meet the minimum standard, we are working towards achieving them as part of existing redevelopment plans. Sites being worked on currently include:

Our aim is to exceed the minimum prescribed 'Level A' standard wherever possible, achieving "Level AA" or better.

Incapacity Benefit

Mr. Goodman: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what the average weekly payment of income support was to recipients of incapacity benefit credits only in each year since 1997. [200660]

Mr. Chris Pond: The information is in the table.
Average weekly payment of income support for working-age claimants receiving both income support and incapacity benefit credits-only


1. Working age claimants are men aged 16–64 and women aged 16–59.
2. Includes income support paid to single people, couples and families.
3. Includes pension credit payments to men aged 60–64.
4. Number is taken from a 5 per cent. sample and is subject to a degree of sampling error.
5. There will also be some incapacity benefit credits-only claimants who do not receive income support. These have not been included in the data.
IAD Information Centre, 5 per cent. samples.

30 Nov 2004 : Column 69W

New Deal for the Disabled

Paul Holmes: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what plans he has for the renewal of contracts from April 2005 with those organisations that are contracted to deliver the New Deal for Disabled People. [199616]

Jane Kennedy: All current New Deal for Disabled People contracts cover the period to March 2006 and, consequently, there are no plans for any renewals from April 2005.

Parliamentary Questions

Mr. Evans: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions for how many written questions tabled in the last parliamentary session his Department had been unable to provide a substantive answer before the end of the session. [199658]

Maria Eagle: None.

Pensioners (Cold Weather)

Brian Cotter: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what action he is taking to reduce the number of winter deaths of pensioners due to cold weather. [199765]

Dr. Ladyman: I have been asked to reply.

I refer the hon. Member to the reply I gave my hon. Friend the Member for Jarrow (Mr. Stephen Hepburn) on 18 November 2004, Official Report, column 1945–47W.

Social Fund

Sir Archy Kirkwood: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many Social Fund crisis loan applications were received in Edinburgh Lothians and the borders in each of the last five years; and how many of these applications were successful. [199578]

Mr. Pond: The information is in the table.
Crisis Loan applications received and initial awards made in the area covered by Edinburgh, Lothian and Borders Jobcentre Plus District

ApplicationsInitial awards

1. Only the numbers of initial awards have been given, information regarding awards subsequently given on review is not included.
2. Figures have been rounded to the nearest 100.
DWP Social Fund Policy, Budget and Management Information System

30 Nov 2004 : Column 70W


Petrol Prices

5. Mr. Carmichael: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what discussions he has had with the Treasury regarding petrol prices in remote areas in Scotland. [199382]

Mrs. McGuire: My right hon. Friend has regular discussions with the Chancellor on a wide range of issues.

Health Provision (Borders)

6. Mr. Peter Atkinson: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what recent discussions he has had with the First Minister on levels of health provision in border areas. [199383]

Mrs. McGuire: My right hon. Friend meets the First Minister regularly to discuss a wide range of issues.

Child Support Agency

7. John Barrett: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what discussions he has had with the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions regarding the operation of the Child Support Agency in Scotland. [199384]

Mr. Darling: I have discussions with my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, on a range of issues.

Jobcentre Plus (Lanarkshire)

11. Mr. Roy: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what representations he has received from client groups in relation to the Jobcentre Plus roll-out programme in Lanarkshire. [199388]

Mr. Darling: I have not received any representations on the subject of the Jobcentre Plus roll-out programme in Lanarkshire from client groups, but I am fully aware of the concerns my hon. Friend has voiced with regard to the changes in the Job Centre Plus network in Scotland, including those affecting his constituency.

The impact on jobs and services does vary from location to location in Scotland but, overall, the picture and shape of Job Centre Plus business is changing and in some areas the changes are significant. Where closures are being considered DWP have made clear that they wish to pursue different means of delivering services with partner organisations in the locality. These options have been discussed with MPs and other interested parties.

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