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2 Dec 2004 : Column 240W—continued

NHS Walk-in Centres

Mr. Frank Field: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many new NHS walk-in centres his Department plans to establish; where the new centres will be sited; and which groups will be permitted to bid to run them. [201528]

Mr. Hutton: National health service walk-in centres are now an established service. There are 61 centres open and a further 21 in development by primary care trusts, with more to follow in future years. Alongside this, the Department has invited proposals from potential providers to establish NHS walk-in centres whose services will focus on the working population. The initial seven centres will be located in London, Leeds, Newcastle and Manchester.

Nosocomial Viruses

Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many nosocomial cases of small round structured viruses there were in (a) England and (b) each strategic health authority in each year since 1997. [199921]

Miss Melanie Johnson: The Health Protection Agency (HPA) has a voluntary reporting system for outbreaks of gastroenteritis, including those caused by norovirus, formerly known as small round structured virus, norwalk or norwalk-like virus.

Since January 1997 to 25 November 2004, there have been 874 outbreaks of gastroenteritis in hospitals caused by norovirus, affecting 24,076 people. The information, broken down by region and year, is shown in the table. Data broken down by strategic health authority or month are not available. Studies of outbreaks of norovirus in hospitals suggest about 40 per cent. of cases occur in staff.
Table 1: Number of outbreaks of gastroenteritis due to norovirus in hospitals in England by region 1997–2004

East Midlands0212042213
East of England313141352126104
North East5151110193039102
North West5301226722516159
South East111512425725108
South West1634595314112207
West Midlands107000241143
Yorkshire and Humberside105145611087

(7) Provisional

2 Dec 2004 : Column 241W

Table 2: Number of people affected in outbreaks of gastroenteritis due to norovirus in hospitals in England by region 1997–2004

East Midlands018124803002115414
East of England622342722584391,4701841183,037
North East98629304146343833612162,630
North West1962304704721,6552364163,468
South East22943315345801,439443022,725
South West2726961,3129571001,8531264255,741
West Midlands2841520001,63518212,110
Yorkshire and Humberside250148544571,5244102,339

(8) Provisional

Out-patients (Travel Costs)

Mr. Drew: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what help is available towards reimbursing travel costs for the transportation of children to hospital clinics for out-patient treatment following a serious operation, when the care and treatment required is not available locally. [200565]

Dr. Ladyman: The same help is available for both child and adult patients requiring help with transport to an out-patient clinic following a serious operation.

This is determined firstly by the patient's medical need for the use of the patient transport service, as assessed by a doctor, dentist or midwife. If the patient does not have a medical need for patient transport but is eligible for help under the hospital travel costs scheme, they should claim via the national health service trust, within three months of travel, for a reimbursement.
2 Dec 2004 : Column 242W

Paediatric Services

Mrs. Brooke: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many paediatric allergy specialists there are in England; and what the ratio is of paediatric allergy specialists per child in England. [199758]

Mr. Hutton: Paediatric allergy is a sub-specialty of paediatrics. Sub-specialty level data are not collected by the Department.

Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many (a) headcount and (b) whole-time equivalent medical staff there were in the NHS in England working within the paediatrics group of specialties in each year since 1992, broken down by region; and how many there were per head of population. [199922]

Mr. Hutton: The standard ratio used by the Department is per 100,000 population. The information requested is shown in the tables.
Hospital Public Health Medicine and Community Health Services (HCHS): Medical staff within the paediatrics group by Government office region and per 100,000 population: England as at 30 September

Number (headcount)
of which:
East Midlands139165248294325333
East of England163206237293324350
North East116149191221251272
North West337380442515589610
South East283355421510601655
South West203223266327330354
West Midlands175220291339367417
Yorkshire and the Humber218267316353369413

Number (headcount)

of which:
East Midlands347355368378402425
East of England381382403431482498
North East272294324343337355
North West656670736695731801
South East694698730734796827
South West387391407410479485
West Midlands404434433443496554
Yorkshire and the Humber412418422466531608

2 Dec 2004 : Column 243W

Number per 100,000 population

of which:
East Midlands3.
East of England3.
North East4.
North West4.
South East3.
South West4.
West Midlands3.
Yorkshire and the Humber4.

Number per 100,000 population

of which:
East Midlands8.
East of England7.
North East10.611.512.713.513.314.0
North West9.79.910.910.310.811.8
South East8.
South West8.
West Midlands7.
Yorkshire and the Humber8.

Whole-time equivalents

of which:
East Midlands124149227265296302
East of England151191219268299327
North East108140178206235258
North West311351409469539568
South East243314379444526588
South West179202242302308323
West Midlands154203273317347394
Yorkshire and the Humber203249296322337384

Whole-time equivalents

of which:
East Midlands310324335334368389
East of England353351374397448463
North East259258304321314330
North West609624679646677741
South East625641648639718753
South West355356372370441440
West Midlands378406408409460526
Yorkshire and the Humber384389397423493565

2 Dec 2004 : Column 245W

Whole-time equivalent numbers per 100,000 population

of which:
East Midlands3.
East of England2.
North East4.
North West4.
South East3.
South West3.
West Midlands2.
Yorkshire and the Humber4.

Whole-time equivalent numbers per 100,000 population

of which:
East Midlands7.
East of England6.
North East10.110.111.912.612.413.0
North West9.
South East7.
South West7.
West Midlands7.
Yorkshire and the Humber7.

"—" denotes zero
n/a = not applicable. This is due to 'other' being made up of organisations which cannot be assigned to a government office region, therefore there are no applicable population data.
Department of Health medical and dental workforce census

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