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11 Jan 2005 : Column 446W—continued

Teenage Pregnancies (Coventry)

Mr. Jim Cunningham: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many teenage pregnancies have been recorded in Coventry since 1997. [206976]

Mr. Timms: The information falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician. I have asked him to reply.

Letter from Colin Mowl to Mr. Jim Cunningham, dated 11 January 2005:

11 Jan 2005 : Column 447W

Number of conceptions to women aged under 18 resident in Coventry, 1997–2002

2002 (Provisional figures)381

Telephone Numbers

Mr. Tyler: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much revenue the Treasury has received from the use of non-geographic 0870 telephone numbers for the period 1 October 2003 to 30 September. [205743]

Mr. Timms: None.

Unemployment (Hertfordshire)

Claire Ward: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will make a statement on the level of unemployment in (a) Watford constituency and (b) South West Hertfordshire constituency in (i) 1995 and (ii) 2004. [207570]

Mr. Timms: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician. I have asked him to reply.

Letter from Colin Mowl to Ms Claire Ward, dated 11 January 2005:

Table 1: Unemployed people resident in the Watford andSouth West Hertfordshire parliamentary constituencies

12 months ending
February each year
WatfordSouth West Hertfordshire

LFS estimates for small areas such as Parliamentary Constituencies are particularly subject to sampling variability because of the small size of the survey samples for local areas. They should therefore be treated with caution and, in particular, changes from year to year should not be used in isolation from the figures for a run of years.
ONS, Labour Force Survey

11 Jan 2005 : Column 448W

Table 2: JSA claimants resident in the Watford andSouth West Hertfordshire constituencies

Annual averages
WatfordSouth West Hertfordshire
2004 (Average over 11 months)1,089658

Jobcentre Plus Administrative system.

Employment (Bedfordshire)

Mr. Patrick Hall: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many women resident in Bedford and Kempston had paid jobs in (a) 1997 and (b) 2004. [207223]

Mr. Timms: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician. I have asked him to reply.

Letter from Colin Mowl to Mr. Patrick Hall, dated 11 January 2005:


Academics (EU Funding)

Mr. Hayes: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills pursuant to the answer of 13 December 2004, Official Report, column 827W, on Academics (EU Funding), which institutions have received EU funds in the past three years; and if she will make representations to the European Commission to publish the information. [207191]

Dr. Howells: Information on the income of all HE institutions in the UK, including amounts received from EU sources, is collected annually by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), and is published in their "Resources of Higher Education Institutions" reference volume. Copies of the latest edition, covering 2002/03, and those for earlier years are available from the House Library.
11 Jan 2005 : Column 449W


Chris Grayling: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what funding the Sector Skills Development Agency is giving to course providers for the Association of Accounting Technicians Book-keeping Certificate in the current financial year. [206269]

Mr. Ivan Lewis: The Sector Skills Development Agency has not given funding to course providers for the Association of Accounting Technicians Book-keeping Certificate in the current financial year. Funding of training providers is the responsibility of the Learning and Skills Council, and Mark Haysom, the Council's Chief Executive, will write to the hon. Member with this information. A copy of his reply will be placed in the Library.

Allegations Against Teachers

Mr. Hoban: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what guidance has been issued to local education authorities (LEA) on recording allegations made against teachers; and what obligations LEAs are under to report those allegations when a teacher starts at a new school within the local education authority. [207541]

Mr. Stephen Twigg: Guidance about procedure and practice for dealing with allegations against teachers and education staff drawn up jointly by the National Employers Organisation for School Teachers (NEOST) and the six teacher unions was updated and reissued in autumn 2002. It advises that a school should keep a copy of the pupil's statement or the record of an allegation on the section of the pupil's personal file which is not open to disclosure, together with a written record of the outcome of the investigation. Documents relating to an investigation must be retained in a secure place by the school, together with a written record of the outcome of the investigation. Where disciplinary action has been taken, copies should be retained on the member of staff's personal and confidential file in accordance with the school's disciplinary procedures.

My Department is currently consulting NEOST, the teacher unions, and other stakeholders about more detailed guidance on recording allegations about education staff that has been drafted by the network of Investigation and Referral Support Coordinators that my Department funds.

Previous and current employers, including schools and local authorities, are expected to provide relevant information in response to a request for a reference from a prospective new employer.

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