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Mr. Paice: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on what date a Government Minister was first informed of the existence of the video of Burnside Farm taken by Northumberland Trading Standards on 24 February 2001. [200215]
Mr. Bradshaw [holding answer 29 November 2005]: My noble Friend the Under-Secretary and my hon. Friend, the Minister of State saw extracts of the video when they were shown widely in the television news media at the time of Robert Waugh's trial in May 2002. The video was brought to Ministers' attention again as a result of the recent interest in it that was generated by pig swill campaigners.
Mr. Paice: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs whether her Department possessed a copy of the video of Burnside Farm taken by Northumberland Trading Standards on 24 February 2001; and when the decision not to provide the video to the Anderson Inquiry was taken. [200217]
Mr. Bradshaw [holding answer 29 November 2005]: Defra has no record of being sent a copy of the video by Northumberland county council before February 2003. The report of the Lessons to be Learned Inquiry, chaired by Dr. lain Anderson, was published on 22 July 2002. Eye-witness evidence collected at Burnside Farm at the same time as the video was taken was provided to the Anderson Inquiry.
Andrew George:
To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (1) whether (a) Ministers and (b) officials in the (i) Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and (ii) her Department had been informed of the existence of the (A) James Dring Report, (B) Northumberland Trading Standards video and report, (C) scientific test samples sent to Pirbright and (D) results of those test samples, in
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respect of the Burnside Farm, Heddon-on-the-Wall, foot and mouth disease outbreak in 2001, (1) prior to and (2) during the period of the Dr. Iain Anderson FMD Inquiry in 200102; [202036]
(2) whether the (a) James Dring Report, (b) Northumberland Trading Standards video and report, (c) scientific test samples sent to Pirbright and (d) results of those test samples in respect of the Burnside Farm, Heddon-on-the-Wall, foot and mouth disease outbreak in 2001 were (i) supplied to the Chairman of the Lessons to be Learned Inquiry in 2001 and (ii) the subject of minuted informal meetings in (A) the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and (B) her Department in (1) 2001 and (2) 2002; [202037]
(3) what assessment was made of the suitability of the (a) James Dring Report, (b) Northumberland Trading Standards video and report, (c) scientific test samples sent to Pirbright and (d) results of those test samples in respect of the Burnside Farm, Heddon-on-the-Wall, foot and mouth disease outbreak in 2001, to be forwarded to Dr Iain Anderson for his inquiry in 200102. [202038]
Mr. Bradshaw: Ministers were briefed about and had access to Mr. Dring's personal statement in the week beginning 8 March 2004. Officials knew about Mr. Dring's statement prior to and during the period of the FMD 2001: Lessons to be Learned Inquiry, chaired by Dr. Iain Anderson
Mr. Dring's personal statement was not submitted to the Lessons to be Learned Inquiry, as there was concern that the contents would have been prejudicial to Mr. Waugh's trial at which Mr. Dring was a witness of fact, rather than an expert witness, had the statement received publicity beforehand. The contemporaneous notes of Mr. Dring's visits to Burnside were given to Dr. Anderson. Mr. Dring also contributed fully to the investigations on the origins of the foot-and mouth (FMD) outbreak 2001, submitted by the then Chief Veterinary Officer to the Inquiry. This Origins of FMD report was based on wide-ranging evidence and rigorous investigation and was published by Dr. Anderson. Defra has no record of minutes of informal meetings being made or submitted to the inquiry.
Ministers and Dr. Anderson have said it was regrettable that the Mr. Dring's statement was not sent to the inquiry. However, Dr. Anderson has stated that had he seen Mr. Dring's statement at that time it would not have changed any conclusions or recommendations of his inquiry.
The circumstances surrounding Mr. Dring's visit to Burnside Farm were discussed with the Lessons Learned Inquiry Team on 4 March 2002; a note of the meeting was also published by Dr. Anderson.
Defra has known about the video since it was first being made in so far as a Veterinary Officer was present on Burnside Farm on 24 February 2001, when filming took place. We have no record of Ministers being expressly informed of the existence of the video until recently. The Under-Secretary became aware of the video when extracts were shown in the television news media at the time of Robert Waugh's trial in May 2002. It was brought to Ministers' attention again as a result
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of the media and parliamentary interest in the video that was generated by the Farmers Weekly in October this year. I am not aware of any associated report written by Northumberland county council.
The report of the FMD 2001: Lessons to be Learned Inquiry, chaired by Dr. Iain Anderson, was published on 22 July 2002. Defra has no record of being sent a copy of the video by Northumberland county council before February 2003. Northumberland county council did not release any copies of the video before the trial of Mr. Waugh in May 2002, after Dr. Anderson had stopped receiving evidence for his Lessons to be Learned Inquiry.
Officials were aware made aware of the scientific tests results on the samples taken at Burnside Farm, as soon they were available, resulting in Defra confirming disease on Burnside farm on 23 February. Details of the samples and the results of the tests are set out in the Origins of FMD report submitted to the Anderson Inquiry.
As set out in the Origins of FMD report, samples were taken at Burnside Farm on 22 February, which included epithelium samples from two pigs and 20 blood samples taken from other pigs on the premises. On 24 February further sampling was carried out when FMD experts from the Institute for Animal Health, Pirbright and an epidemiological team from Defra visited the farm. 88 per cent. of the 241 pigs blood sampled on that day were seropositive for FMD Type O antibodies.
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I would also refer the hon. Member to the statement I made on 13 December about the video of Burnside Farm.
Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when her Department first received (a) a video and (b) other documentary evidence from Northumberland Trading Standards Department in respect of the 2001 foot and mouth disease outbreak at Heddon-on-the-Wall. [202040]
Mr. Bradshaw: Defra has no record of being sent a copy of the video by Northumberland county council before February 2003. We have not received any other documentary evidence from the council.
Mr. George Osborne: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many items of civil service property within her Department are unaccounted for, broken down by type. [205569]
Alun Michael: The information supplied within the following tables does not include property lost or stolen from executive agencies. Data are only available from 200102, as the Department did not exist prior to that year.
In addition to the data given here, a number of cage traps have been damaged or lost as a result of action by animal right activists, and the calculated value since 200102 amounts to about £60,000.
The three attached tables comprise a summary sheet for the three years since the Department's inception supported by a workings sheet and detailed inventory of individual items.
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