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24 Jan 2005 : Column 179W—continued

NHS Budgets

Mr. Edward Davey: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what the annual percentage increase in total budgets for (a) Kingston Hospital and (b) the NHS in
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(i) South West London, (ii) London and (iii) England has been in each year since 1992; [209822]

(2) what the total budgets for (a) Kingston Hospital and (b) the NHS in (i) South West London,
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(ii) London and (iii) England have been in each year since 1992. [209824]

Mr. Hutton [holding answer 20 January 2005]: Information relating to the income of the Kingston
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Hospital NHS Trust and to total national health service expenditure is shown in the table in cash terms. Figures for London prior to 1996–97 have not been provided as they are not comparable.
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
South West London
Total NHS (England)
Total income (£000)Percentage increaseExpenditure (£000)Percentage increaseExpenditure (£000)Percentage increaseExpenditure
(£ billion)
Percentage increase

Audited summarisation schedules of Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Audited accounts of health authorities 1996–97 to 1997–98
Audited summarisation forms of health authorities 1998–99 to 2001–02
Audited summarisation forms of strategic health authorities 2002–03 and 2003–04
Audited summarisation schedules of primary care trusts 2000–01 to 2003–04
Total net NHS expenditure.

Comparisons year on year will be affected by the local reconfiguration of NHS bodies and services. These may be explained in accounts published by the individual NHS bodies but not collected centrally.

Figures for Kingston Hospital NHS Trust show the total income of the trust, including all income from activities and all other operating income, as budget information is not collected centrally.

Figures for London and South West London are the expenditure by strategic health authorities, predecessor health authorities and primary care trusts within the current five London strategic health authority areas and the South West London strategic health authority area, respectively.

NHS Expenditure by area is taken from audited health authority accounts and primary care trust summarisation schedules, which are prepared on a resource basis and therefore differ from cash allocations in the year. The expenditure is the total expenditure by the relevant health authorities, and the commissioner costs of the primary care trusts.

The total NHS expenditure cannot be identified by health authority area because the majority of general dental services expenditure is not included in the individual health authority accounts or primary care trust summarisation schedules and is separately accounted for by the Dental Practice Board. The majority of pharmaceutical services expenditure is accounted for by the Prescription Pricing Authority and not by health authorities or primary care trusts.

Figures for 2002–03 and 2003–04 based on strategic health authority areas have been adjusted to eliminate expenditure, which would be double counted where an authority acts as a lead in commissioning healthcare.

Total NHS expenditure is the total net NHS expenditure for England where expenditure pre 1999–2000 is on a cash basis; expenditure figures from 1999–2000 to 2002–03 are on a stage one resource budgeting basis; expenditure figure for 2003–04 are on a Stage two resource budgeting basis. Figures are not consistent over the full period, hence no comparisons should be made across different periods. The percentage increases for 1999–2000 and 2003–04 have therefore not been provided.

Mr. Edward Davey: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what the annual percentage increases in total budgets for (a) Kingston hospital and (b) the NHS in (i) South West London, (ii) London and (iii) England are for (A) 2005–06, (B) 2006–07 and (C) 2007–08; [209823]

(2) what the projected total budgets for (a) Kingston hospital and (b) the NHS in (i) South West London, (ii) London and (iii) England are for (A) 2005–06, (B) 2006–07 and (C) 2007–08. [209825]

Mr. Hutton [holding answer 20 January 2005]: The Department does not allocate funding directly to national health service hospitals. Allocations are made at a primary care trust (PCT) level. Work on 2006–07 and 2007–08 PCT allocations is ongoing. The information requested is shown in the following tables 1 and 2.
Table 1: Primary care trust revenue allocations

£ millionPercentage increase
South West London2,2609.3

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Table 2: Total net NHS expenditure

England (£ million)Percentage increase

1. Primary care trust allocations are revenue only. Centrally financed services such as Research and Development and training are not included.
2. Total net NHS expenditure includes both revenue and capital expenditure.

NHS Trusts

Helen Jones: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how many people resident in the 20 per cent. most deprived wards are serving as non-executive directors on each NHS trust in the north-west; [209789]

(2) what progress has been made in appointing more people from Warrington, North to NHS trusts. [209790]

Miss Melanie Johnson [holding answer 20 January 2005]: This information is not held centrally. The appointment of chairs and non-executive directors to national health service trusts has been delegated to the NHS Appointments Commission. Sir William Wells, chair of the NHS Appointments Commission has been asked to write to my hon. Friend.

NHS University

Dr. Francis: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what arrangements he will make to ensure that there is no diminution in the quality of the training provided when the NHS university is replaced by the NHS institute for learning, skills and innovation. [209238]

Mr. Hutton: The national health service institute for learning, skills and innovation will integrate and strengthen the way we support people development, service improvement and technical innovation in the NHS. The changes will build on the learning achieved from the best of the NHS university's existing programmes.

The work of supporting the development of a quality assurance framework for learning in the NHS is undertaken by Skills for Health, the sector skills council for health. This work will continue unchanged.

Likewise, we remain committed to enhancing skills through the Skills Escalator and through mechanisms such as NHS learning accounts, national vocational qualifications (NVQs), adult literacy, numeracy and language skills (Skills for Life), with £180 million to be invested during the three years from April 2003.

We have further demonstrated our commitment to improving the learning opportunities for NHS staff through the appointment of Professor Bob Fryer as the new national director for widening participation in learning.

Dr. Francis: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many staff have participated in NHS university courses since its inception, broken down by subject. [209240]

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Mr. Hutton: The number of staff who have participated in NHS university courses for the period 16 July 2003 to 11 January 2005 is shown in the table.
CourseNumber of participants
Advanced Communications in Cancer Care42
Aggregate Root Cause Analysis (RCA)57
Child Protection pilot194
Child Protection roll-out50
Cleaning Infection Control562
Clinical Microsystems45
Customer Care213
Customer Care Tutor Orientation273
Disability Awareness Training141
Estates Upskilling6
First Contact Care208
Health Informatics and Assessment Tool732
Incident Decision Tree (IDT)6,475
Introduction to Patient Safety e-learning5,971
Introduction to Today's NHS4,728
Introduction to Today's NHS Briefings763
Managing Health and Social Care1,200
Managing Patient Complaints56
Managing Patient Complaints Tutor Orientation8
Modernising Medical Careers17
Personal Development Review85
Personal Development Review Tutor Orientation340
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Foundation Training3,326
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Networked Training5,153
Secure (Prison Health)2,000
Seven Steps to Patient Safety3,018
Statutory Mandatory Skills441
Ufi/Learn Direct NHS hubs3,669
Working for the NHS946
Working for the NHS Tutor Orientation289
Grand total41,008

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