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27 Jan 2005 : Column 506W—continued

Private Children's Homes

Tim Loughton: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many private children's homes have been de-registered (a) due to voluntary closure and (b) under direction from her inspectors in each of the last five years. [210208]

Margaret Hodge: I understand from the Chair of the Commission for Social Care Inspection that at this time the Commission does not collect information in the format requested. Information provided by the Commission on the total number of private children's homes that have been de-registered from 1 April 2002 to 19 January 2005 is shown in the following table. Information is not available prior to 1 April 2002, the date when the National Care Standards Commission was created.

(37)1 April 2004 to 19 January 2005 only

Pupil Exclusions

Mr. Hoban: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many appeals were made against exclusions in 2004; and how many were upheld, broken down by constituency. [211454]

Derek Twigg: Latest information on exclusion appeals refers to 2002/03 when 1,070 appeals were
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lodged by parents against the permanent exclusion of their child from maintained primary, secondary and special schools in England.

Information on appeals against permanent exclusion is collected at local education authority level. A table showing the requested information at this level has been placed in the House of Commons Libraries.

School Computers

Mr. Jim Cunningham: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how much public funding has been spent on computers in (a) primary and (b) secondary schools in Coventry South in each year since 1997. [210799]

Derek Twigg: The Department does not hold information on funding for ICT at constituency level. However, Coventry South is in Coventry LEA and allocations for this authority, since 1998, are detailed in Funding for ICT in Schools in England" which is available in the House Library.

Mr. Fisher: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how much Government funding has been allocated to computers in (a) primary and (b) secondary schools in each of the last seven years. [211705]

Derek Twigg: I refer my hon. Friend to Funding for ICT in Schools in England" which is available in the House Library.

School Infrastructure

Tom Cox: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how much money has been granted to the London borough of Wandsworth in helping to improve (a) primary and (b) secondary school buildings in each of the last five years. [211064]

Mr. Stephen Twigg: The amount of money allocated to the London borough of Wandsworth in helping to improve primary and secondary school buildings in each of the last five years is set out in the table.

No records are maintained centrally of the split between (a) primary and (b) secondary school money, as this is determined locally in accordance with the authority's asset management plan.

School Places Allocations

Mr. Hoban: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many parental appeals were made against the allocation of school places in 2004; and how many were upheld, broken down by constituency. [211455]

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Derek Twigg: Latest information on admission appeals refers to 2002/03 when 91,430 appeals were lodged by parents against non-admission of their children to maintained primary and secondary schools in England.

Information on admission appeals is collected at local education authority (LEA) level for community and voluntary controlled schools; and at school level for voluntary aided, aided and foundation schools. A table showing the requested information at LEA level has been placed in the House of Commons Library.

School Sports

Tom Cox: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how much has been spent on improving school sports facilities at schools within the London borough of Wandsworth in each of the last three years. [211060]

Mr. Stephen Twigg: Information on improving sports facilities at schools within the London borough of Wandsworth is contained within the authority's local asset management plan, and is not held centrally.

Specialist Language Colleges

Mr. Clappison: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many entries there were at A-level in (a) French, (b) German and (c) modern languages from schools currently designated as specialist language colleges in each of the last eight years, including entries from such schools before their designation. [210831]

Mr. Stephen Twigg: The information requested on GCE A-levels entries for 16 to 18-year-olds in specialist language colleges between 1997 and 2004 is given in the table:
FrenchGermanOther modern languagesAll modern languages

The specialist language colleges included are those operational on 1 September 2004.


Sir John Stanley: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many children played truant in the latest year for which figures are available. [211028]

Derek Twigg: The number of children with at least one half day of unauthorised absence in England in 2003/04 was 1,264,103. This includes pupils absent on holiday without approval from the headteacher or who are late. School attendance at 93.43 per cent. is the highest on record.
27 Jan 2005 : Column 509W


Alcohol-related Illness

Mrs. Iris Robinson: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what information he has regarding the extent of alcohol-related illness in the Province, and how this compares with the position (a) 10 and (b) 20 years ago. [210042]

Angela Smith: Information is collected on the number of admissions 1 to Northern Ireland hospitals on a range of alcohol-related illnesses. The following table provides figures for selected alcohol-related illnesses in the years 2003–04 (the latest available) and 1996–97 (the earliest comparable data available).

Number of admissions
Description of alcohol-related illness1996–972003–04
Mental/behaviour disorders due to alcohol3,3643,513
Alcoholic cardiomyopathy3831
Alcoholic gastritis195254
Alcoholic hepatitis72113
Alcoholic fibrosis/sclerosis of liver2015
Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver174251
Alcoholic hepatic failure7387
Alcoholic liver disease, unspec123450


Mrs. Iris Robinson: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland pursuant to the response of 21 December 2004, Official Report, column 1524W, how many individuals are waiting for initial chiropody assessment, for those health trusts for which the information is available. [210035]

Angela Smith: Information on the number of individuals awaiting podiatry (chiropody) assessment is not collected centrally. Waiting list information is not recorded by all trusts, and is not recorded on a consistent basis by those trusts that do collect the information. The number of persons waiting for initial podiatry (chiropody) assessment for trusts for which information is available is shown in the following table.
TrustNumber waiting initial assessment appointment
South and East Belfast1,867
North and West Belfast389
Ulster Community Hospital554
Down Lisburn422
Sperrin Lakeland1,289

The information shown is for trusts where data is available. All figures are as at 31 December 2004, except Homefirst Community Health and Social Services Trust, which shows the position at 30 November 2004.
Information relating to Foyle Community Health and Social Services Trust and Sperrin Lakeland Health and Social Services Trust are based on numbers of persons waiting for treatment, as opposed to initial assessment, by a podiatrist, although in most cases assessment and treatment take place on the same day.
Southern Health and Social Services Board area Trusts do not hold official waiting list figures, although in some trusts this information is recorded by professional staff. Any data collected are held on manual systems and could be provided only at disproportionate cost because of the time required to extract the information.
Health and Social Services Trusts

27 Jan 2005 : Column 510W

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