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31 Jan 2005 : Column 578W—continued

Freedom of Information

John Mann: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what categories of information are available under Freedom of Information legislation that have not been provided in written parliamentary answers by her Department in the last three years. [207829]

Alun Michael: I refer my hon. Friend to the Answer given by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs (Mr. Leslie) on 24 January 2005, Official Report, column 140W.

Ghost Ships

Norman Baker: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs if she will make a statement on the latest position in respect of the ghost ships at Hartlepool, indicating what action she plans to take. [210977]

Mr. Morley: The future of the four US ships on Teesside is primarily a matter for the US Marine Administration, as owners of the vessels, and Able UK, who are intending to seek the necessary permissions for dismantling the vessels at their Teesside facility.

The four US ships are currently docked in Able UK's Graythorp dock on Teesside. Able UK submitted applications for planning permission on 18 January 2005. These applications, which include proposals for the construction and refurbishment of quays, the construction of a cofferdam and new dock gates, will be determined by the relevant planning authority, Hartlepool borough council. An application for a waste management licence is expected in the next few weeks. Any such application would be determined by the Environment Agency.

In the meantime dismantling work is prevented by a waste management licence condition. The dock facility itself is subject, as necessary, to regular inspection by the Environment Agency in liaison with the Health and Safety Executive.
31 Jan 2005 : Column 579W


Norman Baker: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for what reason the plan to make illegal the awarding of goldfish as prizes at fairgrounds has been dropped; and what discussions her Department held with the (a) Prime Minister and (b) Chancellor of the Exchequer on this matter. [210264]

Mr. Bradshaw: The draft Animal Welfare Bill which contained a provision relating to the giving of pets as prizes was published in July. The inclusion of the Bill in the Government's legislative programme was announced in the Queen's Speech. It would not be appropriate to speculate on any changes that may have been made to the published draft before the Bill is introduced in Parliament. As is usual with all Government legislation, there has been consultation across Government about its content.

Green Waste

Norman Baker: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what her policy is on the collection of green waste via kerbside collections, with particular reference to 240-litre bio-bins. [210974]

Mr. Morley: The Government supports the collection of green waste for composting via kerbside collections as part of a local authority's strategy for the diversion of biodegradable municipal waste from landfill in line with our commitment to meet the EU Landfill Directive targets. The Government encourages home composting as part of that strategy where appropriate in local circumstances. Local authorities may charge for the collection of green waste and this can influence the choice householders make in deciding how to deal with their green waste.

The choice of receptacle used for the collection of green waste is the responsibility of the local authority.

New Rural Agency

Ms Walley: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what decisions have been made on funding the new integrated agency for rural delivery; and for what purposes the funding rolled over from the Environmental Action Fund was to be put. [211397]

Mr. Morley: The first full financial year of the new integrated agency is expected to be 2007–08. The rolled over funding of £1.95 million for 2005–06 under the Environmental Action Fund will go to existing recipients undertaking biodiversity projects. Arrangements for supporting biodiversity and natural resource protection in 2006–07 are being considered and will be announced in the summer.

Oil Contamination

Mr. Love: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what research she has commissioned on the duration of damage to (a) soil and (b) ground water resulting from oil spills and leakages. [210632]

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Mr. Morley: The Environment Agency has undertaken a number of research projects that have considered the impact and attenuation of oil spills on soil and groundwater. In particular:

These reports are available from the Environment Agency via the attached internet links:

Mr. Evans: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs if she will make a statement on the responses to the consultation, Soil: the hidden resource", with particular reference to the risk of leakage from domestic oil tanks. [210926]

Mr. Morley: The Environment Agency has recently finished assessing the responses to its consultation: 'Soil: the hidden resource' and will be issuing its response to the main points raised shortly. There was one specific query on the risks of leakage from domestic oil storage and the agency recognises the concerns raised. It has produced guidance on domestic oil storage in collaboration with the Federation of Petroleum Suppliers and OFTEC and strongly recommends that these guidelines are followed at all times, and that domestic oil storage facilities are installed and maintained by qualified technicians to ensure compliance with relevant British Standards.

Research and Development

Mrs. Anne Campbell: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many and what percentage of opportunities for research or consulting disseminated by the Department resulted in (a) research reports and (b) physical deliverables in each year since 2001–02. [207007]

Alun Michael: All research projects funded by Defra are required to produce final reports, which are thenpublished on Defra's website. In addition, Defra encourages research contractors to publish the findings of Defra-funded research in science journals and in the science press wherever possible. We can identify 1,198 Defra published reports since 2001–02.

We would not expect to receive any other physical deliverables. Government and Defra policy following on from the Baker Report 1 is to leave ownership of intellectual property with the contractor. Thus any product of a material nature that is patent-worthy or has commercial potential is left with the contractor to develop further.

Veterinary Profession

Mr. Drew: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what discussions she has had with the Department for Education and
31 Jan 2005 : Column 581W
Skills on maintaining recruitment into the veterinary profession, with particular reference to the State Veterinary Service. [211724]

Mr. Bradshaw: The Secretary of State has not had any direct discussions with the Department for Education and Skills. However, Sir Alan Langlands, vice-chancellor of Dundee University, has been commissioned by the Department for Education and Skills to examine the gateways into the professions, which include veterinary science, and to produce a report. In particular, he will consider how the public sector and professions can sustain and improve the recruitment opportunities for graduates.

My officials recently attended a consultation event presented by the Department for Education and Skills and my Department will make a full contribution to this initiative.

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