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10 Feb 2005 : Column 1769W—continued

Disability Employment Advisers

Paul Holmes: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (1) what the (a) turnover rate and (b) average caseload has been for disability employment advisers in each of the last 10 years; [214629]

(2) how many disability employment advisers there have been in each of the last 10 years, broken down by region. [214630]

Jane Kennedy: The table shows how many disability employment advisers there were per region for the period April 2003 to March 2004.
RegionNumber of disability employment advisers
North East47
Yorkshire and The Humber59
North West122
East Midlands41
West Midlands55
East of England45
South West52
South East66

The remaining requested information is not available.
10 Feb 2005 : Column 1770W

European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

Mr. Hayes: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions if he will make a statement on the activity of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training in the UK in the last 12 months; and if he will list the publications and newsletters published by the centre over that period. [215276]

Dr. Howells: I have been asked to reply.

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training is usually known as Cedefop" from its French title. Its activities in the UK in 2004 focused on two key areas:

Publications and Newsletters

A list of the publications and newsletters produced by Cedefop in 2004 can be obtained by accessing its website at and going to publications catalogue".

Financial Assistance Scheme

Mr. Grogan: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions if the Financial Assistance Scheme will cover circumstances where an employer was solvent prior to their pension scheme being wound up; and if he will make a statement. [216320]

Malcolm Wicks: I refer my hon. Friend to the written statement I gave on 2 December 2004, Official Report, columns 64–66WS.

Five-year Strategy

Mr. Willetts: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what the evidential basis was in terms of absolute figures for spending on (a) benefits, (b) tax credits and (c) gross domestic product in each year since 1997 for the statement on page 14 of the Five Year Plan (Cm 6447) that welfare spending has declined from 12.3 per cent. to 11.6 per cent. of gross domestic product since 1997. [215546]

Mr. Pond: The figures are given in the table. This shows that spending has declined from 12.3 per cent. to 11.6 per cent. of GDP since 1997.
10 Feb 2005 : Column 1771W

£ billion, rounded to nearest £100 million

Benefits(35)Tax credits(36)Gross product(37)

(35)Includes DWP benefit spending, non-DWP housing and council tax benefits, Northern Ireland benefit spending, War Pensions both before and after the transfer from DWP to the Veterans Agency in 2002 and child benefit both before and after the transfer from DWP to the Inland Revenue in 2003.
(36)Figures provided by HM Treasury at pre-Budget report 2004 and earlier spending rounds, less DWP spending on child amounts in income support and jobseeker's allowance (which is included in the Benefits line).
(37)GDP figures are those published on 2 December 2004.

Free Television Licences

Helen Jones: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many pensioners are in receipt of free television licences in Warrington, North. [214968]

Estelle Morris: I have been asked to reply.

TV Licensing, who administer free television licences for people aged 75 or over as agents for the BBC, are not able to provide geographical breakdowns of the number of free licences issued. However, the number of households with at least one person aged 75 or over claiming the winter fuel payment in the Warrington, North constituency in 2003–04 was 4,815, according to Department for Work and Pensions records.

Incapacity Benefit

Mr. Dalyell: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions pursuant to his answer of 13 December 2004, Official Report, columns 1384–86W, and of 24 January 2005, on incapacity benefit, when he expects to complete his exploration of ways of allowing people with progressive conditions to be able to continue permitted work beyond the initial 52 weeks without being limited to earnings of £20. [211428]

Maria Eagle: We have completed our consideration of this issue. In deciding to whom this new arrangement should apply, we have adopted exemption from the personal capability assessment (PCA) as the criterion. This is in line with the approach adopted for other purposes, for example, in the Pathways to Work Initiative, where the full mandatory provisions are not applied to clients who are exempt from the PCA. We are planning to bring these changes into effect in 2006.

Paul Holmes: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions for what reason incapacity benefit claimants have to register within one month of moving into a job for the 52 week linking rule to apply. [214627]

Maria Eagle: The 52 week linking protection applies to people who have started work or training within seven days of leaving benefit. In order that the reasons for leaving benefit are correctly identified people are
10 Feb 2005 : Column 1772W
required to provide this information within one month. This is considered a reasonable time for the information to be supplied particularly as such a change of circumstances needs to be reported to local Jobcentre Plus and Social Security offices promptly so that benefit is not overpaid. On receipt of the information the incapacity benefit computer system is noted so that the protection is applied when a further claim is received within 52 weeks.

We are currently reviewing the linking rules with a view to improving their effectiveness.

Mr. Goodman: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many new incapacity benefit claimants had claimed incapacity benefit in the previous 12 months, broken down by the reason for which they previously left incapacity benefit, with particular reference to those who (a) failed the personal capability assessment, (b) failed to attend a medical and (c) failed to provide information. [215777]

Maria Eagle: The information is not available.

Mr. Goodman: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many people left incapacity benefit to return to work in each year since 1997. [215778]

Maria Eagle: National data are available only for benefit leavers returning to work who report this to the Department. Research suggests the numbers actually returning to work is significantly higher. In Pathways areas we are getting double the level of improvement in the number of recorded job entries compared to other areas. Between October 2003 and October 2004, 8,300 people were helped into work in the Pathways areas.

The available information is in the table.
All incapacity benefit (IB) and severe disability allowance (SDA) terminations in the quarters shown recorded as aReturn to work"

Quarter endingIB/SDAIBSDA
February 19996,5006,200(38)200
May 19995,9005,600(38)200
August 19995,1004,900(38)200
November 19997,0006,700(38)300
February 20005,3005,100(38)200
May 20006,6006,300(38)300
August 20006,8006,400(38)300
November 20007,4007,200(38)200
February 20016,1006,000(38)100
May 20016,4006,100(38)200
August 20016,6006,500(38)100
November 20018,1007,700(38)300
February 20025,1005,000(38)100
May 20026,0005,700(38)200
August 20025,8005,600(38)200
November 20027,6007,500(38)100
February 20034,9004,800(39)
May 20036,2006,100(38)200
August 20036,6006,500(38)100
November 20037,2007,000(38)200
February 20045,2005,200(38)100
May 20046,2006,100(38)100
August 20046,6006,500(38)100

(38)Figures are based on very few sample cases and therefore subject to a high degree of sampling error and should be used as a guide to the current situation only.
(39)Nil or negligible.
1.Figures are not available prior to February 1999.
2.Figures are rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Information Directorate, 5 per cent. sample.

10 Feb 2005 : Column 1773W

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