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Mr. Hammond: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many accidents have been recorded in the most recent 12 months for which data are available involving a vehicle turning left across a bus or cycle lane into a private access. [216639]
Mr. Jamieson: There were six such recorded injury road accidents in 2003, the last year for which data are available. Of these accidents, five were recorded as slight and the other was recorded as serious.
Mr. Hammond: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what guidance he has issued regarding priority when motorists are required to manoeuvre across a bus or cycle lane to turn left from a highway into a private access. [216640]
Mr. Jamieson: Rules 158 and 159 of The Highway Code give advice on turning left, as follows:
158. Use your mirrors and give a left-turn signal well before you turn left. Do not overtake just before you turn left and watch out for traffic coming up on your left before you make the turn, especially if driving a large vehicle. Cyclists and motorcyclists in particular may be hidden from your view; and
Mr. Wilshire: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many speeding offences have been identified by temporary speed cameras between junctions 12 and 15 of the M25 since the current road works began; how many (a) fixed penalty notices, (b) prosecutions and (c) fines have resulted from those offences; what the value is of the fines imposed; and what percentage of those sums has been paid. [215141]
Mr. Jamieson: The Metropolitan police advise that between 7 February 2004 and 1 February 2005, 17,183 fixed penalty notices and 400 summonses have been issued following speeding being recorded by the temporary speed cameras between junctions 12 and 15 of the M25. The total of fixed penalty fines imposed is £1,030,980, of which fines totalling £865,980 have so far been paid84 per cent. of the total. Recently issued fixed penalty notices will not yet have been paid. Fines imposed following summonses are determined individually by magistrates.
Mr. Chope: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what research he has evaluated on the effects of utility street works on traffic congestion levels; and if he will revise the Government's published estimate of the contribution of utility company street works to congestion in the light of that research. [217405]
Charlotte Atkins: Last year the Department received a report from its consultants, Halcrow, which estimated the annual cost of congestion due to utility street works as over £4 billion. Earlier this month the Department received another report, commissioned by the National Joint Utilities Group, which looks at the disruption due to utility works. Both reports point to the need to improve the ways in which these works are managed so as to reduce the disruption they cause. We are currently consulting on a several such measures, including permits schemes, fixed penalty notices for certain offences, more advanced notice about proposed works and restrictions on further works where roads have been recently dug up.
Mr. Geoffrey Robinson: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport pursuant to the answer of 20 January 2005, Official Report, column 1040W, on taxis, how his Department would define purpose built taxis if the Metropolitan Conditions of Fitness for London Taxicabs change to allow converted or adapted MPV vehicles to be licensed as taxis in London. [214716]
Charlotte Atkins:
I recognise that the term purpose built taxi" is often used to describe the type of cab which meets the requirements of the existing Metropolitan
21 Feb 2005 : Column 215W
Conditions of Fitness (MCF). However the term is not defined in legislation. Nor is it one that the Department is required to define formally.
The review by Transport for London of the MCF is continuing.
Mrs. Spelman: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what new responsibilities the Traffic Management Act 2004 places on local authorities. [216263]
Charlotte Atkins: The Traffic Management Act 2004 places a new network management duty on local traffic authorities to secure the expeditious movement of traffic of their network and facilitate it on the network of others, as far as may be reasonably practicable and with regard to their other obligations, policies and objectives. Guidance on carrying out this duty was published in November last year and the duty came into force on 4 January 2005. This is the main new responsibility for authorities under the Act.
Provisions in other parts of the Act will help ensure that the way in which authorities carry out their highway works is brought into line with the standard that utility companies are already expected to meet, and will help improve the way in which authorities manage
21 Feb 2005 : Column 216W
their road networks. In order to enhance Transport for London's co-ordination role in London, the Act provides that a London borough proposing to carry out schemes or road works that affect the Strategic Road Network must notify Transport for London.
Mrs. Spelman: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what the estimated expenditure on the regional control centres established under the Traffic Management Act 2004 is. [216264]
Mr. Jamieson: The total expenditure on setting up the seven Regional Control Centres buildings including technology costs but excluding on-road services and staff costs, is estimated to be £63.7 million.
The annual running cost for the seven Regional Control Centres is estimated to be in the region of £9.3 million, excluding on-road services and staff costs.
Mrs. Spelman: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what assessment the Government has made of the impact of the Traffic Management Act 2004 on the costs of local authorities. [216265]
Charlotte Atkins:
The Government considers that the Traffic Management Act 2004, overall, should be cost neutral for local authorities, taking account of the opportunities to recover some costs through the provisions of the Act, and the scope to use existing resources in new ways.
21 Feb 2005 : Column 217W
Mr. Hancock: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the payments under the 1992 Treasury Rules were invoked for (a) Gunwharf, Portsmouth, (b) Royal Clarence Yard, Gosport, (c) Peninsular Barracks, Winchester and (d) Ashford Barracks, Kent; and whether the Rules have ever been invoked more than once on the same site. [214283]
Mr. Caplin: I have been asked to reply. Clawback payments to the Ministry of Defence were invoked in connection with Gunwharfmore than onceand Royal Clarence Yard. However, there is no clawback clause in the contract for either Peninsula or Ashford Barracks as in each case the purchasers paid full market value at the time of disposal.
Mr. Laurence Robertson: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer when the Inland Revenue withdrew the flat rate expenses allowance for airline cabin crew; what criteria were used in making this decision; and if he will make a statement. [216455]
Dawn Primarolo: Flat rate expense allowances are agreed with individual employers to reflect individual circumstances. The hon. Member's question concerns a particular airline. The Inland Revenue is in discussion with the airline concerned to agree a flat rate expense allowance that reflects the appropriate level of expenses in line with the qualifying conditions set in tax law.
Mr. Gill: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer in how many deaths within Leicester, South alcohol was found to be the primary cause in each year since 1997. [216387]
Mr. Timms: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician. I have asked him to reply.
Letter from Len Cook to Mr. Parmjit Singh Gill, dated 21 February 2005:
As National Statistician I have been asked to reply to your recent Parliamentary Question asking in how many deaths within Leicester, South Parliamentary Constituency, alcohol was found to be the primary cause in each year since 1997. (216387)
The latest year for which figures are available is 2003. The attached table shows the numbers of deaths among residents of Leicester, South Parliamentary Constituency where the underlying cause of death indicated a condition directly related to alcohol use in the years 1997 to 2003.
Number of deaths | |
1997 | 10 |
1998 | 9 |
1999 | 10 |
2000 | 17 |
2001 | 10 |
2002 | 12 |
2003 | 16 |
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