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15 Mar 2005 : Column 176W—continued



Mr. Pike: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what programmes the Government are considering planning to assist in Bangladesh; and if he will make a statement. [218496]

Hilary Benn: DFID's programme aid to Bangladesh in 2005–06 will be £125 million.

Our programme priorities will be: Primary Education, Healthcare, Water and Sanitation, Livelihoods of the Poorest, Private Sector Development and Economic Infrastructure, Governance, and Disaster Preparedness and Climate Change.

Examples of funding under our programme include:


Jeremy Corbyn: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what the total cost of aid to Iraq has been since March 2003, broken down by main area of expenditure. [221423]

Hilary Benn: Since March 2003, DFID has disbursed £254 million for humanitarian and reconstruction assistance to Iraq. This is broken down as follows:
£ million
UN Agencies in response to their 2003 Emergency Appeals84
Red Cross and Red Crescent movement18
Reconstruction in Southern Iraq35
Government, Justice, Media and Civil Society9
DFID secondments and consultants to the Coalition
Provisional Authority
International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq (IRFFI)70
Other multilateral contributions9
Support for NGO projects5

A further £86 million has been committed to projects which are in the process of implementation.
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DFID also provides 19 per cent. of European Community (EC) funding for Iraq (this is currently £38 million for 2003 and 2004).

Reconstruction support to Iraq has also been provided by other Government Departments: The FCO—£38 million for secondments to the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA); MOD—£20 million for Quick Impact Projects (QIPs); and the joint DFID/FCO/MOD Global Conflict Prevention Pool—£19 million.


Mr. Stephen O'Brien: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what funding was allocated by his Department and its agencies for the control of malaria in each year between 1999–2000 and 2004–05, broken down by (a) country, (b) global region and (c) recipient organisation; and what such funding has been allocated for each financial year to 2009–10. [220663]

Mr. Gareth Thomas: UK support to malaria control is provided through funding to: bilateral programmes at country level; global partnerships and programmes; multilateral agencies; and research agencies.

Funding at country and regional level

At country-level DFID supports malaria control through bilateral programmes. Some of these are malaria specific, but increasingly DFID funds the
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broader health sector plans of developing country governments through sector wide programming and poverty reduction budget support. Such sectoral programmes will build capacity in health systems to improve the way health services diagnose and treat all main causes of illness. It is therefore not always possible to identify the proportion spent on malaria. From 1998–99 to date UK support at country level to specific malaria programmes was about £58 million. In addition we have provided approximately £49 million for projects targeted on malaria and other diseases or which may have an impact on malaria control. This funding is part of over £1.5 billion committed by the UK to strengthening developing country health systems since 1997.

Funding to organisations at international level

DFID has contributed about £153 million from 1998–99 to date to international programmes which target malaria and other diseases. In addition we also provide funding to multilateral organisations such as the World Bank and the European Commission which also support malaria control and health services.

DFID has committed funding to a number of global health partnerships, multilaterals, research agencies, and public-private partnerships. These current and future commitments are set out in table A as follows. These figures are not broken down by year.
Table A


(£ million)
2003–06Medicines for Malaria Venture3
2005–08Wellcome Trust—Medicines for Malaria Venture5
2003–06GlaxoSmithKline/World Health Organisation and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (lapdap)0.5
1999–2005Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine—Knowledge Programme2.7
1999–2005London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine—Knowledge Programme2.9
1998–2004Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine—Malaria
2005–11Research Programme Consortia on Communicable Disease(3)10
2001–08Global Fund for AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria (approx. 31 per cent. allocated to malaria)259
1998–2005Roll Back Malaria Partnership48.5

(3) Up to.

Relief Initiatives (HIPC)

Mr. Patrick Hall: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what steps his Department is taking to encourage greater gender equality in heavily indebted poor countries. [221007]

Hilary Benn: In order to qualify for debt relief under the heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) initiative, all HIPCs are required to develop a poverty reduction strategy paper. DFID works to ensure that gender issues are included in the analysis of poverty and that women are fully involved in stakeholder consultations on poverty reduction strategies. DFID has recently renewed its commitment to assisting partner governments to strengthen their capacity to analyse gender issues in policy formulation, implementation and monitoring.


Jeremy Corbyn: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development how much aid the UK provided to Rwanda (a) bilaterally and (b) multilaterally in each year since 1997; and if he will make a statement. [221434]

Hilary Benn: The United Kingdom (UK) has provided bilateral aid to Rwanda since the UK financial year 1996–97 as follows:
Total (£000)

(4) Includes £5.6 million from the Multilateral Debt Trust Fund for Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that was paid to Government of Rwanda but charged to DRC framework.
Statistics on International Development—2004 Edition

15 Mar 2005 : Column 179W

The UK is also a principal contributor to the major multilaterals working in Rwanda. The UK contribution to multilateral work in Rwanda for the years 1997 to 2002 is set out as follows:
European CommissionUnited NationsWorld BankOtherTotal (£000)

Imputed Multilateral Shares of UK Aid (Development Assistance Committee)

The relevant figures for 2003 and 2004 are not yet available.

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