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16 Mar 2005 : Column 268W—continued

Cancelled Operations (Statistics)

Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many operations were cancelled in (a) 1979, (b) 1997 and (c) the latest year for which figures are available. [218173]

Mr. Hutton: Data for 1979 is not available. Data from 1996–97 to the third quarter of 2004–05 is available on the Department's website at

Cleaning and Hygiene

Chris Grayling: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how much his Department has spent on the "Cleanyourhands" programme. [219411]

Miss Melanie Johnson: After the success of the pilot "Cleanyourhands" programme, the Department is providing the National Patient Safety Agency with £490,000 to roll out the programme across the national health service; less than £3,000 per acute NHS trust.


Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many whole-time equivalent NHS dentists there have been per head of population in each year since 1997; and how many were offering NHS treatment in (a) England, (b) each NHS region and (c) each strategic health authority in each year. [217204]

Ms Rosie Winterton [holding answer 23 February 2005]: The available information is shown in the following tables.
Table 1: Headcount dentists per head of population by NHS region and strategic health authority

NHS dentists per head of population (10,000)
Strategic health authority19971998199920002001200220032004(7)
In England3.
Eastern Cluster3.
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire4.
Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland2.
Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire3.
London Cluster4.
North Central London5.55.65.86,
North-east London3.
North-west London6.
South-east London4.
South-west London5.
North-east Cluster3.
County Durham and Tees Valley3.
North and east Yorkshire and northern Lincolnshire3.
Northumberland, Tyne and Wear3.
South Yorkshire3.
West Yorkshire3.
North-west and West Midlands Cluster3.
Birmingham and the Black Country3.
Cheshire and Merseyside3.
Cumbria and Lancashire3.
Greater Manchester3.
Shropshire and Staffordshire2.
West Midlands South3.
Southern Cluster3.
Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire3.
Dorset and Somerset3.
Hampshire and Isle of Wight3.
Kent and Medway3.
South-west Peninsula3.
Surrey and Sussex4.
Thames Valley3.

(7) Population data is 2003 figures as 2004 data is not available yet.
1. This is a file containing the numbers of dentists as at 31 December from 1997 to 2004.
2. The figures are based on the numbers of dentists with open general dental service (GDS) or personal dental service (PDS) contracts.
3. The dentists include principals, assistants and trainees.
4. Prison contracts have not been included in this analysis.
5. The areas have been defined using practice postcodes within the specified area.
6. The figures provide a snapshot of the number of individual dentists with an open contract at 31 December.
7. A dentist with a GDS or PDS contract may provide as little or as much NHS treatment as he or she chooses or has agreed with the PCT.
8. The Dental Practice Board has no information concerning the amount of time dedicated to NHS work by individual dentists.
9. The figures provide an accurate figure taking into account any notifications received up to 31 January 2005.
10. As data is not available by whole time equivalent, headcount has been used to determine the number of national health service dentists per head of population in the table.
11. Areas have been defined using the Office of National Statistics All Fields Postcode Directory—November 2004.

16 Mar 2005 : Column 269W

Table 2: Number of dental practices that offer NHS treatments to new patients as at 15 February 2005 by NHS region and strategic health authorities strategic health authorities

Number of dentist practices accepting NHS patients as at 15 February 2005
(a practice can be represented in more than one category)
Strategic health authoritiesProviding occasional NHS treatment to non registered patientsRegistering charge exempt adults for NHS treatmentRegistering charge paying adults for NHS treatmentRegistering children aged 0 to 18 years for NHS treatment
In England1,4332,7622,4143,702
Eastern Cluster200457411689
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire strategic HA54163126216
Essex strategic HA749894141
Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland17555774
Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire strategic227167142
Trent strategic HA337067116
London Cluster4549438041088
North central London strategic HA83139128173
North-east London strategic HA121188174199
North-west London strategic HA101294252340
South-east London strategic HA64175131195
South-west London strategic HA85147119181
North-east Cluster200357329423
County Durham and Tees Valley strategic HA5310295109
North and east Yorkshire and Northern Lincoln13212149
Northumberland, Tyne and Wear strategic HA92142133149
South Yorkshire strategic HA35413747
West Yorkshire strategic HA7514369
North-west and West Midlands Cluster425607544793
Birmingham and the Black Country strategic HA159236199271
Cheshire and Merseyside strategic HA146185181225
Cumbria and Lancashire strategic HA1611823
Greater Manchester strategic HA80112103172
Shropshire and Staffordshire strategic HA614933
West Midlands south strategic health authority18494469
Southern Cluster154398326709
Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire strategic HA9443574
Dorset and Somerset strategic HA7242443
Hampshire and Isle Of Wight strategic HA27313064
Kent and Medway strategic HA503191
South-west Peninsula strategic HA5191739
Surrey and Sussex strategic HA66161139240
Thames Valley strategic HA406950158

1. The figures provide an accurate figure taking into account any notifications received up to 31 January 2005.
2. This information relates to dentists offering at least one type of NHS treatment to at least one category of patient.

16 Mar 2005 : Column 271W

Derriford Hospital

Mr. Streeter: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will permit the Vanguard Project at Derriford hospital to proceed with a single bidder with appropriate financial safeguards; and if he will make a statement. [221825]

Mr. Hutton [holding answer 15 March 2005]: The Plymouth hospitals national health service trust is currently considering the options for the Vanguard project. The Department's private finance unit is providing support and working with the trust to discuss the next steps.

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