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16 Mar 2005 : Column 305W—continued

Post-16 Education (Leicester)

Mr. Gill: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what percentage of pupils continued in post-16 education in Leicester in each year since 1997. [221207]

Mr. Ivan Lewis [holding answer 14 March 2005]: Participation estimates as at end 2001 (2001/02 academic year) for 16-year-olds in Leicester LEA in full-time education, and in education and Learning and Skills Council (LSC) funded work based learning (WBL), are 68 and 79 per cent., respectively.

The information is taken from the Department's Statistical Bulletin entitled, 'Participation in Education and Training by 16 and 17 Year Olds in Each Local Area in England, End 2001'. A consistent historical time
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series is currently unavailable due to issues with post-census local population estimates for individual ages for earlier years. Local participation estimates for end 2002 and end 2003 (provisional) are due to be published on 31 March 2005 alongside a consistent historic participation time series.

Special Educational Needs

Kate Hoey: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many pupils with special needs receive two hours of high-quality physical education and school sport each week. [221436]

Margaret Hodge: The Department does not collect national data on this. Unless they have been specifically disapplied from this aspect of the national curriculum, we would expect pupils with special educational needs to receive the same amount of physical education and sport as other pupils.

In 2003–04 the Department commissioned a survey of schools in relation to the PSA target of two hours of quality physical education or school sport each week (The School Sports Partnership Programme Evaluation 2004/05). Schools with higher proportions of pupils with statements of SEN were found to be more likely to be fulfilling the PSA than those with lower proportions of SEN.


Mr. Pickthall: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what estimate she has made of the number of qualified primary school teachers at present unable to secure a job in teaching in (a) Lancashire, (b) the North West and (c) England. [221415]

Mr. Stephen Twigg: The Secretary of State has made no such estimate.

Mr. Willis: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many teachers in England will reach the age of 60 years in each of the next five academic years. [221895]

Mr. Stephen Twigg: The following table shows the number of teachers aged between 55 and 59 in service in maintained sector schools in March 2003, the latest information available. No estimate of the number of teachers in these age groups who will enter or leave service prior to age 60 has been included.
Number of full and part-time teachers in service in the maintained sector in England by age


Database of Teacher Records

It is estimated that between 10 and 20 per cent. of part-time teachers may not be included in the data.
16 Mar 2005 : Column 307W

Universities (Funding)

Mr. Jim Cunningham: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills in what ways public funds contribute to the funding of universities; and what the total contribution was in 2004. [221663]

Dr. Howells: Some 60 per cent. of the total funding universities receive comes from public sources. In 2002/03, the latest year for which data are available, public funding was £7.6 billion, out of a total £12.7 billion.

For 2004–05, the Department's planned funding for the Higher Education Funding Council for England is £6.9 billion. Higher education institutions will also receive public funding from other Government Departments, and the Research Councils, with further income from private sources such as charities, overseas students' fees, other research bodies, and student residences.

Public funding is used by the universities for teaching; research; salaries and other staff related costs; for maintaining and updating their buildings, facilities, and equipment; for making links with local schools in order to actively encourage widening participation; and to develop closer links with local businesses; and for other activities which relate to higher education.

Victims of Abuse

Bob Spink: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills (1) what her policy is regarding compensation for victims of abuse in residential schools and homes in the Irish Republic who are now British citizens; [220436]

(2) if she will make a statement on how the operation of the Irish Residential Institutions Redress Board will apply to British citizens. [220437]

Margaret Hodge: UK citizens who suffered abuse in residential institutions and childrens homes in the Irish Republic and satisfy the criteria set out in the Irish legislation can claim compensation from the Residential Institutions Redress Board in the Republic in the same way as Irish citizens.


2006 World Cup

Hugh Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what assessment he has made of ticketing arrangements for UK football fans to attend the 2006 World Cup; and if he will make a statement; [221349]

(2) what representations he has received from (a) the German Football Association, (b) the Football Association, (c) the European Commission and (d) FIFA on the ticketing arrangements for UK football fans for the 2006 World Cup in Germany. [221350]

Caroline Flint [holding answer 14 March 2005]: The Home Office is co-ordinating extensive UK preparations for the 2006 World Cup and is working closely with other Government Departments, police, football authorities and supporter groups. There is very close liaison with the German authorities. All aspects of
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the preparations, including the potential impact of the ticketing arrangements, are subject to detailed consideration.

Animal Experimentation

John Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what proportion of the regulated procedures conducted in Scotland in 2003 under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 were performed in (a) public health laboratories, (b) universities and medical schools, (c) national health service hospitals, (d) Government Departments, (e) other public bodies, (f) non-profit making organisations and (g) commercial organisations; [218764]

(2) what proportion of the regulated procedures conducted in Scotland in 2003 under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 were carried out for (a) toxicological purposes and (b) non-toxicological purposes; [218765]

(3) how many of the regulated procedures conducted in Scotland in 2003 under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 involved (a) cats, (b) dogs, (c) rabbits, (d) horses and other equids, (e) New World primates and (f) Old World primates; and how many involved (i) genetically modified animals and (ii) animals with a harmful genetic defect; [218777]

(4) what proportion of the project licences granted under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 that were in force in Scotland at the end of 2003 were in (a) mild, (b) moderate, (c) substantial and (d) unclassified severity bandings. [218837]

Caroline Flint: The latest statistical information of this kind is in the publication Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals Great Britain 2003 (Command 6291, available in the House Library). Separate figures are produced for Northern Ireland.

However as the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 is administered by the Home Office for England, Wales and Scotland, the comprehensive data produced in Command 6291 relate to Great Britain as a whole, and are not broken down into the constituent geographical areas. The provision of information just relating to Scotland has therefore required a special exercise.

The figures are our best estimate and may be subject to a margin of error because our systems are not normally set up to provide a breakdown on the lines asked for.

In 2003, the percentage of scientific procedures using animals in Scotland, broken down by various types of establishment, are given in the table.
Type of establishmentPercentage
Public health laboratories0.0
Universities and medical schools37.0
NHS hospitals0.0
Government Departments1.5
Other public bodies37.1
Non-profit making organisations0.0
Commercial concerns24.4

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In 2003 the procedures carried out in Scotland for toxicological purposes amounted to 16 per cent., and for non-toxicological purposes 84 per cent.

In 2003, the numbers of procedures carried out in Scotland on certain species, or animals with a certain genetic status are shown in the table.
Species of animal, or genetic statusNumber
Horses and other equids2,821
New world primate282
Old world primate879
Animals with harmful genetic defect125,527
Genetically modified animals14,901

16 Mar 2005 : Column 310W

In 2003, the numbers of project licences in force in Scotland at the end of the year, in each severity band, were as follows:

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