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Mr. Tyler: To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs what criteria are used to calculate the cost-effectiveness of magistrates courts. [221828]
Mr. Leslie: Hitherto magistrates courts have been managed through 42 Magistrates Courts Committees (MCCs). The overall performance of MCCs is monitored through a range of financial and performance measures. The cost efficiency of the MCCs is measured through the Cost per Unit of weighted Caseload". This measure is calculated by comparing total expenditure for each MCC with the total number of completed proceedings, the latter being weighted according a common set of assumptions of the relative complexity for 14 case types.
Andrew Mackinlay: To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs whether it is intended to amend section 6 of the Civil List Act 1952 consequent upon the decision to raise Mrs. Camilla Parker Bowles to the title of HRH the Duchess of Cornwall on her marriage to HRH the Prince of Wales; and if he will make a statement. [222239]
Andrew Mackinlay: To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs where and how it is proposed to convene a meeting of the Privy Council in compliance with the provisions of the Royal Marriages Act 1972; and if he will make a statement. [222240]
Mr. Leslie: The Privy Council met on 2 March 2005 to give effect to Her Majesty's consent to the marriage of HRH the Prince of Wales and Mrs. Parker Bowles in compliance with the provisions of the Royal Marriages Act 1772.
Andrew Mackinlay: To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs whether the proposed marriage of HRH Prince of Wales to Mrs. Camilla Parker Bowles is morganatic. [222341]
Andrew Mackinlay: To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs if he will publish as a Command Paper documents held in the Public Record Office and other public archives relating to Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin's advice and reasons for refusing Edward VIII's request for a morganatic marriage. [222486]
Mr. Leslie:
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Mr. Tyler: To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs how much was spent per magistrate on basic training in each of the last five years; how much was spent in each of those years on providing training materials; and what advice is available to the Judicial Studies Board on learning styles in the context of training programmes. [221829]
Mr. Leslie:
Judicial training is the responsibility of the Judicial Studies Board, an independent body chaired by Lord Justice Keene. Training for magistrates is paid for and delivered at local level in 42 administrative areas. The budget for magistrates training is not ring-fenced
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and currently cannot be isolated from the overall grant allocation made by the Department for Constitutional Affairs to the Magistrates Courts Service.
Most magistrate trainers have attended professional training courses for trainers sponsored by the DCA and will be familiar with the theory of learning styles. To support them the JSB employs professionally qualified trainers who advise on learning styles and methods of delivery of the training and associated materials. JSB magistrates training materials, including reference to learning styles, are accessible on the JSB website and include the Magistrates National Training Initiative (MNTI 2) where advice and guidance on basic training for Magistrates can be found.