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18 Mar 2005 : Column 517W—continued

Lancashire Ambulance Trust

Mr. Evans: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what assessment he has made of the proposed restructuring of ambulance services by Lancashire Ambulance Trust. [222101]

18 Mar 2005 : Column 518W

Miss Melanie Johnson [holding answer 15 March 2005]: Any decisions about the configuration of ambulance trusts are a matter for the local health economy to consider, led by the strategic health authority (SHA) and in consultation with patients and the public. Under section 11 of the Health and Social Care Act 2001, national health service bodies are under a duty to consult and involve patients, the public and their representatives in the planning of changes to services, and to involve them in decisions affecting the operation of services. Should a proposal to change services represent a substantial development or variation, NHS bodies are under a duty to consult relevant local authority overview and scrutiny committees.

Medical Treatment (European Countries)

Mr. Evans: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many patients living in the Ribble Valley have had operations or other medical treatments funded by the NHS in European countries in each of the last three years. [222103]

Miss Melanie Johnson [holding answer 15 March 2005]: This information is not collected centrally.


Mr. Pickthall: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what estimate he has made of the number of unfilled midwifery posts in the North West. [221411]

Miss Melanie Johnson [holding answer 16 March 2005]: The information requested has been placed in the Library.


Dr. Murrison: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what (a) assessment he has made of the scope for the use of essential oils in dealing with MRSA and (b) funding he intends to provide for research into the use of such oils in combating MRSA. [220178]

Miss Melanie Johnson: The scientific literature indicates that essential oils can help control health care associated infections, including methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The Department has allocated £3 million to research into health care associated infection and has recently issued a call for research proposals. If a proposal on essential oils is submitted, it will be carefully considered alongside others.

NHS Spending

Mr. Lansley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health pursuant to the answer of 9 March 2005, Official Report, column 1911W, on NHS spending, what the expenditure on hospital and community services in England is at constant prices. [222777]

Mr. Hutton: Information on the expenditure on hospital and community services in England, at 2003–04 prices, is shown in the table. Expenditure figures provided include the commissioning of secondary health care, which is the closest to the information requested. It is not possible to provide comparable figures prior to 1996–97.
18 Mar 2005 : Column 519W

Amount (£000)

Health authority audited accounts 1996–97 and 1997–98.
Health authority audited summarisation forms 1998–99 to 2001–02.
Strategic health authority audited summarisation forms 2002–03 and 2003–04.
Primary care trust audited summarisation schedules 2000–01 to 2003–04.
Her Majesty's Treasury gross domestic product deflator.

18 Mar 2005 : Column 520W


Mr. Hepburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many nurses have been employed by the NHS in (a) South Tyneside, (b) the North East and (c) England in each year since 1997. [222145]

Mr. Hutton: The information requested is shown in the table.

The 2004 non-medical workforce census is due to be published on 22 March.
National health service hospital and community health services:Qualified nursing, midwifery and health visiting staff, including general medical service practice nurses, for the specified organisations as at 30 September each year

of which:
North East Government Office Region18,59819,03319,87220,00620,97721,50422,108
County Durham and Tees Valley strategic health authorityQ107,7328,0508,2448,4588,6008,6479,084
Northumberland, Tyne and WearQ0910,86610,98311,62811,54812,37712,85713,024
of which:
South Tyneside primary care group4NJ39n/an/a565058n/an/a
South Tyneside primary care trust5KGn/an/an/an/an/a257265
South Tyneside NHS foundation trustRE9905854899891916615624
South of Tyne and Wearside mental health NHS trustRW9n/an/an/an/an/a803652

Practice nurse data is as at 1 October 1997–99
Practice nurse data is estimated for 1998 and 1999
n/a—not applicable
Department of Health Non-Medical Workforce Census
Department of Health General and Personal Medical Services Statistics

Out-of-Hours GP Services

Mr. Beith: To ask the Secretary of State for Health which areas receive additional funding for out-of-hours general practitioner services on account of their rural character. [221287]

Mr. Hutton [holding answer 14 March 2005]: The table shows the 50 primary care trusts (PCTs) that were allocated on account of their rural character additional funding to provide out-of-hours services. The additional funding was aggregated to strategic health authority level and decisions about final allocations were agreed locally.


18 Mar 2005 : Column 521W

Brian Cotter: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many complaints have been received on the new GP out-of-hours service since its introduction (a) in England and (b) in the North Somerset Primary Care Trust area. [221902]

Mr. Hutton: The information requested is not centrally available.

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