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21 Mar 2005 : Column 596W—continued

Palestinian Authority

Mr. Drew: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreignand Commonwealth Affairs if he will make representations to the Palestinian Authority (a) to allow Christian Arabs the right to pursue their religion, with particular reference to the right to pray on the Temple Mount and (b) to prevent encroachment on and inappropriate use of Christian holy sites. [222518]

Mr. Rammell [holding answer 17 March 2005]: We have received no representations from the Christian Palestinian population with regard to access to the rightto pray at the Haram ash-Sharif Temple Mount area. We have received representations from the Christian Palestinian community regarding difficulties in accessing sites holy to Christians, as well as Jews and Muslims, but these concerns focus on measures taken by the Israeli rather than Palestinian authorities.

Jerusalem has a unique religious and cultural importance for Christians, Jews and Muslims, and we attach great importance to ensuring access to Jerusalem and freedom of worship there for those of all faiths.


Mr. Drew: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what representations he has made to the Peruvian Government concerning the arrest of Pastor Jose Garcia Pena on terrorism charges. [222503]

Mr. Rammell: British embassy officials in Lima have recently spoken to the Peruvian Justice Ministry about the case of Pastor Jose Garcia Pena. We understand that Pastor Jose Garcia Pena was temporarily released from custody on 11 March.


Tom Brake: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions have taken place with Russia concerning the presidency of the G8; and what Russia's stated priorities are for their presidency. [222645]

Mr. Alexander: All G8 members, including Russia, are involved in G8 discussions. In addition to these multilateral discussions, we have had a wide range of contacts with the Russians at official and Ministerial level to discuss both their and our G8 presidency themes. The Russians have begun to prepare for their 2006 G8 presidency, but have not yet made any announcements of their priorities.
21 Mar 2005 : Column 597W

Saudi Arabia

Mr. Simmonds: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what assessment has been made of the progress being made in Saudi Arabia in introducing elements of democracy; and if he will make a statement. [221595]

Mr. Rammell: We welcome the municipal elections which are being held in Saudi Arabia as a first, but important, step in the growing involvement of the people in political decision-making. We look forward to the development of this process and particularly welcome the Government of Saudi Arabia's commitment to extend voting to women.


Mr. Hoyle: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (1) if he will raise with the Spanish government air pollution from the oil refinery at La Liniea near Gibraltar; [222281]

(2) if he will raise with the Spanish government water pollution caused by the oil refinery at La Liniea and its effects on Gibraltar's territorial waters. [222282]

Mr. MacShane: The Government hopes that the new trilateral forum will provide a suitable atmosphere in which to discuss issues such as these. However, at the present time we believe that local environmental issues such as these are most appropriately addressed under the local cooperation forum of the Government of Gibraltar-Mancommunidad del Campo de Gibraltar Joint Committee. This Committee has already established a joint epidemiological study to investigate the alleged high incidence of cancer cases in the area.


Benefits Payment

Mr. Salmond: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what the administration costs associated with each benefit were in the last year for which figures are available; and what percentage of expenditure on each benefit was accounted for by administration costs. [222905]

Mr. Pond: Information is not available in the format requested. In accordance with the requirements of Resource Accounting and Budgeting, the Department now accounts for its administration and benefit expenditure by Strategic Objective, as set out in its public service agreements (PSA), and by individual Requests for Resources (RfRs), as set out in the Department's Estimates and Accounts.


Dr. Francis: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions if he will compensate children adversely affected by delays in transferring cases to the new Child Support Agency system. [222307]

21 Mar 2005 : Column 598W

Mr. Pond: Compensation payments can be made to parents with care for losses incurred as a direct result of maladministration by the Child Support Agency.

However, we have always been clear that we will only move people on to the new scheme when we are sure that the new arrangements are working well. This is a sensible approach to implementing a major change and does not amount to maladministration. Compensation is therefore not appropriate.

Dr. Francis: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions for what reasons a date has not been set when old Child Support Agency cases will be transferred to the new system. [222308]

Mr. Pond: I refer my hon. Friend to the written answer I gave the hon. Member for Ashford (Mr. Green) on 8 December 2004, Official Report, column 568W.

Departmental Accounts

Tony Baldry: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions whether Ministers in his Department have issued written instructions to override his Department's accounting officer's objections since 1997. [221118]

Jane Kennedy: I refer the hon. Member to the answergiven to him on 14 March 2005, Official Report, column 80W, by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury (Mr. Timms).

Household Incomes

Mr. Gill: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many households below average income there were in (a) East Midlands and (b) Leicester South constituency in each year since 1997. [222788]

Mr. Pond: In 2002–03, an estimated 69 per cent. of households in the East Midlands had incomes below the GB mean on the Before Housing Costs income measure, and 66 per cent. on the After Housing Costs measure.

These estimates use the same definition of income used in the Households Below Average Income Series, which is sourced from the Family Resources Survey. It is not possible to provide robust estimates for (b) because of small sample sizes.

National Insurance Numbers

Mr. Willetts: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many national insurance numbers have been issued to workers arriving from abroad in each year since 1979. [222187]

Mr. Pond: The information is not available.

New Deal

Linda Gilroy: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many people have found work through new deal programmes in Plymouth since 1997, broken down by (a) the new deal for young people, (b) the new deal for over 25s and (c) the new deal for lone parents. [221610]

Jane Kennedy: The information is in the following table.
21 Mar 2005 : Column 599W

New deal in Plymouth

ProgrammeIndividuals into work
New deal for young people3,390
New deal 25 plus660
New deal for lone parents1,900

1.Figures are for the combined parliamentary constituencies of Plymouth Devonport and Plymouth Sutton.
2.New deal for young people started in January 1998; new deal 25 plus started in July 1998; new deal for lone parents started in October 1998.
3.All data is to December 2004.
4.Figures are rounded to the nearest 10.
DWP Information Directorate

Hugh Bayley: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many people in the City of York have (a) enrolled on and (b) found work through each of the Government's new deal programmes. [221737]

Jane Kennedy: The available information is in the following table.
New deal in the City of York

ProgrammeIndividual startsIndividuals into work
New deal for young people1,400840
New deal 25 plus890390
New deal for lone parents1,060640
New deal 50 plus (up to and including
March 2003)
New deal 50 plus (from April 2003)50

1.New deal for young people started in January 1998; new deal 25 plus started in July 1998; new deal for lone parents started in October 1998; new deal 50 plus started in April 2000.
2.Information on starts to new deal 50 plus is only available up to the end of March 2003.
3.Information on individuals into work through new deal 50 plus up to the end of March 2003 is the number of starts to the new deal 50 plus employment credit.
4.New deal 50 plus jobs figures from April 2003 could include people who have started more than one job.
5.Information for new deal for disabled people and new deal for partners is not available at constituency level.
6.All data is to December 2004.
7.All figures have been rounded to the nearest 10.
DWP Information Directorate

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