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The Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (Ms Patricia Hewitt): The Small Business Service (SBS) is today publishing its business plan for 200506. I have placed copies of the plan in the Libraries of both Houses. It is also available on the SBS website at:
The SBS published a Government action plan for small business in January 2004. The plan identified a set of practical actions focused on improving policy and delivery as it affects small business. For the first time, it aligned contributions from the whole of government behind clear objectives for encouraging enterprise and improving the environment for small business. Implementing the action plan and working with government partners to refresh it remains a priority for the SBS this year.
The business plan also sets out the ways in which the SBS will develop its capabilities to ensure that it is equipped to play an enhanced policy leadership and influencing role within government, across the regions and internationally on small business issues.
The plan identifies 10 key agency targets for 200506. These are to:
Increase enterprise awareness in young people by supporting a further "Make your Mark: Start Talking Ideas" campaign culminating in a successful second "Enterprise Week" in November 2005 targeted on people in a wider 1430 age group.
Continue to support and promote social enterprise by completing a review of the Government's three-year strategy by July 2005, and establishing future priorities for action.
Increase the availability of risk capital for high growth potential businesses, by launching a pathfinder round of enterprise capital funds within two months of EU state aid clearance being obtained.
Hold a conference on risk capital in October 2005 as part of the UK's EU Presidency to highlight the importance of risk capital for small businesses with growth potential, and explore ways of increasing its availability in the UK and elsewhere in the EU.
Work with the SBS's lender partners to launch a simplified, better targeted and more consistently available form of the small firms loan guarantee by December 2005 in line with the recommendations of the Graham review.
Encourage female entrepreneurship by implementing recommendations being made by the Women's Enterprise Panel to increase the proportion of women-owned businesses by March 2006, and take decisions on whether to establish a National Women's Business Council by July 2005.
Work in partnership with the English regional development agencies to focus the business link service on information, diagnostic and brokerage services, and further improve on current levels of business link market penetration and customer satisfaction by April 2006.
Improve small business access to public sector procurement and R&D opportunities by launching a supplier route to Government web portal by October 2005, and re-invigorating the Small Business Research Initiative so that more government departments are meeting the target of procuring 2.5 per cent. of their R&D from small and medium size businesses by March 2006.
Complete a review of the UK's key regulatory and administrative processes using the World Bank's "Doing Business" survey as a benchmark and, with the Small Business Council, make recommendations on the scope for streamlining and simplifying these processes by January 2006.
Increase the SBS's influence on small business issues within government, across the regions and internationally by building its capabilities as a source of expertise, leadership and challenge.
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport (Mr. David Jamieson): The Secretary of State for Transport has set a range of high-level targets for the 200506 year on behalf of the Agencies within the Driver, Vehicle and Operator Group; the Driving Standards Agency, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, the Vehicle Certification Agency and the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency. They are included in the Agencies' Business Plans together with their associated measures. The plans also include a range of management targets, performance indicators and key tasks which are appropriate to the Agencies' businesses and which reflect the wider DVO change agenda. Copies of the Business Plans will be placed in the Library shortly.
The key targets for the Driving Standards Agency are:
Appointments will be available within nine weeks at 99 per cent. of permanent car driving test centres by 31 March 2006
Deliver 6,000 Arrive Alive and 200 Arrive Alive Classic presentations by 31 March 2006 and Pass Plus take up to continue at 18 per cent. of those passing the test
Assure the quality of trainers so that 98 per cent. of ADIs have been check-tested once every four years and all ADIs will be HP assessed by 31 December 2006
Assure the quality of the practical driving test by 1 per cent. of all driving tests being subject to quality assurance checks in which examiners are accompanied by a senior operational officer
Roll out plans for acquiring and making operational off road motorcycle test facilities by 2008: To acquire 20 and build 10 multi-purpose centres by 31 March 2006
Deliver the benefits in the value for money plan achieving at least 2.5 per cent. of cost savings and 2.5 per cent. efficiency and effectiveness improvements
The key targets for the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency are:
To achieve a level of tax collected of at least £55m above the 2004 baseline and maintaining or reducing evasion loss at a maximum 3.4 per cent. in line with the roadside survey
Records to be capable of 97.5 per cent. of current vehicle keepers to be successfully traced from the record
Deliver the benefits in the value for money plan achieving at least 2.5 per cent. of cost savings and 2.5 per cent. efficiency and effectiveness improvements
The key targets for the Vehicle Certification Agency are:
Deliver the benefits in the value for money plan achieving at least 2.5 per cent. of cost savings and 2.5 per cent. efficiency and effectiveness improvements
The key targets for the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency are:
To deliver a programme of improved e-service across the commercial and business sectors so that by 2008, 80 per cent. of services will be available electronically
Complete the roll out of a robust MOT computerisation system nationally and implement the benefits realisation plan
Complete merger of the intelligence and compliance units to ensure the independence of traffic commissioners and improve the quality of investigated cases presented
Improve enforcement effectiveness through increased targeting of offenders making full use of powers to stop, ANPR and improved intelligence data
Improve the suitability of the VOSA test station estate, in terms of location and condition, to reflect changing customer requirements
Deliver the benefits in the value for money plan achieving at least 2.5 per cent. of cost savings and 2.5 per cent. efficiency and effectiveness improvements
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