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Helen Southworth: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what guidance she has issued to the Office for Fair Access ensuring that universities do not discriminate against female candidates in the allocation of places. [223231]
Dr. Howells: The Director for Fair Access has no remit over any admissions decision by a university. In our guidance to the Director, we have suggested that he discuss questions of under-representation in higher education with the Equal Opportunities Commission and other similar bodies, and work with them to help institutions understand best practice.
Mr. Amess: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what response the Government have made to the Adult Learning Inspectorate's recent report on work-based learning. [223422]
Mr. Ivan Lewis: We welcome the annual report from the Chief Inspector of the Adult Learning Inspectorate, published on 24 November 2004. The reported improvements in the work-based learning sector are particularly welcome. The report also makes clear, though, that there is still more to do. We will continue to work closely with a range of partners to drive up standards in all parts of the sector and for all learners.
Mr. Andrew Turner: To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster if he will make a statement on the steps he has taken to co-ordinate Government policy in relation to Every Child Matters" and family court proceedings; what his objectives were in so doing; and what the outcome of his actions was. [222258]
Jon Trickett: To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what arrangements for monitoring accidents at work involving members of staff of his Office are in place; and if he will make a statement. [222620]
Mr. Milburn: The Duchy of Lancaster Office, as required by the Health and Safety Legislation, maintains an accident record book within the office and would report any accidents under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 Regulations (RIDDOR), as required.
Mr. Andrew Turner: To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster if he will make a statement on the steps he has taken to co-ordinate Government policy in relation to preparing asylum seekers' children to be taught in English; what his objectives were in so doing; and what the outcome was of his actions. [222257]
Mr. Andrew Turner: To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster if he will make a statement on the steps he has taken to co-ordinate Government policy in relation to teaching of English to adult asylum seekers in the UK; what his objectives were in so doing; and what the outcome of his actions was. [222263]
Pete Wishart: To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what role the Clerk of Council has in relation to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; and if he will make a statement. [222926]
Mr. Milburn:
The Clerk of the Council is the Chief Executive Officer of the Duchy of Lancaster and is answerable to me as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. He is the executive member of Council to which I have granted a revocable delegation of authority.
22 Mar 2005 : Column 698W
Pete Wishart: To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what role the Duchy Council plays in relation to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and the Clerk of Council; and if he will make a statement. [222927]
Mr. Milburn: The Council of the Duchy of Lancaster is a board of seven people to which I have revokably delegated authority to undertake the general running of the Duchy in relation, in particular, to the financial assets and performance of the Duchy. The Clerk of the Council is the executive member of Council.
Pete Wishart: To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster how much the Duchy has spent on (a) press advisers and (b) other consultants since January 2005; and if he will make a statement. [222929]
Mr. Milburn: The Duchy of Lancaster is not a Government Department and as such not supported by public funds. Since January 2005, the Duchy of Lancaster office has spent £1,920 on a press adviser. The Duchy of Lancaster has not employed any other consultants during this period.
Mr. Andrew Turner: To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster if he will make a statement on the steps he has taken to co-ordinate Government policy in relation to the impact of divorce law and family breakdown on children's educational attainment; what his objectives were in so doing; and what the outcome was of his actions. [222256]
Mr. Andrew Turner: To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster if he will make a statement on the steps he has taken to co-ordinate Government policy in relation to the impact of licensing legislation on policing the night-time economy; what his objectives were in so doing; and what the outcome was of his actions. [222264]
Pete Wishart: To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster how many press releases have been issued by the Duchy in each month since January 2005; and if he will make a statement. [222928]
Mr. Milburn: The Duchy of Lancaster office issued two press releases in 2005 both in January; the first in relation to the appointment of two new Council members and the second in respect of Tutbury Castle.
Mr. Evans: To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office whether his Office sold any surplus stock on the eBay auction website, in each year since 200001. [220945]
Mr. Miliband:
22 Mar 2005 : Column 699W
Sir John Butterfill: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what arrangements he is making for the provision of age exemption forms for people in Bournemouth who continue working after their pension age and no longer have to pay national insurance contributions; and if he will make a statement. [223056]
Dawn Primarolo [holding answer 21 March 2005]: When a person makes a claim for state retirement pension and intends to continue working, they can ask for a Certificate of Age Exception by ticking the box on the claim form. Otherwise certificates can be obtained by contacting the Inland Revenue National Insurance Contributions Office, in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Mr. Frank Field: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many economically inactive claimants of benefits were of working age in each year since 1979. [222606]
Mr. Timms [holding answer 18 March 2005]: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician. I have asked him to reply.
Letter from Colin Mowl to Mr. Frank Field, dated 22 March 2005:
The National Statistician has been asked to reply to your recent Parliamentary Question about the number of economically inactive people receiving benefits. I am replying in his absence. (222606)
Data on the numbers of people who receive working age benefits has been provided by the Department for Work and Pensions. The attached table shows the number of people of working age claiming out-of-work benefits. Those benefits which are in the great majority of cases claimed by economically inactive people, have been distinguished in the table from Jobseeker's Allowance benefit claimants, who are required to be actively
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