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4 Apr 2005 : Column 1272W—continued

Drugs Crime (Leeds)

Mr. Battle: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many crack houses have been closed down in (a) Leeds and (b) Leeds West in the last 12 months; how many of these were part of Operation Crackdown; and if he will make a statement. [222244]

Caroline Flint: Data are not centrally collected on a city-by-city basis. The latest national information available on crack house" closure orders relates to
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Government Office regions for the period 20 January to end September 2004, when there were four reported uses of the crack house" anti-social behaviour power in the Yorkshire and Humberside region.

West Yorkshire police are one of 33 forces who are participating in the national enforcement campaign Operation Crackdown. However information requested is not collated regionally or by force but 75 crack houses have been closed by Crackdown forces during the period 12 January to 7 March 2005.

EU Business Applications

Mr. Leigh: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many applications for the right of establishment in business under EU association
4 Apr 2005 : Column 1274W
agreements submitted by or on behalf of persons who had already arrived in the UK under other immigration categories were received between 1 June 2003 and 30 April 2004, broken down by nationality of the applicant; and how many applications were (a) granted, (b) refused, (c) withdrawn and (d) otherwise disposed of. [218873]

Mr. Browne: According to internal management information and accordingly provisional, between 1 June 2003 and 30 April 2004 there were 18,565 applications for the right of establishment in business under EC Association Agreements received by the Immigration and Nationality Directorate, submitted by or on behalf of persons who had already arrived in the UK under other immigration categories. The table shows this total figure broken down by nationality of the applicant and by the outcome of the case.
Nationality of applicantTotal switching(60) cases received 1 June 2003 to
30 April 2004
GrantedRefusedWithdrawn by applicantOther(61)
Czech Rep1431133216

(60)The term switching refers to those applicants who were already in the UK in another immigration category, or without valid leave to enter or remain.
(61)Category of 'other' includes all outcomes possible on the General Casework Information Database apart from granted, refused and withdrawn by applicant. This includes applications received in the specified period against which no outcome is yet recorded, and applications received in the specified period against which an outcome was recorded after 30 September 2004.
Numbers of applications granted, refused, withdrawn by applicant or 'other' relate only to applications received by IND between 1 June 2003 and 30 April 2004.

Mr. Leigh: To ask the Secretary of State for the HomeDepartment whether he has received reports of applications for the right of establishment in business under EU association agreements having been granted in error between 1 June 2003 and 30 April 2004. [218874]

Mr. Browne: None other than the report by Ken Sutton published on 17 June 2004, which confirmed that there was clear evidence that the ECAA category had been exploited and that applications were granted from some individuals who were unlikely to have been able to demonstrate that they could sustain themselves in business.

Mr. Leigh: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many applications for the right of establishment in business under EU association agreements were refused between 1 June 2003 and 30 April 2004, broken down by (a) reason for refusal and (b) nationality of the applicant. [218875]

Mr. Browne: I refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave him on 27 January 2005, Official Report, column 482W.

Mr. Leigh: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many applications for the right of establishment in business under EU association agreements were submitted using standard-form business plans identical or materially similar to those submitted by other such applicants between 1 June 2003 and 30 April 2004; and how many were refused on these grounds (a) in total and (b) broken down by nationality of the applicant. [218877]

Mr. Browne: Information in the form requested is not readily available and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.

G8 Summit

Mr. Todd: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what steps he is taking to provide financial support to police authorities which will be required to organise additional security for G8 summit events. [221695]

Ms Blears: Police authorities are normally expected to have reserves for exceptional events. They may apply for special grant to assist with additional costs of policing exceptional events like G8.
4 Apr 2005 : Column 1275W


Mr. Win Griffiths: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many inmates at HMP and YOI Parc were (a) being held on remand and (b) awaiting sentence on the latest date for which figures are available. [224180]

Paul Goggins: As of 24 March 2005 there were 91 prisoners being held on remand or awaiting trial, and 44 prisoners awaiting sentence.

Mr. Win Griffiths: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what separate provision is made for health care services for young offenders at HMP and YOI Parc. [224184]

Paul Goggins: There is no separate health care provision for young offenders at HMP and YOI Parc. When necessary, both adults and young offenders reside in the health care facility. In such circumstances independent approved regimes are operated so that separation is maintained.

Mr. Win Griffiths: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many places the Youth Justice Board has contracted to be available at HMP and YOI Parc; in each year for which figures are available; and what the average occupancy rate has been in each of those years. [224196]

Paul Goggins: The number of places the Youth Justice Board has contracted to be available at HMP and YOI Parc is as follows:
March 2002 to September 200428
October 2004 to present36

The average monthly occupancy rate in each of the years during this period has been:
April 2002 to March 200319
April 2003 to March 200417
April 2004 to September 200420
October 2004 to February 200528

Mr. Win Griffiths: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will make a statement on inpatient juvenile health care provision at HMP and YOI Parc; and how many of those detained have been moved elsewhere for treatment in each year for which figures are available. [224199]

Paul Goggins: The Youth Justice Board has invested in HMP and YOI Parc in order to enhance the care and accommodation that is offered to juveniles. Service improvements have included three discrete inpatient beds, together with a small day room, dedicated for use solely by juveniles. This facility opened in October 2004. In addition, since December 2004, a dedicated Juvenile Support Nurse has been in post and based within the Juvenile Unit. The Youth Justice Board has also funded a substance misuse manager and worker, in order to ensure implementation of the YJB's National
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Specification for Substance Misuse. As a direct result of the YJB's investment, there should be a significant reduction in transfers of juveniles from Parc as a result of health needs.

During 2004 three juveniles were moved elsewhere for treatment, two requiring admission as in-patients in outside hospitals. The remaining prisoner was transferred because of mental health issues.

Records are unavailable for preceding years.

Mr. Win Griffiths: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many inquest reports the Prison Service has received since January 2003 following deaths in custody at HMP and YOI Parc; and how many reports are outstanding. [224179]

Paul Goggins: A total of nine inquests have taken place since January 2003 in respect of deaths in custody at HMP and YOI Parc. Six of these deaths occurred after January 2003. There are no inquests at present which remain outstanding.

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