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7 Apr 2005 : Column 1617W—continued

EU Constitution

Mr. Brady: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what assessment she has made of whether the EU constitution will increase the powers of the EU over trade policy. [203149]

Mr. Alexander [holding answer 7 December 2004]: It has not proved possible to respond to the hon. Gentleman in the time available before Prorogation.

EU Legislation

Mr. Jim Cunningham: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what support her Department will give to the development of a working partnership between developers, investors and the commercial sector to encourage their compliance with EU legislation. [217206]

Mr. Alexander [holding answer 23 February 2005]: It has not proved possible to respond to my hon. Friend in the time available before Prorogation.

European Data Regulation

Mr. Hayes: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if she will make a statement on the nature of information (a) exchanged, (b) stored and (c) passed on to non-EU countries in connection with Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 as identified in OJ L364 volume 47 of 9 December 2004; what right of access
7 Apr 2005 : Column 1618W
individuals will have to data on themselves; which agencies are expected to seek access to such data; and what the purpose is of this legislation. [215244]

Ms Hewitt: It has not proved possible to respond to the hon. Member in the time available before Prorogation.

European Development Money

Mr. Hayes: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will place in the Library a list of UK recipients of European Development Money funds since 1997, indicating in each case what (a) sums were received and (b) projects were supported. [207152]

Mr. Alexander: European money in respect of economic development is provided to UK recipients under European Structural Fund programmes which are supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and two smaller funds for agriculture (EAGGF) and fisheries (FIFG).

The programmes are all multi-annual and some are multi-fund, and individual programmes are identified by objective. The table sets out allocations by region and objective for the last three years of the 1994–99 programming period and the first five years of the 2000–06 period.

There are many thousands of individual projects supported by the funds, and details of expenditure on individual schemes could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
£ million

North West187108117113116118120126
South West14243444548
Yorkshire and the Humber1100102104106111
East Midlands22323243635353433
West Midlands2151021068482807782
East of England21515151416
North East28182856465656571
South East244444433
Northern Uplands5b*161414
Highlands and Islands1344144
1 Transitional5446382932
Eastern Scotland22731322927252320
Western Scotland26171735249474440
South of Scotland267777
Dumfries and Galloway5b*566
Stirling and Upper Tayside5b*333
Northern Ireland1171163176
1 Transitional15613210810094
West Wales and the Valleys1157161164167182
East Wales21413121211
Industrial South Wales2544951
Rural Wales5b*202424
Great Britain3311315517
England and Gibraltar3349357364388391

7 Apr 2005 : Column 1619W

Ex-directory Numbers

John Mann: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what steps she is planning to take to stop companies publishing ex-directory telephone numbers on the internet. [224900]

Mr. Mike O'Brien: Ex-directory customers' numbers are not given out to third parties by BT, nor are they printed in phone books. However, being ex-directory does not mean a customer will never see their telephone number on a website. For example, telemarketing companies use databases to contact people. These are generally compiled by customers unwittingly completing coupons for special offers, magazine and catalogue tear off slips and other promotional questionnaires and flyers but forgetting to fill in the non-disclosure box (if available).

If it was proved that a telecoms company made public an ex-directory telephone number, the telecoms company would be in breach of the Data Protection Act and the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) would take appropriate action.

Export Credits Guarantee Department

Mr. Arbuthnot: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what steps her Department took to consult business organisations regarding the introduction of new Export Credits Guarantee Department forms. [224340]

Mr. Alexander: ECGD held discussions with trade associations representing the views of exporters who use ECGD's services, led by the CBI, regarding the most recent changes to Export Credits Guarantee Department forms, implemented on 1 December 2004.


Mr. Salmond: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what assessment she has made of the
7 Apr 2005 : Column 1620W
effects on exporters of the Support for Exhibitions and Seminars Abroad Scheme; and if she will make a statement. [217958]

Mr. Alexander: It has not proved possible to respond to the hon. Member in the time available before Prorogation.

Mr. Salmond: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many companies based in (a) Scotland and (b) the rest of the UK have received assistance under the Support for Exhibitions and Seminars Abroad Scheme in each year since 1997; and what the average payment was. [217960]

Jacqui Smith: It has not proved possible to respond to the hon. Member in the time available before Prorogation.

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