Index for Volume 428—continued

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Hughes, Mr Kevin Michael


    Dental services 1026

Hughes, Simon

                  Chamber Debates

    Identity Cards Bill, 2R (20.12.2004) 1948, 1954

    Local government finance (02.12.2004) 817

    Queen's speech, Politics and government (29.11.2004) 381, 383, 394


    Absent voting 899

    Community support officers, Powers 132w

    Domestic wastes, Waste disposal 807w

    Food, Waste disposal 815w

    Fuel poverty, Greater London 592w

    General practitioners, Greater London 1317-8w

    Railways, Repairs and maintenance 1357-8w

    Shared ownership schemes, Southwark 459-60w

    Television, Licensing 668w

    Winter fuel payments, Greater London 576w

Human centrifuge project

Human experiments

Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority

"Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Annual Report, 2003/04"

Human rights

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1131-2w

    Dept for Education and Skills 1698-9w

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 994w

    Dept for International Development 819w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 1441w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 602w

    Ministry of Defence 161w

    Northern Ireland Office 917-8w

    Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 1048w

Human Tissue Authority

Human trafficking

    Northern Ireland 330w

Humble, Mrs Joan

                  Chamber Debates

    Princess Royal Barracks (30.11.2004) 507

Hume, Mr John


    Empty property, Londonderry 328w

    Psychiatry, Northern Ireland 205w

Hunter, Mr Andrew

                  Chamber Debates

    Northern Ireland government (09.12.2004) 1293


    Northern Ireland government 137w

Hunterston A power station


Hurdle, Andy

Hurricanes and tornadoes

Hurst, Mr Alan

                  Chamber Debates

    School Transport Bill, Rep and 3R (16.12.2004) 1852-3


    Chronically sick, Health services 1070-1w

Hutton, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Dept of Health

                  Written Statements

    EU Employment Social Policy Health and Consumer Affairs Council 51-2ws, 159-60ws

    Hospitals, Repairs and maintenance 9-10ws

    "Monitor Report and Accounts,January to March 2004" 148ws

    "NHS Professionals Special Health Authority Accounts, 2003/04" 148ws


    Allied health professions, Recruitment 1033-5

    Ashford Hospital Middlesex 551w

    Asthma, Health services 231-2w

    Bedfordshire Heartlands Primary Care Trust 1663w

    Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 1462-3w

    Buildings, Dept of Health 1072w

    Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence, Finance 105w

    EC law, Dept of Health 1072w

    European Constitution Treaty, Dept of Health 235w

    General Medical Council, Complaints 552-3w

    General practitioners, Business premises 969w, 1472w

    Halliburton, Dept of Health 1156w

    Health, International assistance 1330w

    Health professions, Nationality 1079w

    Health professions, Sponsorship 1079w

    Health professions, Temporary employment 1329-30w

    Health Professions Council, Advertising 553w

    Health Professions Council, Finance 553w

    Health services, Overseas visitors 1075-6w

    Health services, Planning 237-8w

    Healthcare Commission 1149w

    Hospitals, Repairs and maintenance 1661-4w

    Hospitals, Waiting lists 1028-9

    Lung diseases, Health services 111w

    Medical records, Information technology 1678w

    Members, Correspondence 1481w

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 558w

    NHS, Employers' liability 551-2w

    NHS foundation trusts, Applications 958-68w

    NHS foundation trusts, Standards 1473-4w

    NHS National Programme for Information Technology 1679w

    NHS treatment centres, Contracts 558w

    Nurses, Overseas workers 110w

    Nurses, Recruitment 7-8w

    Nurses, Sponsorship 1155w

    Oxleas NHS Trust 8w

    Plastic surgery, Waiting lists 1149w

    Primary care trusts, Compulsory purchase 1481w

    Primary care trusts, Expenditure 979w

    Primary care trusts, Private sector 979w

    Primary care trusts, South West region 112-3w

    Primary care trusts, Working hours 1155w

    Primary health care, Business premises 979w

    Primary health care, Disadvantaged 1080w

    South and West Devon Health Authority, Finance 112w

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