Index for Volume 429—continued

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Cellular phone masts

    see Aerials

Cellular phones

    Dept for Education and Skills 818-9w


Central Africa

Challen, Mr Colin

                  Chamber Debates

    Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill, 2R (10.01.2005) 50, 60, 66, 75, 87-90

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Environment protection (13.01.2005) 158-66wh

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster

    Electronic publishing 773w

    Ministers private offices 88w

Channel Islands

    Corporal punishment 775w


Chapman, Mr Ben


    Aerials, Rural areas 402w

    Animal welfare, Protest 950

    Business questions 963

    Church of England, Religious practice 1035w

    Prisoners of war, Compensation 63w

Chapman, Sir Sydney

                  Chamber Debates

    Constitutional Reform Bill (HL), 2R (17.01.2005) 611


    Climate Change Convention 427

    Electoral register, Overseas residence 547-8

    Housing improvement 286

Chaytor, Mr David


    Black Sheep Textiles, Climate change levy 1043w

Chemical weapons




Child benefit

Child Benefit Bill 2004/05

                  Chamber Debates

    2R, Programme motion and Money res* (12.01.2005) 316-71

Child care vouchers

Child Support Agency

Child Support Agency for Northern Ireland

    see Northern Ireland Child Support Agency

Child tax credit

Child Trust Fund


    Disabled facilities grants 866-7w

    Domestic violence 293w

    Dungavel Detention Centre 295w

    HIV infection 55w

    Missing persons 920w

    Northern Ireland 241w

    Personal savings 830w

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service

Children in care

Children's Fund

    Northern Ireland 884w



    Arrests 7w


Chlamydia infection


Chope, Mr Christopher

                  Chamber Debates

    Road Safety Bill, 2R (11.01.2005) 260-4

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Domestic wastes, Waste disposal 952w

    Parachute Regiment, Training 740w

    Police, Road traffic control 364-5w


Christmas cards

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 163w, 1041-3w

    Dept for International Development 54w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 928w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 7-8w

    Northern Ireland Office 470w

Church Commissioners

    Freedom of information 665w

Church of England


Citizens' advice bureaux

City academies

City technology colleges

Civil Contingencies Secretariat

Civil servants

Civil service


Clapham, Mr Michael

                  Chamber Debates

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Health and Safety Commission (20.01.2005) 327-30wh


    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 11

Clappison, Mr James


    Freedom of information, Dept for Education and Skills 859-60w

    GCE A level, Languages 942

    Higher education, Admissions 861-2w

Clark, Mrs Helen

                  Westminster Hall Debates


Clark, Dr Lynda, Advocate General for Scotland


    Billing, Advocate General for Scotland 661w

Clarke, Rt Hon Charles, Secretary of State for the Home Dept

                  Chamber Debates

                  Written Statements

    Procedures Relating to Soham Murders Inquiry 11-2ws

    Terrorism, Northern Ireland 45ws


    Ministerial policy advisors, Home Office 495w

    Telephones, Home Office 368-9w

    Television, Home Office 473w

Clarke, Mr Tony


    Digital broadcasting 537-8

Class sizes

Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill 2004/05

                  Chamber Debates

    2R, Programme motion and Money res* (10.01.2005) 40-131


    Northern Ireland 884w

Cleaning services

Clelland, Mr David

                  Chamber Debates

    Consumer Credit Bill, 2R (13.01.2005) 452


    Concert halls, Gateshead 812

    Local government, Reform 538w


Clifton-Brown, Mr Geoffrey

                  Chamber Debates


    Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 15-6

    Cellular phones, Dept for Education and Skills 818-9w

    Task forces, Dept for International Development 60w

    Task forces, Northern Ireland Office 658-9w

    Task forces, Solicitor-General 664w

    Written questions, Dept of Health 106w

    Written questions, Ministry of Defence 740w

Climate change

Climate Change Convention

Climate change levy

    Black Sheep Textiles 1043w

Clinical trials

Closed circuit television

    Immigration controls 475w



Clwyd, Rt Hon Ann


    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 10

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