Index for Volume 429continued
A Ap B Bh Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Dr E En F Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J K L Li Ly M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Ot P Pl Ps Q R Ri Ru S Si So Sr T Ti Tu U V W Wo Y Z
Dept for Education and Skills 535w
New deal for lone parents 114-5w
Social security benefits 458w
Dairy farming
Dalyell, Mr Tam
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Detainees (11.01.2005) 183
Indian Ocean tsunami (10.01.2005) 37
Iraq, Points of order (12.01.2005) 310, (17.01.2005) 553
Porton Down, Human experiments (10.01.2005) 141
Sub judice rule, Points of order (19.01.2005) 813, (20.01.2005) 971
Westminster Hall Debates
Coral reefs, Scotland 1043w
Electromagnetic fields, Health hazards 140w
Group of Eight, Scotland 1060w
Iraq, Peace keeping operations 11-2
Iraq conflict, Legal opinion 1036w
Motor vehicles, Pollution control 383-4w
Seabed, Environment protection 466-7w
Seas and oceans, Environment protection 418
Darling, Rt Hon Alistair, Secretary of State for Transport and Secretary of State for Scotland
Chamber Debates
Road Safety Bill, 2R (11.01.2005) 213-24
Written Statements
Driving offences, Speed limits 14-6ws
Economic situation, Scotland 391w
Higher education, Scotland 392w
Identity cards, Scotland 145-7
Public transport, Information services 573w
Tintwistle Hollingworth and Mottram bypass 149w
Davey, Mr Edward
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Detainees (11.01.2005) 181
Indian Ocean tsunami (10.01.2005) 35-6
Council housing, Property transfer 872-3w
Council housing, Repairs and maintenance 993-4w
Council tax, Appeals 866w
Housing, Low incomes 761w
Local government finance 283
Social rented housing 872w
Davey, Mrs Valerie
Housing improvement 285-6
David, Mr Wayne
Chamber Debates
Consumer Credit Bill, 2R (13.01.2005) 513-4
Westminster Hall Debates
United Nations (19.01.2005) 284-6wh
Davidson, Mr Ian
Common sugar regime, Reform 424
Davies, Geraint
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Detainees (11.01.2005) 180
School Meals and Nutrition Bill, 1R (12.01.2005) 314
Davies, Mr Quentin
Chamber Debates
Davis, Rt Hon David
Chamber Debates
Drugs Bill, 2R (18.01.2005) 701-9
Alcoholic drinks, Crime 865w
Antisocial behaviour orders 540w
Christmas cards, Cabinet Office 82-3w
Christmas cards, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 163w, 1041-3w
Christmas cards, Dept for International Development 54w
Christmas cards, Dept of Trade and Industry 928w
Christmas cards, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 7-8w
Christmas cards, Northern Ireland Office 470w
Drug treatment and testing orders 542-4w
Illegal immigrants, Employment 308-9w
Immigration officers, Manpower 310w
Open prisons, Prisoner escapes 338w
Proof of identity, Fraud 308w
Television, Home Office 473w
Dawson, Mr Hilton
Corporal punishment, Channel Islands 775w
Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull NHS Trust (Teaching) 1030w
Developing countries 1073w
Death rate
Defence Aviation Repair Agency
Defence Dental Agency
see Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Democratic Republic of Congo
Dental health
Dental services
Sunderland Royal Hospital 807w
Departmental records
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 42w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 167w
Dept for International Development 55w
Dept for Work and Pensions 111w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 411-2w
Leader of the House of Commons 4-5w
Northern Ireland Office 242w
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 235w, 401w
Departmental responsibilities
Depleted uranium
Dept for Constitutional Affairs
Information officers 776w
Information technology 909w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport
Information technology 44-5w
Dept for Education and Skills
Information officers 1111w
Official hospitality 820w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Departmental records 167w
Information technology 174w
Official engagements 168w
Dept for International Development
Electronic equipment 615w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 295
Information technology 685w
Official hospitality 683w
Dept for Social Development (NIE)
see Northern Ireland Executive Dept for Social Development
Dept for Transport
Crimes against property 151w
Departmental records 596w
Official hospitality 597w
Dept for Work and Pensions
Crimes against property 622w
Departmental records 111w
Electronic equipment 556w
Information officers 782w
Dept of Health
Freedom of information 102w
Information officers 518w
Dept of Trade and Industry
Disclosure of information 141w
Electronic equipment 134w
Community transport (11.01.2005) 273-80
General practitioners 527w
Mental health services 875w
Derbyshire Fire Authority
Derelict land
Detention centres
Developing countries
Development aid
Development plans