Index for Volume 429continued
A Ap B Bh Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Dr E En F Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J K L Li Ly M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Ot P Pl Ps Q R Ri Ru S Si So Sr T Ti Tu U V W Wo Y Z
Dhanda, Mr Parmjit
Westminster Hall Debates
Museums and galleries, Inland waterways (11.01.2005) 29wh
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital 676-7
Passports, Concessions 270w
Diego Garcia
Dietary supplements
Digital broadcasting
Digital technology
Diplomatic relations
Diplomatic service
Director General of Water Services
see Office of Water Services
Director of Public Prosecutions
see Crown Prosecutions Service
Disability living allowance
Dept for Education and Skills 452w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 647-8w
Dept of Trade and Industry 139w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 697-8w
Northern Ireland Office 241w
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 220w
Disabled facilities grants
Disciplinary proceedings
Dept of Trade and Industry 573w
Disease control
Foot and mouth disease 173w
Dismore, Mr Andrew
Chamber Debates
Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill, 1R (17.01.2005) 553
Indian Ocean tsunami (10.01.2005) 31
Westminster Hall Debates
Accidents, Fees and charges 882w
Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust 798-800w
Education maintenance allowance, Hendon 1107w
General practitioners, Hendon 802w
Higher education, Admissions 822-3w
Home energy efficiency scheme, Hendon 1044w
Industrial diseases, Compensation 154
Military decorations 76-8w
Northwick Park Hospital 802-3w
Northwick Park Hospital, Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 105w
Disposable income
District Audit
Private members' bills 677w
Djanogly, Mr Jonathan
Chamber Debates
Constitutional Reform Bill (HL), 2R (17.01.2005) 603, 646-50
Building regulations, Surveying 993w
Home information packs 995w
Legal profession, Regulation 157
Dobbin, Jim
Dobson, Rt Hon Frank
Gas and Electricity Markets Authority 145w
NHS treatment centres, Railway stations 808-9w
Office of Communications 47w
Office of Water Services 175w
Public bodies, Dept of Health 515w
Social security benefits, Fraud 110w, 777w
Performance appraisal 801w
Dodds, Mr Nigel
Chamber Debates
Employment schemes, Northern Ireland (20.01.2005) 1043-6
Conferences, Northern Ireland Office 560w
Learndirect, Northern Ireland 889w
Northern Ireland government 800
Domestic violence
Domestic wastes
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M
Appointments Commission 755w
Disability living allowance 781w
Further education, Northern Ireland 785-6w
General certificate of secondary education, Northern Ireland 977-8w
Prescriptions, Incapacity benefit 879w
Terrorism, Northern Ireland 973w
Donohoe, Mr Brian H
Westminster Hall Debates
Gulf War syndrome (18.01.2005) 234-7wh
Manufacturing Advisory Service 143-4w
Dorrell, Rt Hon Stephen
Chamber Debates
Doughty, Sue
Chamber Debates
Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill, 2R (10.01.2005) 61-7
Defence, Procurement 572w
Departmental records, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 42w
Departmental records, Dept for Education and Skills 858w
Departmental records, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 167w
Departmental records, Dept for International Development 55w
Departmental records, Dept for Transport 596w
Departmental records, Dept for Work and Pensions 111w
Departmental records, Dept of Trade and Industry 139-40w
Departmental records, Leader of the House of Commons 4-5w
Departmental records, Ministry of Defence 78w
Departmental records, Northern Ireland Office 242w
Departmental records, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 401w
Departmental records, Treasury 437w
Email, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 118w
Email, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 43w
Email, Dept for Education and Skills 858-9w
Email, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 167w
Email, Dept for International Development 533w
Email, Dept for Transport 596w
Email, Dept of Health 101w
Email, Dept of Trade and Industry 140w
Email, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 411-2w
Email, Leader of the House of Commons 5w
Email, Northern Ireland Office 242-3w
Email, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 221-2w
Waste Implementation Programme 181-2w
Wastes, Biodegradability 733-4w
Down District Council
Down's syndrome