Index for Volume 429—continued

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Eagle, Angela

                  Chamber Debates

Eagle, Maria, Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Work and Pensions

                  Written Statements


    Conferences, Scotland Office 621-2w

    Credit cards, Dept for Work and Pensions 778w

    Crimes against property, Dept for Work and Pensions 622w

    Departmental records, Dept for Work and Pensions 111w

    Disabled, Access 780w

    Electronic equipment, Dept for Work and Pensions 556w

    Incapacity benefit, Easington 1026w

    Information officers, Dept for Work and Pensions 782w

    Lighting, Dept for Work and Pensions 556w

    Lost property, Dept for Work and Pensions 1025-6w

    Members, Correspondence 622w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Work and Pensions 556w, 624w

    National insurance contributions 781w

    Operating costs, Dept for Work and Pensions 622w

    Task forces, Dept for Work and Pensions 623-4w

    Telephones, Dept for Work and Pensions 784w

    Television, Dept for Work and Pensions 556w

    Theft, Dept for Work and Pensions 782-4w

    Travel, Dept for Work and Pensions 778-80w



    State retirement pensions 1065w

East Anglia

East coast railway line


    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 879w

Eastern region

    Foreign investment in UK 420w

Eating disorders

EC action

    Trade competitiveness 1011w

EC aid

EC budget

EC Commission

    see European Commission

EC common foreign and security policy

    Intelligence services 13w

EC countries

EC defence policy

EC enlargement

EC environmental policy

EC external relations

EC external trade

EC grants and loans

    Higher education 448w

EC law

    Parliamentary scrutiny 677w

EC presidency

EC regional policy

EC staff

    Redundancy pay 27w

Economic and monetary union

Economic Community of West African States

Economic planning

    Northern Ireland 977w

Economic situation


    International assistance 804

    North Yorkshire 452w

Education maintenance allowance

Edwards, Mr Huw

                  Chamber Debates


    Leyhill Prison, Prisoner escapes 495w

    Open prisons, Prisoner escapes 366w

    Prescoed Prison 366w

Efficiency scrutinies

    Ministry of Defence 1079w

Efford, Clive


    Patients' forums, Greenwich 518w

    Queen Elizabeth Hospital Woolwich, Accident and emergency departments 519w


    Health services 803w

    Local government services 402w

    Residential and nursing care see Care homes


    Greater London Authority 868w

    Local government 763w

    Northern Ireland 46ws

Electoral register

Electric cables

Electrical safety


    Government departments 523w

Electromagnetic fields

Electronic equipment

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 43w

    Dept for International Development 615w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 556w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 134w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 634w, 917w

    Ministry of Defence 839w

    Northern Ireland Office 242w

    Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 218w, 867w

Electronic publishing

    Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 773w

Ellman, Mrs Louise

                  Chamber Debates


    Local government finance 284



    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 43w, 407w

    Dept for Education and Skills 858-9w

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 167w, 725w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 140w

    Leader of the House of Commons 5w

    Ministry of Defence 71-2w

    Northern Ireland Office 242-3w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 625w


    Trade promotion 705w

Emergency services

Emissions trading scheme


Employment agencies

Employment schemes

Employment Tribunals (Representation and Assistance in Discrimination Proceedings) Bill 2004/05

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (12.01.2005) 312

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