Index for Volume 429—continued

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Fabricant, Michael


    Army, Staffordshire 380w

    Billing, Advocate General for Scotland 661w

    Billing, Cabinet Office 612w

    Billing, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 119w

    Billing, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 649-50w

    Billing, Ministry of Defence 839-40w

    Billing, Solicitor-General 2-3w

    Email, Cabinet Office 1050w

    Email, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 1053w

    Email, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 407w

    Email, Dept for Education and Skills 859w

    Email, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 725w

    Email, Dept for International Development 862-3w

    Email, Dept for Transport 836w

    Email, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 634w

    Email, Ministry of Defence 71-2w

    Email, Northern Ireland Office 243w

    Email, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 867w

    Email, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 625w

    Email, Prime Minister 94w

    Email, Scotland Office 1060w

    Email, Treasury 439w

    National Lottery 46w

    Theatre, Finance 39w

Faith schools


    see also Agriculture



    Community service orders 552w

    Custodial treatment 494w

    Dept for Education and Skills 456w

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 177w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 149w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 703-4w

    Ministry of Defence 71w

    Northern Ireland Office 241w

    Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 220w

    Segregation of prisoners 480w


Field, Rt Hon Frank

                  Chamber Debates

    Child Benefit Bill, 2R (12.01.2005) 348, 355-8

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Museums and galleries, Inland waterways (11.01.2005) 25wh


    Civil servants, Pensions 611w

    Personal savings, Children 830w

    Pre-school education, Finance 213-5w

    Public expenditure, Northern Ireland 786w

    Welfare tax credits, Compensation 834-5w

    Welfare tax credits, Overpayments 1103-4w

    Written questions, Administrative delays 833w

Fifteen minutes rule

    Rulings and statements (20.01.2005) 996


    North East region 935w

Film distribution

Financial services


    European Court of Justice 442w


Fire and Rescue Services (National Framework) (England) Order 2004

                  Chamber Debates

    (19.01.2005) 925

Fire prevention

Fire services


First time buyers

Fisher, Mr Mark


    Child Trust Fund, Stoke on Trent 1100w

    New deal schemes, Stoke on Trent 1063-4w

    Schools, Information technology 969w


Fishing vessels

Fixed penalties

Flight, Mr Howard


    Parliament, Email 555w

    Stamp duties, Tax yields 445-6w

Flint, Caroline, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office

                  Chamber Debates

                  Written Statements

    Forensic Science Service 12-3ws


    Airguns, North East region 266w

    Animal experiments, Cosmetics 1081w

    Demonstrations, Birmingham 898w

    Driving, Insurance 318w

    Driving under influence 334-6w

    Drugs, Alcoholic drinks 293-4w

    Fingerprints, Equipment 964-5w

    Firearms, Crime 298w

    Football banning orders, Essex 898w

    Offensive weapons, Hammersmith and Fulham 332w

    Police, Demonstrations 901w

    Police, Injuries 334w

    Police, Road traffic control 364-5w

    Police, Vehicles 901w

    Police custody, Drugs 1084w

    Proceeds of crime 361w

    Speed limits, Derbyshire 902-3w

    Surveillance, Cellular phones 318w

Flood control


    Ministerial statements (11.01.2005) 201-11

Flook, Mr Adrian

                  Chamber Debates

    Agriculture (19.01.2005) 885

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    General practitioners, Exmoor (11.01.2005) 57-61wh


    Counterfeit manufacturing, Prescription drugs 285-6w

    Dental services 875w

    Legal aid, Expenditure 406w

    Nuclear weapons, Conferences 591w

Fly tipping

Flynn, Paul

                  Chamber Debates


    Antidepressants 531w

    Cannabis, Medical treatments 505w

Follett, Barbara

                  Chamber Debates

    Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill, 2R (10.01.2005) 95-7


Food aid

Food Standards Agency

Foot and mouth disease

    Disease control 173w


Football banning orders

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

    Christmas cards 7-8w

    Conferences 9w

    Dept for International Development 295

    Gifts and endowments 16w

    Information technology 23w

    Ministerial policy advisors 28w, 413w

    Newspaper press 26w

    UK membership of EC 15w

    Written questions 921w

Foreign investment in UK

Foreign workers

    Dental services 509w

    Health professions 881w

Forensic Science Service


    Northern Ireland 653w

Forth rail bridge

Forth, Mr Eric

                  Chamber Debates

    Business questions intervention (20.01.2005) 959-60


    British constitution 155-6

    Business questions 960

Foster, Mr Don


    British Grand Prix 600w

    Digital broadcasting 537

    Domestic visits, Dept for Transport 598w

    Schools, Sports 199w

Foster, Mr Michael (Worcester)

                  Chamber Debates

    Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill, 2R (10.01.2005) 52, 72-4, 112


    Worcestershire Royal Hospital 875-6w

Foulkes, Rt Hon George


    Common sugar regime, ACP countries 420

    Common sugar regime, Jamaica 635-6w

    Renewable energy, Scotland 149-50

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