Index for Volume 429continued
A Ap B Bh Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Dr E En F Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J K L Li Ly M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Ot P Pl Ps Q R Ri Ru S Si So Sr T Ti Tu U V W Wo Y Z
Special educational needs 828w
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
Godsiff, Mr Roger
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Detainees (11.01.2005) 186
Goggins, Paul, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office
Westminster Hall Debates
Prisoners, Suicide (12.01.2005) 101-4wh
Written Statements
Admissibility of evidence 287-8w
Antisocial behaviour orders 269-70w
Belmarsh Prison, Detainees 276-7w
Cellular phones, Internet 317-8w
Children, Protection 477w
Community service orders, Females 552w
Corruption, Public service 332-3w
Counterfeit manufacturing, Prescription drugs 285-6w
Crime prevention, Young people 541w
Criminal Cases Review Commission 746-7w
Criminal injuries compensation 552-3w
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority 1082w
Custodial treatment, Females 494w
Detention centres, Fire prevention 347-8w
Driving under influence 545-6w
Drug treatment and testing orders 542-4w
Drugs, Alcoholic drinks 362-3w
Harassment, Prosecutions 361-2w
Illegal immigrants, Employment 484w
Intermittent custody 364w
Leyhill Prison, Prisoner escapes 495w
Life imprisonment, Parole 340-1w
National Offender Management Service, Trade unions 546w
Off-licences, Prosecutions 266-8w
Offender assessment system 323-4w
Offenders, Rehabilitation 285w
Open prisons, Prisoner escapes 338w, 366w
Pornography, Internet 312w
Prison Service, Assets 487w
Prison Service, Disciplinary proceedings 751w
Prison Service, Equal pay 488-9w
Prison Service, Ethnic groups 335-7w
Prison Service, Fraud 347w
Prison Service, Hepatitis 491w
Prison Service, Juries 315w
Prison Service, Sick leave 547-8w
Prison Service, Tuberculosis 491w
Prisoners, Ethnic groups 499w
Prisoners, Self-mutilation 340w
Prisoners, Transsexuality 369w
Prisons, Fire prevention 491-2w
Prisons, Voluntary organisations 901-2w
Procurement, Home Office 331-2w
Prosecutions, Building regulations 476w
Public bodies, Home Office 748-9w
Regional offender managers 353-4w
Reoffenders, Females 480w
Segregation of prisoners, Females 480w
Sexual offences, Arrests 366w
Sexual offences, Evidence 753-4w
Young offender institutions, Standards 370-1w
Young offenders, Custodial treatment 371-2w
Gokce, Pinar
Goodman, Mr Paul
Chamber Debates
Taxation (19.01.2005) 827
Child Support Agency, Training 459w
Gorman, Nigel
Governing bodies
Government Decontamination Service
Government departments
Government Office for the South East
Grand committees
Grant Commission
see Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission
Gray, Mr James
Chamber Debates
Armed forces, Electoral register 13-4
Army, Reorganisation 741w
Mentally incapacitated, Medical treatments 405w
Grayling, Chris
Association of Accounting Technicians 186w
EU rapid reaction force 373-4w
NHS foundation trusts 680-1
Official residences 1037w
Official residences, Ministers 1037w
Peace keeping operations, Bosnia 571w
Great Western Railway
Greater London
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 600w
Dept of Trade and Industry 1011w
Greater London Authority
Greater Manchester
European Court of Justice 661-2w
Green, Mr Damian
Westminster Hall Debates
Dental services (12.01.2005) 73-8wh
Dental health, Children 532w
Dental services, Foreign workers 509w
Dental services, Manpower 98w
Dental services, Private sector 98w
Greenway, Mr John
Chamber Debates
Agriculture (19.01.2005) 872
Armed forces (20.01.2005) 1012-6
Oral question time intervention (17.01.2005) 546
Army, Yorkshire and Humberside 62w
Grieve, Mr Dominic
Chamber Debates
Animal welfare, Protest 950-1
Legal aid, Expenditure 115w
Legal Services Commission, Repayments 115w
Griffiths, Jane
Chamber Debates
Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill, 2R (10.01.2005) 92-5
Westminster Hall Debates
Griffiths, Nigel, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept of Trade and Industry
Business, Government assistance 133w
Griffiths, Mr Win
Chamber Debates
Indian Ocean tsunami (10.01.2005) 32
Grogan, Mr John
Westminster Hall Debates
Conditions of employment 928w
Iraq, Peace keeping operations 7-8
Group of Eight