Index for Volume 429—continued

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Higher civil servants

Higher education

    EC grants and loans 448w

    Northern Ireland 894w

Hill, Keith, Minister of State for Housing and Planning, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister


    Aerials, Rural areas 402w

    Building alterations, Planning permission 230w

    Community development, Greater London 586-7w

    Contracts, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 1066w

    Council housing 873w

    Council housing, Construction 539w

    Council housing, Repairs and maintenance 993-4w

    Disabled facilities grants 539w

    Energy, Conservation 1044w

    Greater London Authority 1067w

    Home information packs 995w

    Homelessness, Crimes of violence 228w

    Housing, Construction 996w

    Housing, East Anglia 284-5

    Housing, Regeneration 998w

    Housing, Thames Gateway 1069w

    Licensed premises, Planning permission 1070w

    M4, Motorway service areas 584-5w

    Planning delivery grant 766w

    Planning permission 871w

    Planning permission, Coventry 1001w

    Planning permission, Fees and charges 766w

    Planning permission, Flood control 1069-70w

    Property development, Shoreham 769-70w

    Regional housing boards, Finance 235w

    Regional spatial strategies 768w

    Shared ownership schemes 769w

    Social rented housing 872w

    Social rented housing, Ethnic groups 1066w

    Social rented housing, Heating 222w

    Social rented housing, Thames Gateway 1070-1w

    Travelling people, West Midlands 760w

Hinchliffe, Mr David


    NHS foundation trusts 681


Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England

    see English Heritage

HIV infection

    Northern Ireland 888w

HM Customs and Excise

    see Customs and Excise

HM Magistrates' Courts Service Inspectorate

    see Magistrates' Courts Service Inspectorate

HM Prison Service

    see Prison Service

Hoban, Mr Mark

                  Chamber Debates

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Building schools for the future programme 827w

    Education, Ethnic groups 193w

    Local education authorities 197w

    London Oratory School, Admissions 198w

    Primary education 196w

    Primary education, Finance 198-9w

    Publications, Dept for Education and Skills 450-1w, 819w

    Pupil exclusions 453w

Hodge, Margaret, Minister of State for Children Young People and Families, Dept for Education and Skills


    Children, Domestic violence 293w

    Children, Human trafficking 815-6w

    Children, Prisoners 297w

    Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service 816w

    Connexions Service 856w

    Holiday play schemes 825w

    Pre-school education, Finance 213-5w

    School meals, Nutrition 949-50

    Special educational needs, Autism 188w

    Special educational needs, Gloucestershire 828w

    Special educational needs, Lancashire 191-2w

    Sure start programme, York 206w

    Young people, Advisory services 189-90w

    Young people, Identity cards 367w

Hoey, Miss Kate

                  Chamber Debates

    Northern Ireland (11.01.2005) 194


    Hunting Act 2004 167

    Immigration and Nationality Directorate, Correspondence 311w

    Immigration, Appeals 747w

    Parliament, Postal services 557w

Hogg, Rt Hon Douglas

                  Chamber Debates

    Afghanistan, Detainees (11.01.2005) 180


    Business questions 964

    Common sugar regime, ACP countries 420-1

    Hunting Act 2004 169

Holiday play schemes

Holloway Prison

Holmes, Paul


    Disabled, Buses 389w

    Disabled, Higher education 581w

    Learning and skills councils, Consultants 455w

Home care services

Home detention curfews

Home energy efficiency scheme

Home information packs

Home Office

    Information officers 487w

    Information technology 314w

    Ministerial policy advisors 495w

    Public expenditure 542w

Home Office Accounting and Finance Unit


    Crimes of violence 228w

    Exservicemen 62w



Hood, Mr Jimmy


    EU Employment Social Policy Health and Consumer Affairs Council 462w

    EU General Affairs and External Relations Council 16-9w

Hoon, Rt Hon Geoffrey, Secretary of State for Defence

                  Written Statements

    Gurkhas, Conditions of employment 9-10ws


    Armed forces, Lancashire 63-4w

    Army, Staffordshire 380w

    Army, Yorkshire and Humberside 62w, 375w

    Ballistic missile defence, USA 953w

    Bosnia, Peace keeping operations 571w

    EC defence policy 737w

    EU rapid reaction force 373-4w

    Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty 1079w

    Royal Welch Fusiliers 63w

Hope, Phil, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Building regulations, Energy 992-3w

    Building regulations, Surveying 993w

    Community development 586w

    Departmental records, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 235w

    Government Office for the South East, Publications 234-5w

    Gyms, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 585-6w

    Housing improvement 285-7

    Living spaces programme, Dudley 762-3w

    Local government, Maps 232w

    Local government, Reform 538w

    Local government, Training 538w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 236w, 403w

    Private finance initiative, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 219w

    West Midlands Fire Service, Pensions 1071-2w

Hopkins, Mr Kelvin

                  Chamber Debates

    Regional assistance (12.01.2005) 374


    Railways, Manpower 156w

    Secondary education 946

    Strategic Rail Authority, Pay 157w

Horam, Mr John

                  Westminster Hall Debates

Horse racing



    Northern Ireland 249w

Hospital beds

    St George's Hospital Tooting 1125w

Hospital wards


    Bacterial diseases 109w

    Waiting lists 688


House of Commons

    Industrial health and safety 400w

House of Commons Commission

House of Lords Appointments Commission

    see Appointments Commission


Housing associations

    Public appointments 1063w

Housing benefit

Housing improvement

Howard, Rt Hon Michael

                  Chamber Debates

    Indian Ocean tsunami (10.01.2005) 25-6


    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 804

    Labour Party 293

Howarth, Rt Hon Alan


    Student numbers, Northern Ireland 657-8w

Howarth, Mr George

                  Chamber Debates

Howarth, Mr Gerald

                  Chamber Debates

    Armed forces (20.01.2005) 986

    Trespassers on Land (Liability for Damage and Eviction) Bill, 1R (12.01.2005) 312


    Air force, Military bases 1079w

    Radio frequencies, Ministry of Defence 378-80w

    Warships, Procurement 77w

Howells, Dr Kim, Minister of State for Higher Education, Dept for Education and Skills


    Exeter University, Chemistry 193w

    Further education, Finance 856w

    Higher education, Cumbria 941

    Higher education, EC grants and loans 448w

    Sixth form education 201w

    Students, Dagenham 454w

    Students, Finance 457w

    Students, Greater Manchester 453-4w

Hoyle, Mr Lindsay

                  Chamber Debates


    Teachers, Qualifications 826-7w

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