Index for Volume 429—continued

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Labour Party

Ladyman, Dr Stephen, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of Health

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    General practitioners, Exmoor (11.01.2005) 61-4wh

                  Written Statements

    Allergies, Health services 11ws


    Autism, Children 798w

    Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust 798-800w

    Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull NHS Trust (Teaching), Death 1030w

    Care homes, Fees and charges 519w

    Care homes, Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 505w

    Care homes, Per capita costs 801w

    Elderly, Local government services 402w

    General practitioners, Derbyshire 527w

    General practitioners, Greater London 801-2w

    General practitioners, Hendon 802w

    Health services, Elderly 803w

    Hearing aids, Digital technology 801w

    Heroin, Greater London 1115w

    Home care services, Fees and charges 803w, 1028w

    Hospital beds, Greater London 1112w

    Hospitals, Consultants 801w

    Hospitals, Solihull 808w

    Mental health services, Derbyshire 875w

    Mental health services, Waiting lists 521-2w

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, Havering 1118w

    NHS Local Improvement Finance Trust 874w

    Northwick Park Hospital 802-3w

    Queen Elizabeth Hospital Woolwich, Accident and emergency departments 519w

    St George's Hospital Hornchurch 1029w

    St George's Hospital Tooting, Finance 1125w

    St George's Hospital Tooting, Hospital beds 1125w

    Sight impaired, Hearing aids 513w

    Southwark Primary Care Trust 804-7w

    Southwark Primary Care Trust, Breast cancer 1032-4w

    Strokes, Southwark 804w

    Worcestershire Royal Hospital 875-6w

Lait, Mrs Jacqui


Lamb, Norman


    Blood glucose meters, Prescriptions 513w

    Passports, Applications 333w

Lammy, David, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Constitutional Affairs

                  Chamber Debates

    Constitutional Reform Bill (HL), 2R (17.01.2005) 612, 640, 650-3

                  Written Statements


    Belmarsh Prison, Detainees 1084w

    Billing, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 119w

    Buildings, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 565w

    Community Legal Service, Expenditure 775w

    Conferences, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 563w

    Corporal punishment, Channel Islands 775w

    Credit cards, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 116w

    Departmental records, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 630w

    Disciplinary proceedings 405w

    Electronic equipment, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 563-4w, 1027-8w

    Ethnic groups, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 630-1w

    Furniture, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 564w

    Immigration, Appeals 747w

    Industrial diseases, Compensation 153-4

    Information officers, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 776w

    Legal aid, Antisocial behaviour orders 405w

    Legal opinion, Immigration 405w

    Legal profession, Regulation 156-7

    Legal Services Commission, Repayments 115w

    Lighting, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 630w

    Lost property, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 776-7w

    Magistrates' Courts Service Inspectorate 115-6w

    Mentally incapacitated, Medical treatments 405w

    Newspaper press, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 910-2w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 118-9w

    Operating costs, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 1053w

    Parking, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 1054w

    Personal injury, Compensation 912w

    Plants, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 564w

    Telephones, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 1054w

    Television, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 912w

    Theft, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 567w


    Local government 538w

    Special educational needs 191-2w


Land mines

Land use


Landfill tax credit scheme


Lansley, Mr Andrew


    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 530w, 606-8w

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, Community hospitals 529w

    NHS, Digital broadcasting 522w

Laws, Mr David

                  Chamber Debates


    Departmental responsibilities, Treasury 1037-8w

    Members, Correspondence 285w

    Waste management 524w

Laxton, Mr Bob

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Railways (11.01.2005) 5wh


    New deal for schools, Derby 823-4w

Lazarowicz, Mr Mark

                  Chamber Debates

    Consumer Credit Bill, 2R (13.01.2005) 499, 505-7

                  Westminster Hall Debates


Leader of the House of Commons

    Departmental records 4-5w

    Ministerial policy advisors 5w, 678w

LEADER programme


    Northern Ireland 889w

"Learning and Skills Council Annual Report and Accounts, 2003/04"

Learning and skills councils


    Skilled workers 455w

Legal aid

    Antisocial behaviour orders 405w

Legal costs

    Dept for Constitutional Affairs 564-5w

    Dept for Education and Skills 579-80w

    Dept for International Development 681-2w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 135w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 410-1w

    Ministry of Defence 376w

Legal opinion

Legal profession

Legal Services Commission

Legislative drafting

Leigh, Mr Edward

                  Chamber Debates

    Taxation (19.01.2005) 830


    Dairy farming, Imports 647w

    Information technology, Procurement 551

    Local government finance 231-2w

Leslie, Mr Christopher, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Constitutional Affairs

                  Chamber Debates


    Administration of justice 908w

    Administration of justice, Reform 1027w

    British constitution 154-6

    Courts, Information technology 907w

    Courts, Lisburn 910w

    Criminal proceedings 405w

    Departmental records, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 406-7w

    Elections, Postal services 775-6w

    Electoral register 404w

    Electoral register, Young people 120w

    Email, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 118w, 1053w

    Email, Government departments 118w

    European Data Protection Supervisor 631w, 899w

    Information technology, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 909w

    Legal costs, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 564-5w

    Magistrates, Political activities 1053w

    Magistrates' courts, Essex 152-3

    Members, Correspondence 632w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 119-20w, 407w, 1028w

    Sexual offences, Appeals 567w

    Voting behaviour 120w

Letwin, Rt Hon Oliver


    Bhutan, Politics and government 6w

    Holiday play schemes 825w

    Hospitals, Bacterial diseases 109w

    Multiple sclerosis, Drugs 1118w

    Surveillance, Cellular phones 318w

Lewes Prison

Lewis, Mr Ivan, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Education and Skills

                  Written Statements

    "Learning and Skills Council Annual Report and Accounts, 2003/04" 43ws


    Apprentices, Lancashire 192w

    Association of Accounting Technicians 186w

    Construction, Training 1106w

    Construction Industry Training Board 1110-1w

    Education maintenance allowance, Hendon 1107w

    Education maintenance allowance, Newcastle upon Tyne 192-3w

    Learning and skills councils, Consultants 455w

    Schools, Admissions 948-9

    Sixth form education 456w

    Skilled workers, Leeds 455w

    Vocational education, Finance 1107w

Lewis, Dr Julian

                  Chamber Debates

    Business questions intervention (13.01.2005) 438

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    United Nations (19.01.2005) 282-4wh


    Departmental records, Cabinet Office 904w

    Departmental records, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 406-7w

    Departmental records, Dept for Education and Skills 580-1w

    Departmental records, Dept of Health 100-1w

    Departmental records, Scotland Office 678w

    Departmental records, Solicitor-General 1-2w

    Departmental records, Treasury 436w

    Iraq, Cabinet committees 1049w

    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 11

    Official engagements, Cabinet Office 558w

    Telephones, Cabinet Office 774w

    Travel, Cabinet Office 774w

Leyhill Prison

    Prisoner escapes 495w


    General certificate of secondary education 826w

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