Index for Volume 429—continued

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MacShane, Mr Denis, Minister for Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

                  Written Statements

    Bosnia, Arms trade 31ws

    Iran, Nuclear weapons 31ws


    Albania, Human trafficking 695-6w

    Arms control, Treaties 638w

    Burma, EC external relations 697w

    Convention on the Future of Europe 9w

    EC common foreign and security policy, Intelligence services 13w

    EC countries, Frontiers 635w

    EC staff, Redundancy pay 27w

    EU General Affairs and External Relations Council 16-9w

    European Constitution Treaty, Gibraltar 19w

    European Parliament members, Dual mandate 1058w

    Israel, EC external relations 13-4w

    Kosovo, War crimes 703w

    Republic of Ireland, Immigration controls 8w

    Sri Lanka, Religious freedom 704w

    Thailand, Travel information 704-5w

    Theft, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 704w

    Travelling people, EC action 9-10w

    Turkey, EC enlargement 28w

    UK membership of EC, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 15w

    Ukraine, Elections 32w

    USA, EC external trade 637w

    Vatican, Diplomatic service 21w

    World Trade Organisation 38w

Mactaggart, Fiona, Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Home Office

                  Written Statements

    Futurebuilders Advisory Board 45ws


    Administration of justice, Finance 1086w

    Advertising, Home Office 290-1w

    Buildings, Home Office 291w

    Email, Home Office 295w

    Freedom of information, Home Office 298-9w

    Greater London, Home Office 964w

    Halliburton, Home Office 753w

    Home Office Accounting and Finance Unit 311-2w

    Information officers, Home Office 487w

    Information technology, Home Office 314w

    Lost property, Home Office 754-5w

    National Asylum Support Service 312w, 588w

    National Criminal Justice Board 312w

    Public expenditure, Home Office 542w

    Sick leave, Home Office 284w

    Training, Home Office 368w

    Travel, Home Office 292w



    Political activities 1053w

Magistrates' courts

Magistrates' Courts Service Inspectorate

Magnetic resonance imagers

Mahon, Mrs Alice

                  Chamber Debates

    Afghanistan, Detainees (11.01.2005) 185

    Road Safety Bill, 2R (11.01.2005) 241-3


    Business questions 443

    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 22w, 77w


Mailing Preference Service


    Northern Ireland 785w


Malins, Mr Humfrey

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Asylum, Bicester 271w

    Human rights, Zimbabwe 372w

Mallaber, Judy

                  Chamber Debates

    Child Benefit Bill, 2R (12.01.2005) 319, 322

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Cellular phones, Internet 317-8w

Mallon, Mr Seamus

                  Chamber Debates

    Northern Ireland (11.01.2005) 196-7


    Accountability, Northern Ireland Office 801


Mann, John

                  Chamber Debates

    Consumer Credit Bill, 2R (13.01.2005) 511


    Arab States, Politics and government 921w

    Church Commissioners, Freedom of information 665w

    Contracts, Cabinet Office 933w

    Contracts, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 842w

    Contracts, Dept for Education and Skills 1107-8w

    Contracts, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1020w

    Contracts, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 1066-7w

    Contracts, Treasury 1102w

    Digital broadcasting 842w

    Drugs, Police custody 1084w

    Drugs, Pupil exclusions 860w

    Greater London, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 600w

    Greater London, Dept of Trade and Industry 1011w

    Greater London, Home Office 964w

    Greater London, Treasury 706w

    House of Commons Commission, Freedom of information 590-1w

    House of Commons, Smoking 841w

    Legal profession, Regulation 157

    Members, Children 624w

    National Institute for Clinical Excellence, Standards 96w

    Parking, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 1054w

    Parking, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 844w

    Parking, Dept of Trade and Industry 1012w

    Parking, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1021w

    Parking, Treasury 986w

    Private members bills, Divisions 677w

    Roads, Inquiries 962w

    Speaker's Committee on the Electoral Commission, Freedom of information 600w

    Sports, Finance 545

Manufacturing Advisory Service

Manufacturing industries


    Local government 232w

Marine animals


    Financial services 296


Marris, Rob

                  Chamber Debates

    Taxation (19.01.2005) 836-7

                  Westminster Hall Debates


Marshall, Mr David

                  Chamber Debates

    Road Safety Bill, 2R (11.01.2005) 223


    Child Trust Fund, Scotland 390w

    Parliamentary questions, Costs 986-8w

Martlew, Mr Eric

                  Chamber Debates

    Floods (11.01.2005) 204-5


    Floods, Carlisle 808

Maternity services

Mates, Rt Hon Michael


    Northern Ireland government 798

Maude, Rt Hon Francis

                  Chamber Debates


    Electronic publishing, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 773w

May, Mrs Theresa

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Heathrow Airport 836w

    M4, Motorway service areas 584-5w

    Young people, Identity cards 367w

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