Index for Volume 429continued
A Ap B Bh Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Dr E En F Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J K L Li Ly M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Ot P Pl Ps Q R Ri Ru S Si So Sr T Ti Tu U V W Wo Y Z
Meacher, Rt Hon Michael
Export credit guarantees, Corruption 694w
Magistrates, Political activities 1053w
Reconstruction, Iraq 929w
Meadow, Roy
Meale, Mr Alan
Westminster Hall Debates
Climate Change Convention 427
Means tested benefits
Medical treatments
Mentally incapacitated 405w
Correspondence 96w, 111w, 165w, 188w, 285w, 477w, 484w, 539w, 593-4w, 601w, 622w, 632w, 666-8w, 803w, 890w, 904w, 945w, 966w, 1017-8w, 1038w, 1056w, 1066w, 1082w
Mental Capacity Bill 2003/04 then 2004/05
Written Statements
Mental health services
Mentally incapacitated
Mercer, Patrick
Chamber Debates
Criminal Law (Amendment) (Householder Protection) Bill, 1R (12.01.2005) 310
Iraq, Peace keeping operations 8
Radioactive materials, Contamination 166w
Meteorological Office
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
Northwick Park Hospital 105w
Metropolitan Police
Michael, Rt Hon Alun, Minister of State, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Chamber Debates
Agriculture (19.01.2005) 881-91
Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill, 2R (10.01.2005) 50-1, 65, 77-8, 116-23
Written Statements
Rights of way, Motor vehicles 43-4ws
Agricultural products, Prices 1044-6w
Agriculture, Tenancy agreements 180-1w
Billing, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 649-50w
Buildings, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 166w, 724w
Christmas cards, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 163w, 1041-3w
Conferences, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 722-4w
Credit cards, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 166w
Dairy farming, Profits 413-6
Departmental records, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 167w
Disabled, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 647-8w
Email, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 167w, 725w
Ethnic groups, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 169-70w
Farmers, Supermarkets 949w
Females, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 177w
Information officers, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 176w
Information technology, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 174w
Lighting, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 724w
Lost property, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 730-3w, 942-5w
Members, Correspondence 165w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 179w, 467w
Newspaper press, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 729-30w
Operating costs, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 725w
Pesticides, Health hazards 852-3w
Rights of way, Closures 1047w
Rural areas, Road signs and markings 163w
Sick leave, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 177-8w
Stray dogs, Local government services 949w
Theft, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 180w
Written questions, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 650w
Middle East
Diplomatic relations 918w
Dept for Education and Skills 197-8w
Dept for Work and Pensions 460-1w
Midland Metro
Migrant workers
Milburn, Rt Hon Alan, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
Abandoned vehicles, Morecambe Bay 81-2w
Civil servants, Pensions 611w
Electronic publishing, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 773w
Manpower, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 772w
Ministers private offices, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 88w
Telephones, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 93w
Travel, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 88w
Voluntary work, Incentives 774w
Miliband, Mr David, Minister for the Cabinet Office
Written Statements
Civil service, Personnel management 27-8ws
"List of Ministerial Responsibilities, 2005" 35ws
Billing, Cabinet Office 612w
Christmas cards, Cabinet Office 82-3w
Civil Contingencies Secretariat 83w
Civil servants, Pensions 83-4w
Civil servants, Vetting 284w
Conferences, Cabinet Office 84-5w
Contracts, Cabinet Office 933w
Credit cards, Cabinet Office 84-5w
Departmental records, Cabinet Office 904w
Energy, Cabinet Office 87w
Equipment, Cabinet Office 611-2w
European Constitution Treaty 903-4w
European Constitution Treaty, Cabinet Office 89w
Furniture, Cabinet Office 88w
Government departments, Information technology 1050-1w
Higher civil servants, Resignations 1049w
Human rights, Cabinet Office 90-1w
Information officers, Cabinet Office 613w
Information technology, Cabinet Office 409w, 612w
Lighting, Cabinet Office 89w
Lost property, Cabinet Office 773w, 933w
Members, Correspondence 904w
Ministerial policy advisors, Cabinet Office 558-9w
Ministers' private offices, Cabinet Office 87w
Official cars, Expenditure 89-90w
Official cars, Procurement 91w
Official engagements, Cabinet Office 558w
Official hospitality, Cabinet Office 88w
"Preparing for Emergencies" 263-4w
Private finance initiative, Cabinet Office 87w
Proof of identity, Cabinet Office 92-3w
Regulatory Accountability Panel 558w
Regulatory impact assessments 92w
Sick leave, Cabinet Office 93w
Television, Cabinet Office 94w, 613w
Theft, Cabinet Office 933w
Video conferencing, Cabinet Office 904w
Working hours, Cabinet Office 559w
Written questions, Cabinet Office 91-2w
Military aid
Military bases
Military Corrective Training Centre Colchester
Military decorations
Military intelligence
Miller, Mr Andrew
Chamber Debates
Indian Ocean tsunami (10.01.2005) 33
Westminster Hall Debates
Museums and galleries, Inland waterways (11.01.2005) 25-8wh, 31-2wh
Railways (11.01.2005) 4wh
Minimum wage
Ministerial policy advisors
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 179w, 467w
Dept for International Development 617w, 691w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 28w, 413w
Leader of the House of Commons 5w, 678w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 625w
Ministerial statements
Afghanistan (11.01.2005) 173-86
Indian Ocean tsunami (10.01.2005) 21-37
Northern Ireland (11.01.2005) 187-200
Official residences 1037w
Ministers of religion
Conditions of employment 418w
Ministers private offices
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 88w
Ministry of Defence
Efficiency scrutinies 1079w
Electronic equipment 839w
Freedom of information 72w
Information officers 78-9w
Information technology 75w
Ministerial policy advisors 840-1w
Missing persons
Mitchell, Mr Andrew
Westminster Hall Debates
Administration of justice, Finance 1086w
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service 816w
Home Office Accounting and Finance Unit 311-2w
National Asylum Support Service 312w, 588w
National Criminal Justice Board 312w
Mitchell, Mr Austin
City technology colleges, Finance 817w
Common fisheries policy, Africa 648-9w
NHS foundation trusts, Finance 1102w