Index for Volume 429—continued

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National Asylum Support Service

National Bee Unit

National Criminal Justice Board

National debt

National Institute for Clinical Excellence

National Institute for Medical Research

National insurance contributions

National Insurance Fund

National Lottery

    Northern Ireland 252w

National Offender Management Service

National Probation Service for England and Wales

Natural gas


Naturalisation and Integration Advisory Board

Nature conservation



Neighbourhood Renewal Fund

New businesses

New deal for lone parents

New deal for schools

New deal schemes

New Eurasia Foundation

New Scotland Yard

    see Metropolitan Police

Newcastle upon Tyne

    Education maintenance allowance 192-3w


    Occupational therapy 890w

Newspaper press

    Dept for Constitutional Affairs 910-2w

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 843-4w

    Dept for Education and Skills 826w

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 729-30w

    Dept for International Development 685-90w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 26w

    Northern Ireland Office 252-5w


    Digital broadcasting 522w

    Disciplinary proceedings 888w

    Employment agencies 106w

    Information technology 685-6

NHS foundation trusts

NHS Local Improvement Finance Trust

NHS treatment centres


    see National Institute for Clinical Excellence

Nimrod aircraft


Non-domestic rates

    Small businesses 130w

Non-Domestic Rating (Small Business Rate Relief) (England) Order 2004

                  Chamber Debates

    (19.01.2005) 925


Norman, Mr Archie


    Game, Birds 419

North East region

North Sea Camp Prison

    Prisoner escapes 495w

North Yorkshire

    General practitioners 1119w

North Yorkshire Police

Northern Ireland

    Disabled facilities grants 884-5w

    Economic planning 977w

    General certificate of secondary education 977-8w

    Higher education 894w

    Magnetic resonance imagers 251-2w

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 561-2w

    Ministerial statements (11.01.2005) 187-200

    National lottery 252w

    Post office card account 791w

    Primary education 654w

    Proscribed organisations 256w

    Public expenditure 786w

    Segregation of prisoners 982w

    Sexually transmitted diseases 559w

    Social rented housing 260w

    Social security benefits 792-3w

    Social services 891w

Northern Ireland (Sentences) Act 1998 (Specified Organisations) Order 2004

                  Chamber Debates

    (13.01.2005) 451

Northern Ireland Assembly

Northern Ireland Child Support Agency

Northern Ireland Executive Dept for Social Development

    Long service awards 1094w

Northern Ireland government

Northern Ireland Office

    Christmas cards 470w

    Departmental records 242w

    Electronic equipment 242w

    Freedom of information 244w

    Information officers 258w

    Information technology 1094w

    Official hospitality 471w

Northern Ireland Police Service

    see Police Service of Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Post-Primary Education Review Body

    see Post-Primary Education Review Body (Northern Ireland)

Northern Ireland Rural Development Council

    see Rural Development Council

Northern Ireland Social Security Agency

    see Social Security Agency

Northern Ireland Tourism Training Trust


    Health services (18.01.2005) 787-94

Northwick Park Hospital

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 105w

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