Index for Volume 429—continued

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Oakington Detention Centre

Oaten, Mr Mark

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Antisocial behaviour orders 270w

    Belmarsh Prison, Detainees 276-7w

    Crime, Dept for Education and Skills 449-50w

    Crime, Dept of Trade and Industry 1004-10w

    Driving, Licensing 671w

    Healthcare Industries Taskforce 103w

    Indian Ocean tsunami 703w

    Juries, Prison Service 315w

    National Offender Management Service 319w

    Offensive weapons, Hammersmith and Fulham 332w

    Passports, Applications 333w

    Passports, Biometrics 750w

    Passports, Fraud 483w

    Police, Demonstrations 901w

    Prisons, Alcoholic drinks 491w

    Prisons, Greater London 548w

    Prisons, Private sector 548w

    Prisons, Voluntary organisations 901-2w

    Procurement, Home Office 331-2w

    Public expenditure, Home Office 542w

    Sexual offences, Arrests 366w

    Young offender institutions, Standards 370-1w

O'Brien, Mr Mike, Minister of State for E-Commerce Energy and Competitiveness, Dept of Trade and Industry

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    British Energy, Executives 926w

    Electromagnetic fields, Health hazards 140w

    Electronic equipment, Waste disposal 629w

    Email, Dept of Trade and Industry 140w

    Gas and Electricity Markets Authority 145w

    Information technology, Dept of Trade and Industry 143w

    Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Government assistance 145w

    Nuclear safeguards, EC action 1091w

    Sellafield, Radioactive wastes 1091w

    Wind power, Lincolnshire 434-5w

O'Brien, Mr Stephen

                  Chamber Debates


    National Institute for Medical Research 930w

    Regulatory Accountability Panel 558w

    Regulatory impact assessments 92w

O'Brien, Mr William


    Commission for Local Administration in England 761w

    Local government finance 283

    Patient choice schemes 682-3

Occupational health

Occupational Pensions Advisory Service

Occupational therapy

Occupied territories


Offender assessment system


Offensive weapons

    Hammersmith and Fulham 332w

Office of Communications

Office of Rail Regulation

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

    Freedom of information 583w

    Information officers 234w

    Private finance initiative 219w

Office of the Rail Regulator

    Health and Safety Executive 155w

Office of the Secretary of State for Wales

    Domestic visits 5w

    Ministerial policy advisors 625w

    Working hours 6w

Office of Water Services

Official cars

    Procurement 91w

Official engagements

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 168w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 936-7w

Official hospitality

    Cabinet Office 88w

    Dept for Constitutional Affairs 118-9w

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 44w

    Dept for Education and Skills 820w

    Dept for International Development 683w

    Dept for Transport 597w

    Northern Ireland Office 471w

Official residences


Olner, Mr Bill


    Crime prevention 952

Olympic Games

O'Neill, Mr Martin

                  Chamber Debates

    Consumer Credit Bill, 2R (13.01.2005) 464, 510-1

Open prisons

Opening of parliament

Opik, Lembit

                  Chamber Debates

    Aerials, Petitions (12.01.2005) 371-2

    Northern Ireland (11.01.2005) 192-3

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Dental services (12.01.2005) 75wh


    Iraq, Civilians 22w

    Northern Ireland government 799

Opposition days

Osborne, Mr George

                  Chamber Debates


    Buildings, Cabinet Office 89w

    Buildings, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 565w

    Buildings, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 42w

    Buildings, Dept for Education and Skills 452w, 818w

    Buildings, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 166w, 724w

    Buildings, Dept for Transport 152w, 154w

    Buildings, Dept of Health 100-1w

    Buildings, Dept of Trade and Industry 138-9w

    Buildings, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 12w, 633w

    Buildings, Home Office 542w

    Buildings, Ministry of Defence 69-71w

    Buildings, Northern Ireland Office 241w

    Buildings, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 220w, 758w

    Civil servants, Vetting 284w

    Conferences, Cabinet Office 84w

    Conferences, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 563w

    Conferences, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 722-3w

    Conferences, Dept for International Development 613w

    Conferences, Dept for Transport 150w

    Conferences, Dept of Health 601w

    Conferences, Dept of Trade and Industry 133w

    Conferences, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 9w

    Conferences, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 216w

    Credit cards, Cabinet Office 84-5w

    Credit cards, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 116w

    Credit cards, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 40w

    Credit cards, Dept for Education and Skills 189w

    Credit cards, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 166w

    Credit cards, Dept for International Development 54w

    Credit cards, Dept for Transport 151w

    Credit cards, Dept for Work and Pensions 778w

    Credit cards, Dept of Health 511w

    Credit cards, Dept of Trade and Industry 134w

    Credit cards, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 633w

    Credit cards, Ministry of Defence 67w

    Credit cards, Northern Ireland Office 240w

    Credit cards, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 757w

    Credit cards, Scotland Office 934w

    Electronic equipment, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 563-4w, 1027-8w

    Electronic equipment, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 43w

    Electronic equipment, Dept for Education and Skills 817-8w, 967w

    Electronic equipment, Dept for International Development 615w

    Electronic equipment, Dept for Transport 595-6w

    Electronic equipment, Dept for Work and Pensions 556w

    Electronic equipment, Dept of Trade and Industry 134w

    Electronic equipment, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 634w, 917w

    Electronic equipment, Ministry of Defence 839w

    Electronic equipment, Northern Ireland Office 242w

    Electronic equipment, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 218w, 867w

    Electronic equipment, Treasury 438w

    Furniture, Cabinet Office 88w

    Furniture, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 564w

    Furniture, Dept for Education and Skills 818w

    Furniture, Dept for International Development 614w

    Furniture, Dept for Transport 151-2w

    Furniture, Dept of Trade and Industry 136w

    Furniture, Ministry of Defence 69w

    Furniture, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 219w

    Furniture, Treasury 706w

    Gifts and endowments, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 16w

    Gyms, Cabinet Office 90w

    Gyms, Dept for Transport 1038w

    Gyms, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 20w

    Gyms, Ministry of Defence 73w

    Gyms, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 585-6w

    Gyms, Scotland Office 935w

    Immigration controls, Closed circuit television 475w

    Information officers, Cabinet Office 613w

    Information officers, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 776w

    Information officers, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 48w

    Information officers, Dept for Education and Skills 1111w

    Information officers, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 176w

    Information officers, Dept for Transport 598-9w

    Information officers, Dept for Work and Pensions 782w

    Information officers, Dept of Health 518w

    Information officers, Home Office 487w

    Information officers, Ministry of Defence 78-9w

    Information officers, Northern Ireland Office 258w

    Information officers, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 234w

    Information officers, Scotland Office 1060w

    Information officers, Treasury 445w

    Information technology, Cabinet Office 409w, 612w

    Information technology, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 909w

    Information technology, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 44-5w

    Information technology, Dept for Education and Skills 454-5w, 968-70w

    Information technology, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 174w

    Information technology, Dept for International Development 685w

    Information technology, Dept for Work and Pensions 914-6w

    Information technology, Dept of Health 879-80w

    Information technology, Dept of Trade and Industry 136-7w, 143w

    Information technology, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 23w

    Information technology, Home Office 314w

    Information technology, Ministry of Defence 75w

    Information technology, Northern Ireland Office 1094w

    Information technology, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 401-2w, 998-1000w

    Information technology, Scotland Office 1060w

    Information technology, Treasury 569-70w

    Legal costs, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 564-5w

    Legal costs, Dept for Education and Skills 579-80w

    Legal costs, Dept for International Development 681-2w

    Legal costs, Dept of Health 1113w

    Legal costs, Dept of Trade and Industry 135w

    Legal costs, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 410-1w

    Legal costs, Ministry of Defence 376w

    Lighting, Cabinet Office 89w

    Lighting, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 630w

    Lighting, Dept for Education and Skills 818w

    Lighting, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 724w

    Lighting, Dept for International Development 614-5w

    Lighting, Dept for Work and Pensions 556w

    Lighting, Dept of Health 511w

    Lighting, Dept of Trade and Industry 137w, 152w

    Lost property, Cabinet Office 773w, 933w

    Lost property, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 776-7w

    Lost property, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 50w

    Lost property, Dept for Education and Skills 969-70w

    Lost property, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 730-3w, 942-5w

    Lost property, Dept for International Development 691-2w

    Lost property, Dept for Work and Pensions 1025-6w

    Lost property, Dept of Trade and Industry 146-8w

    Lost property, Home Office 754-5w

    Lost property, Ministry of Defence 76w

    Lost property, Northern Ireland Office 660w

    Lost property, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 866w, 873w

    Magistrates' Courts Service Inspectorate 115-6w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 120w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 50w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Education and Skills 457w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 179w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for International Development 691w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Transport 156w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Dept of Health 1124w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Dept of Trade and Industry 1092w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 413w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Home Office 495w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Northern Ireland Office 260w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 403w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Treasury 445w

    Newspaper press, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 910-2w

    Newspaper press, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 843-4w

    Newspaper press, Dept for Education and Skills 826w

    Newspaper press, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 729-30w

    Newspaper press, Dept for International Development 685-90w

    Newspaper press, Dept of Health 1032w

    Newspaper press, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 26w

    Newspaper press, Northern Ireland Office 252-5w

    Newspaper press, Treasury 444w

    Official cars, Expenditure 89-90w

    Official hospitality, Cabinet Office 88w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 118-9w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 44w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Education and Skills 820w

    Official hospitality, Dept for International Development 683w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Transport 597w

    Official hospitality, Northern Ireland Office 471w

    Operating costs, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 1053w

    Operating costs, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 42w

    Operating costs, Dept for Education and Skills 966w

    Operating costs, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 725w

    Operating costs, Dept for International Development 682w

    Operating costs, Dept for Work and Pensions 622w

    Operating costs, Dept of Health 1113-4w

    Operating costs, Dept of Trade and Industry 626w

    Operating costs, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1018-9w

    Operating costs, Northern Ireland Office 240-2w

    Plants, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 564w

    Plants, Dept for International Development 613-4w

    Plants, Dept of Health 99w

    Plants, Dept of Trade and Industry 138w

    Plants, Ministry of Defence 69w

    Plants, Northern Ireland Office 652w

    "Preparing for Emergencies" 263-4w

    Proof of identity, Cabinet Office 92-3w

    Public bodies, Dept of Health 106-8w

    Public bodies, Dept of Trade and Industry 422-33w

    Sick leave, Cabinet Office 93w

    Sick leave, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 177-8w

    Sick leave, Dept of Health 107-8w

    Sick leave, Dept of Trade and Industry 1013-6w

    Sick leave, Home Office 284w

    Sick leave, Ministry of Defence 957-8w

    Sick leave, Scotland Office 934-5w

    Television, Cabinet Office 94w, 613w

    Television, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 912w

    Television, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 48w

    Television, Dept for Education and Skills 1111w

    Television, Dept for Work and Pensions 556w

    Television, Dept of Health 530w

    Television, Dept of Trade and Industry 930w

    Television, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 640w

    Television, Northern Ireland Office 256w

    Theft, Cabinet Office 933w

    Theft, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 567w

    Theft, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 50w

    Theft, Dept for Education and Skills 861w

    Theft, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 180w

    Theft, Dept for International Development 56-8w

    Theft, Dept for Transport 156-7w

    Theft, Dept for Work and Pensions 782-4w

    Theft, Dept of Health 521w

    Theft, Dept of Trade and Industry 696w

    Theft, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 704w

    Theft, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 404w

    Theft, Scotland Office 1061w

    Travel, Cabinet Office 772w

    Travel, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 116-8w

    Travel, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 40-2w

    Travel, Dept for Education and Skills 856-7w

    Travel, Dept for Work and Pensions 778-80w

    Travel, Dept of Trade and Industry 135-6w

    Travel, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 411w, 697w

    Travel, Ministry of Defence 81w

    Travel, Northern Ireland Office 652w

    Travel, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 219-20w


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