Index for Volume 429—continued

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Planning delivery grant

Planning permission

    Building alterations 230w

    Fees and charges 766w


    Dept for Constitutional Affairs 564w

    Dept for International Development 613-4w

    Dept of Health 99w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 138w

    Ministry of Defence 69w

    Northern Ireland Office 652w

Plaskitt, Mr James

                  Chamber Debates

    Taxation (19.01.2005) 815


Playing fields



Police cautions

Police custody

Police Procedures and Soham Murders Inquiry

    see Procedures Relating to Soham Murders Inquiry

Police Service of Northern Ireland

Political activities

    Local government 763w

Political refugees

    see Asylum

Politics and government


Pollution control

Pond, Mr Chris, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Work and Pensions

                  Written Statements

    Social security benefits, Fraud 41-2ws


    Child Support Agency, Training 459w

    Children, Maintenance 458w

    Children, Poverty 778w

    EU Employment Social Policy Health and Consumer Affairs Council 462w

    Housing associations, Public appointments 1063w

    Middlesbrough, Dept for Work and Pensions 460-1w

    National insurance Fund 1102w

    Post office card account 782w

    Social security benefits, Fraud 110w, 777w


Porton Down

    Human experiments (10.01.2005) 136-42



    Economic situation 707w


Post office card account

    Northern Ireland 791w

Post Office Counters

Post offices

Post-Primary Education Review Body (Northern Ireland)

Postal services


Pound, Mr Stephen

                  Chamber Debates

    Human Tissue Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill, 1R (12.01.2005) 313


Pre-school education

Prentice, Mr Gordon

                  Chamber Debates

    Afghanistan, Detainees (11.01.2005) 182

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Colne-Skipton railway line (12.01.2005) 130-3wh


    Agriculture, Pendle 170w

    Air pollution 430

    Armed forces, Lancashire 63-4w

    Banks, Northern Ireland 971w

    Business questions 958

    House of Commons, Art works 400w

    Hunting Act 2004 169

    Minimum wage, Pendle 627w

"Preparing for Emergencies"

Prescoed Prison

Prescott, Rt Hon John, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Local Government and the Regions


    Housing, Low incomes 288-9

    Housing, South East region 281-2

Prescription drugs

    Counterfeit manufacturing 285-6w


    Blood glucose meters 513w

    Fees and charges 877w

    Incapacity benefit 879w

    Northern Ireland 258w


Price, Adam


    Genetically modified organisms, Safety 1046-7w

    Industrial diseases, Compensation 577w

    Iran, Military intelligence 1037w

    Ministers, Codes of practice 1037w

    Welfare tax credits, Overpayments 989-90w

Primarolo, Rt Hon Dawn, Paymaster General

                  Chamber Debates

    Child Benefit Bill, 2R (12.01.2005) 316-25

                  Written Statements

    Child benefit 1ws


    Child care vouchers, Hertfordshire 121w

    Child tax credit, Greater London 711w

    Corporation tax 981w

    Customs and Excise, Dogs 710-1w

    Customs and Excise, Inland Revenue 125-6w

    Customs and Excise, Manpower 122w

    Customs and Excise, Scotland 122w

    Members, Correspondence 593-4w

    Mortgage relief 709w

    National insurance contributions 986-7w

    National insurance contributions, Shipping 127w

    National insurance Fund 833w

    Non-domestic rates, Small businesses 130w

    Welfare tax credits 835w

    Welfare tax credits, Burnley 989w

    Welfare tax credits, Compensation 834-5w

    Welfare tax credits, Dagenham 130w

    Welfare tax credits, Greater London 991w

    Written questions, Administrative delays 833w

Primary care trusts

Primary education

    Northern Ireland 654w

Prime Minister

    Ministerial policy advisors 95w, 756w

    Official engagements 756w

    Working hours 95w

Prince Edward

Prison Service

    Disciplinary proceedings 751w

Prisoner escapes

    North Sea Camp Prison 495w


    Self-mutilation 340w

Prisoners of war

    Compensation 63w

Prisoners on remand


    Voluntary organisations 901-2w

    Yorkshire and Humberside 549w

Private finance initiative

    Cabinet Office 87w

    Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 219w

Private members bills

Private sector

    Dental services 98w


Probation officers

Probation orders

Procedures Relating to Soham Murders Inquiry

Proceeds of crime

Processed food


    Information technology 551

    Official cars 91w

Proof of identity

Property development

Proscribed organisations

    Counterfeit manufacturing 256w

    Northern Ireland 256w


    Building regulations 476w

Prosser, Mr Gwyn

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Asylum (11.01.2005) 36wh

Prostate cancer


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