Index for Volume 429continued
A Ap B Bh Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Dr E En F Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J K L Li Ly M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Ot P Pl Ps Q R Ri Ru S Si So Sr T Ti Tu U V W Wo Y Z
Race relations
Racial discrimination
Radiation exposure
Radio frequencies
Radioactive materials
Radioactive wastes
Radon gas
RAF Aldergrove
RAF St Mawgan
Rail Regulator
see Office of the Rail Regulator
Railway stations
Rural areas (11.01.2005) 1-24wh
Rammell, Mr Bill, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Westminster Hall Debates
Lockerbie, Bombings (19.01.2005) 267-72wh
United Nations (19.01.2005) 291-5wh
Afghanistan, Detainees 916w
Afghanistan, Hostages 412w
Al-Jazeera Satellite Television 919w
Arab States, Politics and government 921w
Bahrain, Human rights 632w
Buildings, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 12w, 633w
Colombia, Human rights 8w
Conferences, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 9w
Consultants, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 697w
Contracts, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1020w
Council of Europe, Treaties 634w
Credit cards, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 633w
Electronic equipment, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 634w, 917w
Email, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 634w
Gyms, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 20w
Information technology, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 23w
Iraq, Peace keeping operations 22w
Jamaica, Common sugar regime 635-6w
Middle East, Diplomatic relations 918w
Middle East, Peace negotiations 919-20w
Occupied territories, Human rights 26-7w
Operating costs, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1018-9w
Parking, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1021w
Portugal, Embassies 1059w
State visits, Official hospitality 833-4w
Telephones, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 28w
Television, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 640w
Travel, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1018w
Venezuela, Freedom of expression 37w
Randall, Mr John
Chamber Debates
Road Safety Bill, 2R (11.01.2005) 251-2
Taxation (19.01.2005) 864
Rapson, Syd
Westminster Hall Debates
Climate change (18.01.2005) 198wh
Arms trade, Trade promotion 19
Rates and rating
Raynsford, Rt Hon Nick, Minister for Local Government, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Alcoholic drinks, Crime 865w
Audit Commission, Correspondence 866w
Commission for Local Administration in England 761w
Council tax, Appeals 866w
Council tax, Cambridge 217w
Council tax, Tax collection 763-4w
Derbyshire Fire Authority, Finance 220-1w
District Audit, Costs 759w
Fire prevention, Advisory services 538-9w
Fire services, Working hours 867w
Greater London Authority, Elections 868w
Local government, Compensation 215-6w
Local government, Elections 763w
Local government, Inspections 765w
Local government, Lancashire 538w
Local government, Political activities 763w
Local government, Reform 868w
Local government, Standards 757-8w
Local government finance, Hampshire 999-1000w
Local government finance, Havering 865w
Local government services, Rural areas 233-4w
Members, Correspondence 539w
Regional government, North East region 234w, 767-8w
Social services, Elderly 235-6w
Reading Station
Tyrone County Hospital 262w
Redundancy pay
Redwood, Rt Hon John
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Detainees (11.01.2005) 182-3
Reed, Mr Andy
Sports, Governing bodies 540-1
Regional assistance
Regional development agencies
Regional government
Regional housing boards
Regional observatories
Regional offender managers
Regional spatial strategies
Regional venture capital funds
Regulatory Accountability Panel
Regulatory impact assessments
Reid, Mr Alan
Identity cards, Scotland 145
National insurance contributions, Shipping 127w
Reid, Rt Hon Dr John, Secretary of State for Health
Written Statements
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital 676-7
Hospitals, Waiting lists 688
NHS foundation trusts 680-2
Patient choice schemes 682-4
Religious buildings
Repairs and maintenance 665w
Religious freedom
Religious practice
Rendel, Mr David
Westminster Hall Debates
Agriculture, Subsidies 651w
Water sports, Facilities 47w
Renewable energy
Renewable Heat Bill 2004/05
Chamber Debates
Renewables obligation
Crown Estate Commissioners 151-2
Republic of Ireland
Research and development tax credit
Research councils
Reserve forces
Police Service of Northern Ireland 788-9w
Residential care homes
Higher civil servants 1049w
Retail trade
Video games (17.01.2005) 663-70