Index for Volume 429continued
A Ap B Bh Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Dr E En F Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J K L Li Ly M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Ot P Pl Ps Q R Ri Ru S Si So Sr T Ti Tu U V W Wo Y Z
Tami, Mark
Chamber Debates
Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill, 2R (10.01.2005) 45-6
Conditions of employment, Ministers of religion 418w
Tapsell, Sir Peter
Task forces
Dept for Education and Skills 457-8w
Dept for International Development 60w
Dept for Work and Pensions 623-4w
Dept of Trade and Industry 134w
Northern Ireland Office 658-9w
Tax collection
Tax yields
Opposition days (19.01.2005) 814-70
Taylor, Rt Hon Ann
Chamber Debates
Succession to the Crown (No 2) Bill, 1R (12.01.2005) 314
Taylor, Ms Dari
Sexual offences, Sentencing 1035w
Taylor, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Agriculture (19.01.2005) 882-3
Community transport, Derbyshire (11.01.2005) 274, 278
Consumer Credit Bill, 2R (13.01.2005) 461-2, 503-4
Regional assistance (12.01.2005) 398
Westminster Hall Debates
Railways (11.01.2005) 3-4wh
British constitution 154-5
Broadcasting programmes, Blasphemy 719w
Bus services, Rural areas 571-3w
Dairy farming, Profits 415-6
Northern Ireland government 795-7
Public service broadcasting 538-9
Taylor, Mr Ian
Chamber Debates
Indian Ocean tsunami (10.01.2005) 31
Public service broadcasting 718w
Taylor, Mr John
Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull NHS Trust (Teaching), Death 1030w
West Midlands Fire Service, Pensions 1071-2w
Taylor, Matthew
Chamber Debates
Regional assistance (12.01.2005) 375-6
Disclosure of information, Dept of Trade and Industry 141w
Freedom of information, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 407-8w
Freedom of information, Dept for Education and Skills 193-4w
Freedom of information, Dept of Health 102w
Freedom of information, Dept of Trade and Industry 140-1w
Freedom of information, Home Office 298-9w
Freedom of information, Ministry of Defence 72w
Freedom of information, Northern Ireland Office 244w
Freedom of information, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 583w
Taylor, Dr Richard
Westminster Hall Debates
Magnetic resonance imagers 609w
Taylor, Sir Teddy
Agriculture, Subsidies 722w
Teachers TV Board of Governors
Teather, Sarah
Chamber Debates
Afghanistan, Detainees (11.01.2005) 179
Teenage pregnancy
Telecommunications masts
Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill 2004/05
Chamber Debates
Telephone services
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 93w
Dept for Constitutional Affairs 1054w
Dept for International Development 863w
Dept for Work and Pensions 784w
Dept of Trade and Industry 139w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 28w
Northern Ireland Office 261w
Dept for Constitutional Affairs 912w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 48w
Dept for Education and Skills 1111w
Dept for Work and Pensions 556w
Dept of Trade and Industry 930w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 640w
Northern Ireland Office 256w
Ten minutes rule
Rulings and statements (20.01.2005) 1019
Tenancy agreements
Territorial Army
Thames flood barrier
Thames Gateway
Dept for Constitutional Affairs 567w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 50w
Dept for Education and Skills 861w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 180w
Dept for International Development 56-8w
Dept for Work and Pensions 782-4w
Dept of Trade and Industry 696w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 704w
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 404w
Thomas, Mr Gareth, (Harrow West), Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for International Development
Bangladesh, Overseas aid 52w
Christmas cards, Dept for International Development 54w
Conferences, Dept for International Development 613w
Correspondence, Dept for International Development 54w
Credit cards, Dept for International Development 54w
Departmental records, Dept for International Development 55w
Electronic equipment, Dept for International Development 615w
Email, Dept for International Development 533w
Furniture, Dept for International Development 614w
HIV infection, Children 55w
Information technology, Dept for International Development 685w
Lighting, Dept for International Development 614-5w
Lost property, Dept for International Development 691-2w
Newspaper press, Dept for International Development 685-90w
Official hospitality, Dept for International Development 683w
Plants, Dept for International Development 613-4w
Theft, Dept for International Development 56-8w
Thomas, Simon
Chamber Debates
Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill, 2R (10.01.2005) 43, 54
Jobcentre Plus, Aberystwyth 110-1w
Thurso, John
Chamber Debates
Road Safety Bill, 2R (11.01.2005) 236-40
Driving offences, Cellular phones 900-1w
Driving under influence 545-6w
Motorways, Road traffic 386w
Telephones, Scotland Office 679w