Index for Volume 432—continued

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Assaults on police


    Dept for Constitutional Affairs 893-4w

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 933-4w, 1151w

    Dept for International Development 1207w

    Duchy of Lancaster 871w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 216w

    Leader of the House of Commons 1w

    Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 960w, 1148w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 174w

    Scotland Office 923w

Assets Recovery Agency

    Northern Ireland 806w

Association of South East Asian Nations


    Northern Ireland 917w



    Indian Ocean tsunami 583w

Asylum and Immigration Tribunal


Atherton, Ms Candy


    Cetaceans, Conservation 640w

    Fishing catches 540w

    Fishing catches, White fish 1657w

    Home zones, Cornwall 815w

    Neighbourhood Renewal Fund, Cornwall 580w

    Porpoises, Conservation 640w

    Porpoises, South West region 1354w


Atkins, Charlotte, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Transport


    Accounting officers, Dept for Transport 345w

    Aircraft, Air pollution 1w, 810w

    Airlines, Compensation 1181w

    Airports, Security 463w

    Aviation, Ministerial policy advisors 1311w

    Bus services, Leicester 942w

    Bus services, Morecambe 629w

    Bus services, West Yorkshire 810w

    Bypasses, Buckinghamshire 351w

    Civil Aviation Authority, Freedom of information 1183-4w

    Cycleways, York 463w

    Disclosure of information, Dept for Transport 251-2w

    East Midlands Airport, Night flying 1183w

    Home zones, Cornwall 815w

    Private roads, Housing estates 815w

    Public expenditure, Dept for Transport 1183w

    Rapid transit systems, Safety 251w

    Regional government, Dept for Transport 3w, 155-6w

    Standards, Dept for Transport 156-7w

    Traffic wardens, Manpower 816w

    Transport, Compulsory purchase 465w

    Transport, South West region 1186w

    Transport, West Midlands 1312w

    Transport Security Directorate 532w

    Trespass, Dept for Transport 812w

Atkinson, Mr David

                  Chamber Debates

    Recess motions (24.03.2005) 1055-7


    Asylum, Applications 1119w

    Entry clearances, Overseas students 198-9w

Atkinson, Mr Peter

                  Chamber Debates

    Education Bill (HL), 2R (14.03.2005) 39-40


    General practitioners, Northumberland 712

Atomic Weapons Establishment

Attendance allowance

Attorney General

Audible Motor Vehicle Alarms Bill 2004/05

                  Chamber Debates

    2R order read (18.03.2005) 572

Austin, Mr John


    National Offender Management Service, Procurement 1825w

    National Probation Service for England and Wales, Contracts 1502w

    Social security benefits, Payments 1684w



    Special educational needs 1333w

Automated credit transfer

Automatic number plate recognition

Avian influenza


    Ministerial policy advisors 1311w

    Northern Ireland Office 1530w

Avient Air

Avon and Somerset Constabulary

AWE Aldermaston

Aziz, Tariq

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