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    Codes of practice 569w

Cabinet Office

    Accounting officers 233w

    Departmental expenditure limits 1366w

    Disclosure of information 234w

    Official residences 234w

    Postal services 499w

Cable, Mr Vincent

                  Chamber Debates

    Commission for Africa (14.03.2005) 38

    Electronic government, Local authorities (18.03.2005) 573-6

    Finance (No 2) Bill, All stages (06.04.2005) 1447-51


    Aerials, Planning permission 244-5

    Companies, Registration 416-7w

    Drugs, Rehabilitation 744w

    European fighter aircraft 10-1

    Halliburton, Dept of Trade and Industry 982w

    Halliburton, Ministry of Defence 1113w

    Income tax, Tax yields 705w

    Prisons, Education 660w

    South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust 251-2

    Stamp duty land tax 707w

    Students, Fees and charges 1017w

Caborn, Rt Hon Richard, Minister of State for Sport, Dept for Culture Media and Sport

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Digital broadcasting (15.03.2005) 52-5wh

    MV Medway Queen (15.03.2005) 66-8wh

                  Written Statements


    Accidents, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 367-8w

    Accounting officers, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 368w

    Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 551w

    Buildings, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 368w

    Cultural heritage, Southend on Sea 557-8w

    Culture, EC grants and loans 553-6w

    Culture, Finance 555w

    Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1569w

    English Sports Council, Consultants 558w

    English Sports Council, Grants 1466w

    English Sports Council, Voluntary organisations 1162w

    Football, Sports competitors 550w

    Historic buildings, Antarctic 551-2w

    Horserace Totalisator Board 551w

    Hospices, Lotteries 371w

    Licensing laws, Catering 1161w

    Licensing laws, Hotels 716w

    Licensing laws, Night clubs 373w

    Licensing laws, Sports 372w

    Listed buildings, Droitwich 1569w

    Location, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 970w

    National Lottery 550w

    Playing fields, Leicester 1162w

    Public expenditure, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 970-2w

    Public libraries, Internet 557w

    Sports, Children 557w

    Sports, EC action 845w

    Sports, EC grants and loans 555w

    Sports, Facilities 846w

    Sports, Finance 558w

    Sports, Governing bodies 972w

    Tamworth, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 368-71w

    World heritage sites, Cairngorms 552w

    Yorkshire Tourist Board, Finance 1328w


    World heritage sites 552w

Cairns, David


    Afghanistan, Drugs 9-10

    Barlinnie Prison, Prisoners transfers 134


    Radiation exposure 641w

Callaghan of Cardiff, Rt Hon Lord




    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1650-1w


    General practitioners 435w


Campbell, Mr Alan

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Trust ports (15.03.2005) 7-10wh


    Closed circuit television, North Tyneside 1386-7w

    Education, North Tyneside 12w

Campbell, Mrs Anne

                  Chamber Debates

    Budget March 2005 (22.03.2005) 758

    Commission for Africa (14.03.2005) 33-4

    Procurement of Innovative Technologies and Research Bill, 1R (22.03.2005) 753


    Further education, Cambridge 853-5w

    Further education, Fees and charges 998w

    Motorcycles 2w

    Non-domestic rates, Small businesses 280-1w

    Research, Ministry of Defence 7-8, 1759w

    USA, Foreign relations 21w

    Vocational training 994

Campbell, Mr Gregory

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Water charges, Northern Ireland (16.03.2005) 83wh


    Childbirth, Londonderry 1672w

    Culture, Northern Ireland 229w

    Homicide, Northern Ireland 441w

    Northern Ireland, Ministry of Defence 1737-8w

    Northern Ireland government 872-3

    Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Finance 1676w

    Northern Ireland Office 1678w

    Police Service of Northern Ireland, Recruitment 588-9w, 1295w

    Prisons, Health services 1420w

    Small businesses, Northern Ireland 1532-4w

    Terrorism, Northern Ireland 805w

Campbell, Rt Hon Sir Menzies

                  Chamber Debates

    Callaghan of Cardiff, Rt Hon Lord, Death (04.04.2005) 1124


    China, Arms trade 875

    Middle East, Diplomatic service 90-1w

    Middle East, Overseas aid 90w

    Nepal, Human rights 1233w

    Sudan, Armed conflict 1246

Campbell, Mr Ronnie

                  Chamber Debates

    Mental Capacity Bill, Lords amendts (05.04.2005) 1375


    Adult education, Blyth Valley 686w

    New deal schemes, Blyth Valley 232w


    Ministry of Defence 1020w



    Northern Ireland 917w

Capital allowances

Capital punishment

Caplin, Mr Ivor, Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Ministry of Defence

                  Westminster Hall Debates

                  Written Statements

    Armed forces, Compensation 84ws

    Armed Forces Personnel Administration Agency, Standards 50ws

    Defence Medical Education and Training Agency, Standards 116ws

    Firing ranges, Otterburn 146ws

    Ministry of Defence Medal Office 83-4ws

    Reserve forces, Pay 70ws

    Veterans Agency, Standards 11ws


    Accountancy, Ministry of Defence 1735w

    Advertising, Ministry of Defence 1716-20w

    Air Cadet Organisation 1103w

    Air force, Military bases 1508w

    Air force, Recruitment 786w

    Armed forces, Custodial treatment 773-4w

    Armed forces, Disabled 1510w

    Armed forces, Drunkenness 1103w

    Armed forces, Electoral register 1765w

    Armed forces, Hearing impaired 1741-2w

    Armed forces, Northern Ireland 25w

    Armed forces, Oaths and affirmations 262w

    Armed forces, Post traumatic stress disorder 1755-6w

    Armed forces, Recruitment 1758w

    Armed forces, Scotland 186w

    Armed Forces Act 2001 1019w

    Army, Manpower 22w

    Army, Ministers of religion 1758-9w

    Army, Northern Ireland 1112w

    Army, Recruitment 783w

    Bolangi, Pierre 31w

    Buildings, Ministry of Defence 1735w

    Cancer, Ministry of Defence 1020w

    Catering, Ministry of Defence 1735-6w

    Chinook helicopters 1742w

    Christmas cards, Ministry of Defence 775-6w

    Contracts, Ministry of Defence 1756w

    Departmental records, Ministry of Defence 781w

    Depleted uranium 781w

    EC law, Ministry of Defence 1738w

    Exservicemen, Cancer 1105w

    Fort George, Museums and galleries 30w

    Freedom of information, Ministry of Defence 1739w

    Gibraltar Services Police 1109w

    Grants, Ministry of Defence 784-6w

    Greater London, Ministry of Defence 1510w

    Heliports, Strensham 266w

    Indian Ocean tsunami, Indonesia 22w

    Information technology, Ministry of Defence 777w, 1748w

    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 261w

    Iraq conflict, Depleted uranium 1747w

    Iraq-Kuwait conflict 1211w

    Magazine press, Ministry of Defence 26w

    Military aircraft, Strensham 30-1w

    Military bases, Private finance initiative 786w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Ministry of Defence 186w

    Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency, Conditions of employment 1740w

    Misconduct, Ministry of Defence 25w

    Newspaper press, Ministry of Defence 1753w

    Nuclear weapons, Testing 1213w

    Official Secrets Act 1989, Ministry of Defence 24-5w

    Publications, Ministry of Defence 1021-2w

    Queen's flight, Ministers 785-6w

    Queen's flight, Ministry of Defence 265w

    RAF Aston Down, Sales 185w

    Regional government, Ministry of Defence 787w, 1758w

    Resource accounting and budgeting, Ministry of Defence 1759w

    Royal Irish Regiment, Pensions 32w

    Sikhs, Ministry of Defence 787w

    Stationery, Ministry of Defence 1512w

    Surveys, Ministry of Defence 1211w

    Task forces, Ministry of Defence 1763w

    Tolls, Ministry of Defence 1736w

    Training, Ministry of Defence 1763-4w

    Travel, Ministry of Defence 1736w

    Vaccination, Compensation 1117w

    War pensions, Hearing impaired 1511w

    Warton airfield, Wind power 788w

    Whittington Barracks 1104w

    Wood, Ministry of Defence 1762w

    Working hours, Ministry of Defence 788-9w

    Written questions, Ministry of Defence 31w

Car sharing

Caravan sites

    Planning permission 1605w


Carbon monoxide

Care homes

    Attendance allowance 1683w

    North Yorkshire 741w

    Primary health care 901w

Care of Cathedrals (Amendment) Measure 2005

                  Chamber Debates

    Motion to present to Her Majesty for Royal Assent (22.03.2005) 853

    Royal Assent (24.03.2005) 1036

Care proceedings


Carers' allowances

Carlyle-Clarke, Giles

Carmichael, Mr Alistair

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Crown lands and estates, Orkney 1564w

    Ethnic groups, Burma 1167w

    Northern Ireland government 806w

    Pensions, Automated credit transfer 1258-9w

    Supermarkets, Competition 1417-8

    USA, Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 1493-4w

Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2004


Casale, Roger


    Heart diseases, Wimbledon 1244w

Cash, Mr William

                  Chamber Debates

    Bus services, Petitions (06.04.2005) 1544

    European Council, Brussels Summit (EC) (24.03.2005) 1026

    Railways Bill, Lords amendts (06.04.2005) 1527, 1530-2

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Iraq conflict, Legal opinion 1012

    Roads, Expenditure 947w

Cash dispensing




Caton, Mr Martin

                  Chamber Debates




Cayman Islands

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