Index for Volume 432—continued

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Gale, Mr Roger

                  Chamber Debates

    Absent voting (05.04.2005) 1285


    Healthcare Commission 1057w

    Northern Cyprus, Overseas residence 1316-7w

    Paternity leave 676w

Galileo project

Gambling Bill 2003/04 then 2004/05

                  Chamber Debates

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Royal Assent (07.04.2005) 1641

                  Written Statements


Gapes, Mike

                  Chamber Debates

    Absent voting (05.04.2005) 1290

    Business questions (05.04.2005) 1271

    Crossrail Bill, Carry over motion (07.04.2005) 1606, 1618

    European Council, Brussels Summit (EC) (24.03.2005) 1021


    Higher education, Discrimination 1581-2w

Gardiner, Mr Barry, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Northern Ireland Office

                  Written Statements

    Northern Ireland education and library boards, Expenditure 125-6ws


    Belgium, Northern Ireland 917w

    Business, Northern Ireland 1672w

    Construction, Northern Ireland 1674w

    Disabled, Employment 664w

    Education, English language 1293w

    Foreign investment in UK, Newtownards 507-8w

    Further education, Northern Ireland 664-5w

    Graduates, Northern Ireland 1305-6w

    Grammar schools, Northern Ireland 1415w

    Higher education, Northern Ireland 668w

    Industrial estates, Northern Ireland 918-9w

    Invest Northern Ireland, Buildings 919w

    Irish Fertilizer Industries, Pensions 1679w

    Irish language, Schools 1293w

    Legionnaire's disease , County Down 1416w

    New businesses, Strangford 505-6w

    Northern Ireland education and library boards, Finance 1290-2w

    Northern Ireland Executive Dept of Education, Equality 1291w

    Out of town shopping centres, Antrim 918w

    Primary education, Ballycastle 1293-4w

    Primary education, Northern Ireland 666w

    Regeneration, Newry 1677w

    Religion, Curriculum 806w

    Renewable energy, Northern Ireland 920w

    School meals, Northern Ireland 1537w

    Sight impaired, Northern Ireland 1285-6w

    Single sex education, Northern Ireland 805w

    Small businesses, Northern Ireland 1532-4w

    Supply teachers, Northern Ireland 1304-5w

    Teachers, Unemployment 1421w

    Textiles, Northern Ireland 1682w

    Transfer procedure tests, Northern Ireland 1300w

    Ulster University, Swimming pools 1676-7w

    Unemployment, Northern Ireland 805w

Garnier, Mr Edward

                  Chamber Debates

    Constitutional Reform Bill (HL), Commons amendts (16.03.2005) 362, 371

    Railways, Points of order (22.03.2005) 753


    British United Shoe Machinery, Pensions 1378-9w

    Civil Aviation Authority, Freedom of information 1183-4w

    East Midlands Airport, Night flying 1183w

    Education, Finance 997

    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 5

    NHS, Fees and charges 713-4

    Pensions, British United Shoe Machinery 1379w

Gas supply

    see Natural gas


    see Attorney General

Gatwick Express railway line

General Belgrano

General certificate of secondary education

General Election 2005

    Voting behaviour 1416

General elections

    Government departments 144ws

General Lighthouse Authorities

General Lighthouse Fund

General practitioners

    Business premises 130w

Genetically modified organisms


Genito-urinary medicine


George, Andrew

                  Chamber Debates

    Budget March 2005 (22.03.2005) 818


    Adult education 849w

    Agriculture, Subsidies 543w

    Convention for the Protection of National Minorities 1785w

    Further education, Cornwall 848-9w

    Housing Corporation, Finance 1193-5w

    Livestock, Disease control 393

    Livestock, Waste disposal 492w

    State Veterinary Service 497w

    Supermarkets, Codes of practice 417-8w

    Supermarkets, Farmers 1635w

George, Rt Hon Bruce


    Zimbabwe, Elections 1263


Gerrard, Mr Neil

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Overseas aid, HIV infection (05.04.2005) 399wh, 401wh


    National Offender Management Service 329w, 1814w

    Prison Service, Pay 55-6w

    Prisons, Cost effectiveness 1823w

    Stress, Sick leave 329w

Gibb, Mr Nick

                  Chamber Debates

    Education Bill (HL), 2R (14.03.2005) 41, 43, 54, 65-9

    Education Bill (HL), 3R (07.04.2005) 1600

    Middleton-on-Sea, Petitions (14.03.2005) 103


    Climate change 396

    Jobcentre Plus, Bognor Regis 1031w

    Jobcentre Plus, Hastings 1033w

    Mathematics, Curriculum 991-2

    Neurology, Hospital beds 733w

    Primary care trusts 523w


    Economic situation 340w

    Military bases 88w

    Ministry of Defence 478w

    Public expenditure 457w

Gibraltar Services Police

    Conditions of employment 1740w

Gibson, Dr Ian

                  Chamber Debates

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Woodcraft Folk (05.04.2005) 389wh


    Chemicals, EC action 491w

    Conditions of employment, Dept for Education and Skills 300w

    Conditions of employment, Home Office 1267-8w

    Cuba, Human rights 484w

    Hospitals, Infectious diseases 1440w

    Kidney patients, Health services 135w

    National Institute for Clinical Excellence 902w

    NHS, Conditions of employment 764w

Gidley, Sandra

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Alzheimer's disease, Medical treatments 1540w

    Care homes, Standards 1697w

    Females, Conditions of employment 1576

    India, Capital punishment 593w

    Pensioners, Council tax 1253w

    Social workers, Registration 624w

    Speech therapy, Hampshire 1558w

Gifted children

Gill, Parmjit Singh


    Abandoned vehicles 923w

    Abandoned vehicles, Leicester 534-5w

    Aerials, Leicester 153w

    Aerials, Planning permission 1148w

    Afghanistan, Civilians 773w

    Afghanistan, Drugs 589w

    Air pollution, Leicester 1149w

    Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 128w

    Antisocial behaviour orders 1384-6w

    Antisocial behaviour orders, Leicester 1385w

    Armed forces, Custodial treatment 773-4w

    Armed forces, Disabled 1510w

    Armed forces, Drunkenness 1103w

    Asthma, East Midlands 896w

    Bus services, Crimes of violence 942-4w

    Bus services, Leicester 942w

    Cancer, Health services 1429w

    Care homes, Leicester 1073w

    Community support officers, Leicester 1784w

    Consumers, Credit 414w

    Ethiopia, Foreign relations 1767w

    Ethiopia, Human rights 1767w

    Fire services, Crimes of violence 487w

    General practitioners 619w

    Grenada, Hurricane Ivan 527-9w

    Health services, Leicester 1054w

    Home care services, Leicester 545-6w

    Home energy efficiency scheme, Leicester 1086-7w

    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 478w

    Legal aid, Leicester 1227w

    Leicester Railway Station, Passengers 531w

    Mental health, Drugs 1553w

    Mental health services, Leicester 1058-62w

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 273w

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, Leicester 1099w

    Middle East, Politics and government 1323w

    Offenders, Basic skills 1827w

    Personal income, East Midlands 598w

    Pharmacy, Leicester 1070w

    Playing fields, Leicester 1162w

    Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 873

    Psychiatry, Leicester 1453w

    Pupil exclusions, Leicester 1006w

    Railways, Accidents 632w

    Sikhs, Dept for Education and Skills 850w

    Sikhs, Race relations 1132w

    Social security benefits, Leicester 1260w

    Somalia, Politics and government 1092w

    Trespass, Dept for Transport 812w

    Winter fuel payments 605w

Gillan, Mrs Cheryl

                  Chamber Debates

    Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill, 2R adjourned (18.03.2005) 568-9

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs 1776-8w

    Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, Public appointments 1777w

    Economic situation, Buckinghamshire 880-1

    Members, Correspondence 186w

    National Probation Service for England and Wales 330w, 661w

    Prison accommodation 328w

    Prisoner escapes, Kirkham Prison 657w

    Prisons, Visits 55w

    Travel, Dept for International Development 870w

    Weare Prison, Repairs and maintenance 657w

Gilroy, Linda

                  Chamber Debates

    Budget March 2005 (22.03.2005) 766, 783-6

    Training (22.03.2005) 740


    Education, Plymouth 17w

    Exservicemen 6

    Museums and galleries, Finance 550w

    New deal schemes, Plymouth 598-9w

    Pension credit, Devon 296w

    Pre-school education 858w

    Transport, South West region 1186w

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